Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

What is your country doing to protect you from the impacts of climate change?

Hosted by: Luigi Jorio

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Switzerland violated its elderly citizens’ human rights by not doing enough to curb climate change. What is the government in the country where you live doing to protect you from the negative impacts of global warming? Do you feel that your right to a good environment is respected?

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Switzerland has been increasingly proactive in addressing climate change and its impacts, although the recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights highlights ongoing challenges. The Swiss government has implemented several measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing sustainability, and protecting its citizens from the adverse effects of global warming.

Switzerland's approach to combating climate change is multi-faceted. The country has committed to international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global temperature rise. Domestically, Switzerland has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. These targets are supported by various policy measures, including promoting renewable energy sources, enhancing energy efficiency, and implementing a carbon tax to incentivize lower emissions. Additionally, Switzerland invests in public transportation and supports the development of electric vehicle infrastructure to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

To enhance resilience against climate change impacts, Switzerland has also focused on adaptation strategies. The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) has developed the Swiss Adaptation Strategy, which outlines measures to protect natural habitats, manage water resources, and safeguard infrastructure against extreme weather events. This strategy emphasizes the importance of integrating climate adaptation into all sectors, including agriculture, forestry, and urban planning. For instance, measures to manage water resources are critical as the country experiences more frequent and severe droughts and floods due to changing precipitation patterns.

Public awareness and involvement are crucial elements of Switzerland's climate policy. The government actively promotes climate education and encourages public participation in environmental initiatives. Programs and campaigns are designed to inform citizens about sustainable practices and the importance of reducing their carbon footprint. Moreover, Switzerland supports research and innovation in climate science and green technologies, recognizing the role of scientific advancements in addressing climate change effectively.

Despite these efforts, the European Court of Human Rights' ruling underscores the perception that more stringent action is needed to fully protect citizens' rights to a safe and healthy environment. This decision highlights the need for enhanced measures, particularly to safeguard vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, who are disproportionately affected by climate-related health risks. The ruling serves as a reminder that while progress has been made, continuous and escalated efforts are required to meet the evolving challenges posed by climate change.

In response to the court's decision and ongoing public concern, Switzerland may need to intensify its climate policies and adaptation strategies. This could include more aggressive emissions reduction targets, increased funding for climate resilience projects, and enhanced legal frameworks to ensure that environmental protection is treated as a fundamental human right.


First of all, the things we can do as countries are mostly very limited. And saying every country should change from fossil to renewable energy would be immoral since we dont have a viable alternative that is reliable and cheap. The rich countries may be able to afford to change to renewable energy for a loss of 5-7% GDP per year, but you cant force poor countries that first need to build up a functioning economy. Also, you have to ask yourself how much CO2 emissions actually influence the global temperature. Carbon emissions have increased about 8 fold since 1900, but the rate at which the temperature changes doesnt seem to change, even though we put out more and more CO2 into the atmosphere year over year. So it definitely cant only be CO2. The problem is that we dont exactly know what the other factors are (we know things like ocean streams and solar activity have an influence, but we dont know how much). So even if we reduce global CO2 emissions to zero, we will very likely still have a temperatur rise of +1.2 to +1.5 degrees celsius in 2100. So in my opinion, we dont need disruptive changes, but slow natural changes that result from innovations and new technologies like possibly nuclear fusion or a cleaner form of nuclear fission. Panic wont help us. We need to make rational decisions so we can surmount the environmental challenges without destroying the global economy.

Peter Ern
Peter Ern
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My country is doing a lot to protect us from the effects of climate change. Thank you

Mein Land tut sehr viel um uns vor den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu schützen. Danke

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A major problem in this ongoing catastrophe is the unassumed responsibility of the richest among us.

We are going to have to explain to these people that money is not everything (difficult in Swiss culture, where the cult of the franc has replaced many others, in a system where ethics are a competitive disadvantage).

- Politicians need to get back to doing politics (and not just management, we need to change our economic system for one that supports degrowth).
- Let's support measures (however imperfect) that move us away from fossil fuels
- Encourage policies that reduce income disparities (income convergence)
- Question the gender hegemony that still decides everything in this society - just read the comments under this question. Our full support for women's voices*. (Rendezvous 14 June)

Un problème majeur de cette catastrophe en cours est la responsabilité non assumée des plus riches d'entre-nous.

