Do you have a Swiss passport but haven’t been to Switzerland yet? If so why? Would you like to learn more about your Swiss roots?
I am the start of my family tree here. But I am happy to be white. As Mary has experienced, every day I see discrimination. Police stopping people because they don't look right. Potential workers not getting a job because their name / religion is wrong. People not getting passports because they wear the wrong clothes or complain about cow bells or don't know the name of local mountains / food. Even when I got my passport, some of my Swiss co-workers said I was not a real Swiss, I was paper Swiss and will never be classed as real, as I am not Eidgenoss. But, apart from some of the people, it's a great little country.
If you speak fluent Swiss German, you look Eidgenoss and you come from the states, is ok. If you come from other countries, you are darker, not very Eidgenoss Looking and you don‘t speak Swiss German you are in disadvantage. Even for Swiss descendants Swiss racism today is a bitter pill. Good luck!
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