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Swiss funds to help Slovenia cope with flooding

Floods in Slovenia
Flooding has devasted Slovenia, causing an estimated €5 billion in damage. Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved

Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis has signed an agreement on the Swiss contribution from the second cohesion fund with Slovenia in Ljubljana.

He also assured the country of CHF200,000 ($226,000) to help victims of severe floods. Know-how is also to be exchanged in dealing with the disaster.

Cassis responded to a request from Slovenia’s Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) said Monday.

At the beginning of the month, torrential rains triggered a flood disaster of historic proportions in Slovenia. The government now estimates the damage at €5 billion. On Monday, heavy storms and heavy rains again hit the Adriatic coast and the west of the country.

The agreement relating to Switzerland’s second contribution to selected European Union member states was signed by the Federal Council and Aleksander Jevšek, Slovenia’s Minister for Cohesion and Regional Development. Switzerland will also support projects to increase energy efficiency and promote renewable energies with CHF16 million until 2029.

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