Nous allons devoir expliquer à ces personnes que l'argent ne permet pas tout (difficile dans la culture Suisse où le culte du Franc en a remplacé bien d'autres, dans un système où l'éthique est un désavantage concurrentiel)

- Les politiciens doivent à nouveau faire de la politique (et plus de la gestion, on doit changer de système économique pour un qui supporte la décroissance)
- Appuyons les mesures (même imparfaites) qui vont dans le sens de la sortie des fossiles
- Favorisons les politiques qui permettent la diminution des écarts de revenus (convergence des revenus)
- Questionnons l’hégémonie de genre qui décide encore tout dans cette société, il suffit de lire les commentaires sous cette question. Tout notre soutien à la parole des Femmes*. (Rdv 14 juin)

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We are told that in France we are at less than 0.9% of global CO2, which is very little. What more can we do unless we walk and don't heat our homes.

On nous dit qu'en France on en est à moins de 0.9% du CO2 mondial, c'est très peu. Que faire de plus à moins de marcher à pieds et ne pas se chauffer.

Luigi Jorio
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Good morning Maxime thank you for your comment. The 0.9% you quoted only takes into account territorial emissions. However, if we also consider emissions related to the import of goods and services produced abroad into France, the percentage increases ( In an article in Le Monde, scientists from the High Council on Climate then mentioned that France has not only the 'responsibility to act', given its cumulative emissions since 1850, but also the 'capacity to act' thanks to its significant human, technological and financial resources.

Buongiorno Maxime grazie per il suo commento. Lo 0,9% da Lei citato tiene conto soltanto delle emissioni territoriali. Se però consideriamo anche le emissioni legate all'importazione in Francia di beni e di servizi prodotti all'estero, la percentuale aumenta ( In un articolo di Le Monde, scienziati dell'Alto Consiglio sul clima hanno poi ricordato che la Francia ha non solo la "responsabilità di agire", date le sue emissioni cumulate dal 1850, ma anche la "capacità di agire" grazie alle sue importanti risorse umane, tecnologiche e finanziarie.

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I am not claiming that the country has to act. We act ourselves.

Ich stelle nicht den Anspruch, dass das Land handeln muss. Wir handeln selbst.

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In Germany, the Federal Constitutional Court condemned the German government for doing too little to protect the climate.
It has achieved little and hardly changed anything.
Here in the district of Mainz-Bingen, we are not waiting for court judgements, we are taking action.
The state government of Rhineland-Palatinate has just decided to support our project, a regional, secure and affordable energy supply, an energy cell with 3.1 million.
The region of the county buys a billion euros worth of energy from outside the county every year. In order to stop wasting this money, we are creating the conditions for 12 billion to be invested in energy recovery in the region.
Although the whole thing is a huge success story, very few media report on it.

In Deutschland verurteilte das Bundesverfassungsgericht die deutsche Refgierung, dass sie zuwenig unternehme betreffend dem KKlimaschutz.
Gebracht hat es wenig und kaum etwas verändert.
Hier im Landkreis Mainz-Bingen warten wir nicht auf Gerichtsentscheide, wir handeln.
Soeben hat die Landesregierung von Rheinland-Pfalz beschlossen unsere Projekt, einer regionale, sicherem und bezahlbare Energieversorgung, eine Energiezelle mit 3.1 Millionen zu unterstützen.
Die Region des Landkreises kauft jährlich für eine Milliarde Energie, von ausserhallb des Landkreises zu. Um dieses Geld nicht mehr zu verschwenden, schaffen wir die Voraussetzung, dass 12 Miliarden in die Energie Entschwendung in der Region investiert wird.
Obwohl das ganze eine riesige Erfolgsgeschichte ist, berichten nur ganz wenige Medien darüber.

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Humans can hardly influence the global climate, if at all. At best, it is possible to reduce pollution in heavily populated centres, which is being done in many places. We must therefore adapt to the climate, as mankind has always done for millions of years. CO2 levels are not responsible for global temperatures. It is the other way round. The temperatures determine the CO2 content. See . It is time for governments, universities and other responsible parties to explain to citizens the climate change that has always been taking place using scientifically substantiated facts. N.B. Cancelling this post is likely, I accept that.

