Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

Are you a Swiss citizen living abroad and responsible for a unique project in your country of residence?

Hosted by: Melanie Eichenberger

776’300 Swiss citizens live abroad, all over the world. Many of you achieve remarkable things. Tell us about your projects – we’d love to tell your story!

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Isabelle Bannerman
Isabelle Bannerman SWI SWISSINFO.CH

We have been made aware of allegations of assault against Urs Fehr, who we wrote about in 2021. We have updated our article accordingly:


It looks like Mr. URS FEHR is well known as a thug in Phuket. His former landlord told the media that he was renting her house previously, and he asked her if he could register his "Elephant Sanctuary" at the location. The former landlord also mentioned that it seemed odd to her that the "office" was mostly empty, but the air-condition was running on full power, resulting in the need of repairing. When the landlord came to repair and replace the unit, while Mr. URS was not there, she received angry calls from him and his girlfriend. The situation escalated, and the police got involved. The landlord was forced to apologize and was threatened with jail because of an electricity bill dispute, where URS accused the landlord of cheating him with the bill. The case is ongoing. Another incident have been found where he had a "road rage" incident on Christmas Eve of last year against an Ambulance driver.

Isabelle Bannerman
Isabelle Bannerman SWI SWISSINFO.CH

Thank you for your comments. We have updated the article on the elephant sanctuary:


Investigations found that his business (the above-mentioned "Elephant Sanctuary") just bought ONE single elephant! The other elephants were just rented!

I feel sorry for all supporter and every donor to URS FEHR and his "Elephant Sanctuary"! - It's obvious that he misused the income from this business to fund a luxury and thuglike lifestyle. The luxury beach front villa, where the "tripping" incident happened, costs at least 1 Million Thai Baht rental per month by his own words that he angrily told the victim: "I am not paying 1 Million Baht per month rent, so you can sit in front of my property!". After the incident, Mr. URS FEHRs Thai girlfriend also verbally abused both women by calling them "whores" and "low-life locals that can not read". Mr. URS and his girlfriend then threatened the women by telling them that they could shoot them dead because of trespassing, and they wouldn't even have to face any consequences because of their high ranking connections to the Police and to local politicians. Furthermore, she added that her son is a police officer himself.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

You should research Urs Fehr.
There is abuse ongoing according to Thai media. Huge confrontation against women.

Should look at them.

Sie sollten Urs Fehr recherchieren.
Da ist ein Missbrauch gemäss Thai Medien im Gange. Gewaltige Auseinandersetzung gegenüber Frauen.

Sollte Sie sich anschauen.


It may turn out that there are several false information in this article. After the event that this guy attacked (probably kicked, not just confronted) Thai women, he was investigated by authorities and social media. It is shown that he or his foundation or his park owns only 1 elephant, other 13-14 elephant were rented for running the park activities.
So it is now very doubtful that he have done this for a good sake or just for the profit he will get for himself. There are other evidence that support that he may not be a good guy. Blocking the ambulance-at-work and showing hand gesture instead of giving way, for example.

Isabelle Bannerman
Isabelle Bannerman SWI SWISSINFO.CH

Thank you both for your comments. We have updated the article on the elephant sanctuary:

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

In 1990, we decided to create, in Bresse, a language center "La Cardère" to teach French to foreigners. During one year, we completely transformed an old farm into a comfortable and environmentally friendly residence in order to welcome between 1 and 6 people for intensive language stays in French. Until 2007, we welcomed more than 1500 people from all over the world, of very different levels (from beginners to teachers of French as a foreign language), some of whom came back up to... 7 times. During these stays of 1 to 4 weeks, we practiced French from 8 am (with breakfast) until the evening. Each weekday, there were 3 hours of common classes (our method and the differences in levels being very stimulating), a lunch in a restaurant and an excursion with our little bus. A great immersion in the language and culture. For us, this experience corresponded to a need to live a new experience as a family (with our 2 children) and to create a real island of light in order to give a new meaning to our life and to share our adventure with people from different backgrounds. It was a difficult experience (economically) but extraordinary on a human level.

