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Start-up launches text generator SwissGPT

AI matrix
Experts say developments in artificial intelligence such as ChatGTP could shake up entire industries. Keystone / Sebastian Gollnow

Swiss start-up AlpineAI announced on Monday the launch of SwissGPT. 

This Swiss version of the ChatGPT text generator aims to counter the American and Chinese presence in this field and serve local companies more effectively.

The aim is to process company data securely using LLM (Large Language Model) and develop new solutions using algorithms, the start-up explained at a press conference.

+ The ethics of artificial intelligence

Jointly created by several artificial intelligence research laboratories, including the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and its Lausanne counterpart (EPFL), SwissGPT is aiming to assert itself against the technological supremacy of the USA and China, the main suppliers of such software.

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