Die Menschen können das Welt-Klima, falls überhaupt, kaum beeinflussen. Bestenfalls ist eine Reduktion der Verschmutzung in den stark bevölkerten Zentren möglich, was ja auch vielerorts gemacht wird. Somit müssen wir uns dem Klima anpassen, wie das die Menschheit seit Millionen von Jahren schon immer tat. Der CO2-Gehalt ist nicht für die globalenTemperaturen verantwortlich. Es ist umgekehrt. Die Temperaturen bestimmen den CO2-Gehalt. Siehe . Es ist Zeit, mit wissenschaftlich begründeten Tatsachen den schon immer stattfindenden Klimawandel seitens der Regierungen, den Universitäten und andern Verantwortlichen den Bürgern zu erklären. N.B. Das Canceln dieses Beitrages ist wahrscheinlich, das nehem ich in Kauf.

Luigi Jorio
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Good morning Capetonians, thank you for your comment (which was not deleted). I agree with you that we have to adapt to a changing climate. As for the link between rising emissions and CO2 and rising temperatures, I refer you to the scientific evidence of global warming and anthropogenic responsibility:

Buongiorno Capetonians, grazie per il suo commento (che non è stato cancellato). Concordo con Lei sul fatto che ci dobbiamo adattare a un clima in mutazione. Quanto al legame tra aumento delle emissioni e del CO2 e incremento delle temperature, la rimando alle evidenze scientifiche del riscaldamento globale e della responsabilità antropica:

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Why is it that it's often older men who come up with these theories? I've got an opinion on that: we couldn't have been wrong for so long...

And yet we have... since the first warnings were given, over 50 years of prevarication and false information have been circulating, often peddled... by men who are a bit old and don't admit that our political, technical, economic and societal systems have made such a huge mistake.

We've made a mistake, we have to admit it, and move on to the next stage, so that we can still live in a world we can call home.

Free to read: Federal Council report on the environment,
p.9: A sustainable future is still possible (sic) if we make radical changes to the way we produce and consume.

Pourquoi ce sont souvent des hommes un peu vieux qui tiennent de pareilles théories ? J'ai mon avis là-dessus: on a pas pu se tromper depuis si longtemps...

Et pourtant si,... depuis que les premières alertes ont été données, c'est plus de 50 ans de tergiversations et de fausses informations qui circules colportées souvent... par des hommes un peu vieux qui n'admettent pas une erreur si énorme de nos systèmes politiques, techniques, économiques et sociétaux.

On s'est tromper, il faut l'admettre, et passer à la suite, pour une terre où l'on puisse encore vivre.

à lire gratuitement: Rapport du conseil fédéral sur l'environnement,
p.9: un avenir durable est encore possible (sic) si l'on change de manière radicale --radicale-- nos manière de produire et de consommer.


Let me tell you something. This is just a hoax. And I see this on the streets of Switzerland. I go by tram to and back to my work and while waiting for the tram i look at the cars on the streets.

One car, one person!

Is this the way Switzerland is doing anything for the climate change? I believe noone cares here in CH about climate change. If that would have been the case there should have been less and less cars on the streets. Swiss houses are still using oil heating instead of heat pumps.

Swiss Climate Activists using business class while flying to their favorite holidays destinations!

Federal Councillors flying inside Switzerland from one city to another by helicopter or plane!
This is pure hypocrisy

So, please give us a break with this hypocrisy!

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Well, no, it's not respected, that's for sure.
But in any case, there are so many things that aren't respected.
No, but there's the rub. It's knowing the interests, the dissonances, the low blows of each other and just being a witness.
Ex: I don't think it's fair on GE, but the rise of a certain nationalism tinged with Druidic ideology no longer needs to be demonstrated.
Well, this kind of thinking has been emulated not only in so-called right-wing and far-right circles, but also in fairly macho circles (it's perhaps not a generality, but just enough to fan the flames), as if climate change wasn't enough to disorientate people.
It's obvious that Switzerland isn't doing enough, but on the other hand, as one guy once said, people just don't feel like it (by which he meant making an effort).
Besides, Switzerland is certainly not the last country on the long list of climate justice abusers, but it's always easier to criticise a country that is said to be rich but democratic (because we tell ourselves that money will heal the wounds) than to stigmatise countries where democracy has all but disappeared and where money is in the hands of dictators.