En 1990, nous avons décidé de créer, en Bresse, un centre linguistique "La Cardère" pour apprendre le français aux étrangers. Durant une année, nous avons complètement transformé une ancienne ferme en résidence confortable et respectueuse de l'environnement afin d' accueillir entre 1 et 6 personnes pour des séjours linguistiques intensifs en français. Jusqu'en 2007, nous avons accueilli plus de 1500 personnes du monde entier, de niveaux très variés (des débutants aux profs de français langue étrangère) dont certaines sont revenus jusqu'à ... 7 fois. Durant ces séjours de 1 à 4 semaines, nous pratiquions le français de 8h le matin (avec le petit-déjeuner) jusqu'au soir. Chaque jour de semaine, il y avait 3 heures de cours communs (notre méthode et les différences de niveaux étant très stimulants), un repas de midi au restaurant et une excursion au moyen de notre petit bus. Une belle immersion dans la langue et la culture. Pour nous, cette expérience correspondait à un besoin de vivre une nouvelle expérience en famille (avec nos 2 enfants) et créer une véritable île-bateau de lumière afin de donner un nouveau sens à notre vie et de partager notre aventure avec des personnes d'horizons variés. Expérience difficile (économiquement) mais extraordinaire au niveau humain.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

My grandmother was originally from Bonfol, in the canton of Bern. Can I be "adopted" as a quasi-Swiss, even if I have a French passport today?

Ma grand'mère était originaire de Bonfol, dans le canton de Berne. Puis-je être "adoptée" en tant que quasi-suisse, même si aujourd'hui j'ai un passeport français ?

Emilie Ridard
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Hello, a priori this is not possible. According to Swiss law, which is based on "blood law", anyone born to Swiss parents automatically obtains Swiss nationality, even abroad. But until July 1, 1985, mothers could not transmit Swiss nationality to their children, who automatically received that of their father.

The law was then amended to allow people born before 1985 - to Swiss mothers - to recover their passport. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren could also avail themselves of this right. But as of December 31, 2017, that's over. The new law in fact limits the recovery of nationality to the first generation.

You can read the whole article [url=]HERE[/url].

If in doubt, contact the [url=]canton of Bern[/url] directly. You can also find information on [url=]THIS SITE[/url]. Kind regards

Bonjour, a priori cela n'est pas possible. Selon la loi suisse, qui se base sur le «droit du sang», celui qui naît de parents suisses obtient automatiquement la nationalité, y compris à l’étranger. Mais jusqu’au 1er juillet 1985, les mères ne pouvaient pas transmettre la nationalité suisse à leurs enfants, qui recevaient automatiquement celle de leur père.

La loi avait ensuite été modifiée pour permettre aux personnes nées avant 1985 – de mères suisses – de récupérer le passeport. Les petits-enfants et les arrière-petits-enfants pouvaient également se prévaloir de ce droit. Mais depuis le 31 décembre 2017, c'est terminé. La nouvelle loi limite en effet la récupération de la nationalité à la première génération.

Vous pouvez consulter tout l'article [url=]ICI[/url].

En cas de doute, adressez-vous directement au [url=]canton de Berne[/url]. Vous trouverez également des informations sur le [url=]CE SITE[/url]. Cordiales salutations

Lacroix Elena
Lacroix Elena
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

I mobilized all my skills as a former EU Project Manager to ensure the ecological transition of equestrian establishments in the Hauts de France, water resources, paddocks, manure treatment, buildings. A cultural revolution to fundamentally change practices and reduce the consumption of a precious commodity, water.

J'ai mobilisé toutes mes compétences en tant qu'ancienne Chef de projet EU pour assurer la transition écologique des établissements équestres dans les Hauts de France, ressources eau, paddocks, traitement du fumier, bâtiments. Une révolution culturelle pour changer fondamentalement les pratiques et réduire la consommation d'une denrée précieuse, l'eau.

Melanie Eichenberger
Melanie Eichenberger
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.
@Lacroix Elena

That sounds exciting! Do you have a website?

Das klingt spannend! Haben Sie eine Webseite?

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Yes I am launching the project 1000 climate-neutral buildings in the district of Mainz-Bingen. The aim is to supply 1000 existing buildings with climate-neutral energy.

Ja Ich lanciere im Landkreis Mainz-Bingen das Projekt 1000 klimaneutrale Gebäude. Es geht darum 1000 Bestandsbauten klimaneutral mit Energie zu versorgen.

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