Ben non, il n’est pas respecté ça c’est certain.
Mais de toute façon, il y a tellement de chose qui ne sont pas respectées.
Non, mais là où le bât blesse. C’est de savoir les intérêts, les dissonances, les coups bas des uns et des autres et d’être juste témoin.
Ex : je pense que c’est pas juste sur GE, mais la montée d’un certain nationalisme teinté d’idéologie druidiques n’est plus à démontrer.
Et bien, cette pensée a fait des émules et pas rien que dans des milieux dit de droite ou d’extrême-droite on l’a retrouve aussi dans des milieux justes machiste ( c’est peut-être pas une généralité mais juste assez pour attiser le feu ) Comme si le dérèglement climatique ne suffisait pas à désorienter les gens.
C’est évident que la Suisse ne fait assez mais d’autre côté, comme le l’a dit une fois un gars : mais les gens on pas envie. ( sous-entendu de faire des efforts. )
Et puis, ce pays n’est certainement pas le dernier sur la longue liste des pourfendeurs de la justice climatique mais c’est toujours plus simple de taper sur un pays dit riche mais démocratique ( car on se dit que l’argent pourra colmater les plaies) que de stigmatiser des pays où la démocratie n’existe déjà presque plus et où l’argent se retrouve entre les mains de dictateurs.

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? Isn't it the case that the senior citizens' group, with a lot of civil courage, stands up for ALL citizens of Switzerland: adults, children, infants ? Everyone will suffer increasingly in the course of climate change,

not only in Switzerland, but worldwide. The problem is GLOBAL.

I thank the women for their commitment: CHAPEAU !

The world is currently undergoing a military build-up: the defence industry is "happy" about arms sales amounting to 2,200 billion US dollars.

? What was that again about the right to a healthy environment ?

Instead of setting up international funds that are urgently needed to cover the damage caused by climate change in the future and, for example, to finance desalination plants for developing countries

the powerful on this planet invest in weapons and wars that only bring more suffering and destruction to the earth.

In 2022, the damage caused by climate change will amount to around 270 billion dollars.
The damage caused by droughts, forest fires and floods will increase even more in the future.

? Do you think that the politicians who are calling for more money for war material (... "for our security" ...) are the right people to lead us out of the climate-related misery ?

24 April 2024 Thank you - Yours sincerely : AVALANCHE

? Ist es nicht so, dass sich die Seniorengruppe mit viel Zivilcourage für ALLE Bürger:innen der Schweiz einsetzen : Erwachsene, Kinder, Kleinkinder ? Jeder Mensch wird im Laufe des Klimawandels zunehmend zu leiden haben,

nicht nur in der Schweiz, sondern weltweit. Das Problem ist GLOBAL.

Ich danke den Frauen für Ihren Einsatz : CHAPEAU !

Weltweit wird zur Zeit militärisch aufgerüstet : Die Rüstungs-Industrie "freut sich" über Waffenverkäufe in der Höhe von 2'200 Milliarden US Dollar .

? Wie war das noch gleich mit dem Recht auf eine gesunde Umwelt ?

Anstatt international Fonds einzurichten die dringend benötigt werden um die Schäden des Klimawandels in Zukunft abdecken zu können und z.B. Entsalzungsanlagen für Entwicklungsländer zu finanzieren

investieren die Mächtigen auf diesem Planeten in Waffen und Kriege, die nur noch mehr Leid und Zerstörung auf der Erde bringen.

Im Jahre 2022 betrugen die Schäden durch den Klimawandel gegen 270 Milliarden Dollar.
Die Schäden bedingt durch Dürren, Waldbrände, Ueberschwemmungen , werden in Zukunft noch vermehrt zunehmen .

? Glauben Sie, dass die Politiker die mehr Geld für Kriegsmaterial (..."zu unserer Sicherheit" ...) einfordern, die richtigen Leute sind , um uns aus der klimabedingten Misere herauszuführen ?

24. April 2024 Danke - Ich grüsse sie alle freundlichst : AVALANCHE


I suspect nothing. The cost of fighting it is passed on to the people. How many solar panels do you see on any roof? Do home owners or landlords get financial aid to install solar panels, so they do not need to increase e.g. rent? What help does the Gov give to people so they can buy an e-car (currently about double the cost of a fossil fuel car, due to the battery)? How are the public transport companies making it more attractive to travel by tram/bus/train than by car? Not just the price but the travel experience.

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The ECHR judges obviously do not know the legally anchored human rights agreements: The judgement against Switzerland is pure arbitrariness and a "slap in the face" against Switzerland, which will not agree to the unilateral treaty with the EU at the ballot box! The judgement will now bring even more down-to-earth direct democrats to the polls with a NO vote! That is why this unbelievable judgement will be an "own goal" for the ECHR arrogance!

Die EGMR-Richter kennen offenbar die gesetzlich verankerten Menschenrechts-Vereinbarungen nicht: Das Urteil gegen die Schweiz ist reine Willkür und eine "Ohrfeige" gegen die Schweiz. die nicht dem einseitigen Vertrag mit der EU an der Urne einmal zustimmen wird! Das Urteil wird jetzt noch mehr bodenständige Direktdemokraten mit einem NEIN an die Urnen bringen! Darum wird dieses unglaubliche Urteil für die EGMR Arroganz zum "Eigentor"!
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Thank you for giving us this opportunity to speak.

I'd like to make three points:
1° If the members of parliament had listened to the demands of these elderly women, they would not have gone to court. That is precisely their responsibility.
2° In Switzerland, the people are sovereign. So citizens are supposed to be responsible. Before going to court, they should ask themselves what they are doing for the climate. Then what they are doing to convince their fellow citizens to take steps to ensure that the future is "sustainable", and not to make the most of what we have, too bad for the next generation, namely our children.
3° How can we make all the parties responsible (it's not just up to the Greens to protect the country from collapse) for the sustainability of our behaviour? And I would add, in particular for toilets. It's a disaster in our country.

I say it, and I try to do it. I've signed up to "Swisstainable" to give myself a reference point for what I'm doing.

Thank you for reading and good luck with the rest.
All the best.


Merci d'offrir cet espace de parole.

J'aimerais apporter trois éléments:
1° Si les parlementaires avaient écouté ces femmes du troisième âge dans leur revendication, elles ne seraient pas allées devant la justice. Ils ont cette responsabilité là précisément.
2° En Suisse, le peuple est souverain. Donc le citoyen est sensé être responsable. Avant d'aller devant la justice, il doit se demander ce qu'il fait lui pour le climat. Puis ce qu'il fait pour convaincre ses concitoyens d'entreprendre des démarches pour que l'avenir soit "durable", et non pas profiter au max de ce qui nous avons, tant pis pour les suivants, à savoir nos enfants.
3° Comment responsabiliser tous les partis (il n'appartient pas qu'au verts de protéger le territoire de la débâcle) quand à la durabilité de nos comportements? Et j'ajouterais, en particulier pour les toilettes. C'est une catastrophe dans notre pays.

Je le dis, et je m'efforce de le faire. Je me suis inscrit à "Swisstainable" pour me donner une référence par rapport à ce que j'entreprends.

Merci de votre lecture et bon courage pour la suite.

Major Wedgie
Major Wedgie

My Opinion is that more than enough is being done by the Government of Switzerland to address climate issues revolving around the 0.04% of Co2 in the atmosphere. However, There seems to be a worldwide reluctance to do anything about actual the chemical pollution of our environment?

Luigi Jorio
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@Major Wedgie

Thank you for your message. According to independent assessments, including one by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) dated June 2023, Switzerland's efforts to combat global warming are 'insufficient'. If all countries followed Switzerland's climate policies and actions, the average global temperature increase compared to the pre-industrial level would be between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius, according to CAT.
Like emissions, chemical pollution is also on the rise. Of concern are not only micro- and nanoplastics, but also synthetic substances known as PFAS or 'forever chamicals'. I invite you to read our interview with an expert on chemical pollutants, who also explains what countries are doing to reduce the production and use of PFAS.

Grazie per il suo messaggio. Stando ad alcune valutazioni indipendenti, tra cui quella del Climate Action Tracker (CAT) risalente al giugno 2023, l'impegno della Svizzera nel contrastare il riscaldamento climatico è "insufficiente". Se tutti i Paesi seguissero le politiche e le azioni climatiche della Svizzera, l'aumento della temperatura media globale rispetto al livello preindustriale sarebbe compreso tra i 2 e i 3 gradi Celsius, secondo il CAT.
Come le emissioni, anche l'inquinamento chimico è in aumento. A preoccupare non sono solo le micro- e le nanoplastiche, ma anche le sostanze sintetiche note come PFAS o "forever chamicals". La invito a leggere la nostra intervista a un esperto di inquinanti chimici, che spiega anche cosa stanno facendo i Paesi per ridurre la produzione e l'uso delle PFAS.

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@Luigi Jorio

Do not confuse 'Switzerland' with 'the Swiss government'. The Swiss government has proposed several laws against global warming. The Swiss people, the people of the cantons, have rejected enough of them. So, it is the people who are to blame. Which seems ridiculous to me.

Non confondere "la Svizzera" con "il governo svizzero". Il governo svizzero ha proposto parecchie legge contro il riscaldamento climatico. Il popolo svizzero, il popolo dei cantini ne ha rifiutati abbastanza. Quini, sarebbe il popolo il responsabile da condannare. Il che mi pare ridicolo.

Luigi Jorio
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The Swiss people will once again have their say on 9 June, when they will be asked to vote on the federal law on a secure electricity supply with renewable energies. For those who would like to know more:

Popolo svizzero che avrà ancora una volta la possibilità di dire la sua, il prossimo 9 giugno, quando sarà chiamato a esprimersi sulla legge federale su un approvvigionamento elettrico sicuro con le energie rinnovabili. Per chi desiderasse saperne di più:
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@Major Wedgie

I don't care what the world does. I 'do' at home. I encourage my neighbours to get involved. The same goes for my family. And the world will follow.
We have many 'totally irresponsible' companies in our area. They have their headquarters here... They flout human rights (for me, humans do not come before nature) to the hilt. And why do they do this? Simply because I, as an ordinary citizen, want my car to fetch bread when it rains... So I'm just as responsible as the companies that try so hard to provide me with what I want...

Je m'en moque de ce que fait le monde. Je "fais" chez moi. J'encourage mes voisins à s'engager. Idem pour ma famille. Et le monde suivra.
Nous avons sur notre territoire moult entreprises "totalement irresponsables". Elles ont leur siège chez nous... Elles bafouent les droits humains (pour moi, les humains ne passent pas avant la nature) dans les grandes largeurs. Et pourquoi? Simplement parce que moi, simple citoyen, je veux ma voiture pour aller chercher du pain quand il pleut... Donc je suis tout aussi responsable que ces entreprises qui s'acharnent à me fournir ce que je demande...


Pessimistic and long as hordes of lobbyists have so much influence - not much progress will ever be accomplished. :-(

Luigi Jorio
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Good morning VeraGottlieb and thank you for your comment. In 2022, at the UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm El Sheikh (COP27), Egypt, some 630 lobbyists from the fossil industry were present. The following year in Dubai (COP28), their number quadrupled. World-renowned Swiss climate scientist Sonia Seneviratne's wish that fossil fuel lobbyists should be excluded from climate conferences evidently did not come true.

Buongiorno VeraGottlieb e grazie per il suo commento. Nel 2022, in occasione della Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici tenutasi a Sharm El Sheikh (COP27), in Egitto, erano presenti circa 630 lobbisti dell'industria fossile. L'anno successivo a Dubai (COP28), il loro numero è quadruplicato. L'auspicio della climatologa svizzera di fama mondiale Sonia Seneviratne, secondo cui i lobbisti delle energie fossili andrebbero esclusi dalle conferenze sul clima, evidentemente non si è avverato.
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I don't agree with that statement.

As long as I ask lobbyists to supply me with petrol, batteries, shampoo and so on, nothing will change.

When we stop blaming the bad guys, things will change.


Je ne suis pas d'accord avec cette affirmation.

Tant que je demande aux lobbyistes de me fournir de l'essence, des piles, du shampoo et j'en passe..., rien ne changera.

Quand nous cesserons de rejeter la "faute" sur les méchants, ça changera.


SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR