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As a Swiss Abroad, how do you feel about the emergence of more conservative family policies in some US states?

Hosted by: Emilie Ridard

In recent years several US states have adopted more conservative policies on family issues, abortion and education. As a Swiss citizen living in one of these states, how do you view this development – positive or negative?

Has it had an impact on your life? What about for your children? Are you considering changing location because of this shift?

Or are you planning to move to a more conservative US state because of their positions on these issues? Let us know your thoughts.

We are interested in your views and opinions for a future article on this issue. Your testimonial may be used in the article. Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly by e-mail.

Join the conversation!

Contributions must adhere to our guidelines. If you have questions or wish to suggest other ideas for debates, please, get in touch!

seems the name johnny patriot indicates you are important but erroneous in finding a benevolent path backwards into the future! Okay l get it, in the face of admmittedly steep challenges of the information age has been difficult and some of yours give up. Lead onward ! we shall be right behind you. NOT. A throwback fascist ideology never does any good so l would challenge you to look at " "Factfulness" the book, even just skim it and its method of gathering truths will sink in and when you stop with the pessimistic sensationalism you can calm the heck down and enjoy life again.

Sara Pasino


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The resistance by the far left Democrats to continue to allow men into women's sports and locker rooms is outrageous. This is not supported by the vast majority. While I live in New England with its woke ideas, I will not leave! I will continue to support only women in women' s sport s and locker rooms.

john patriot
john patriot

It is a great that more conservative policies are being made into law. I agree 100%


With the few recent posts I have read, most of you appear to be on the progressive side and that is fine. What I do find infuriating is that most of the same posts continue to push the MSM (CNN, BBC, MSNBC, PBS, etc.) narrative and continue to perpetuate half-truths and liberal headlines.

Nazism - I'll best most of you are still believing the half-told Trump line in Charlottesville "There are very fine people on both sides...", but I will bet that you did not continue to listen or where the MSM cut him off. Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters and the counterprotesters. He said in the same statement he wasn't talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be "condemned totally." Do your homework.

Abortion -most conservatives abhor it but we still believe in freedom of choice

Transgender - you live your life as an adult - but DO NOT subject my child or minor children in general to sexually explicit acts/books, etc in public schools.

Immigration - that's fine - do it LEGALLY - no where in the world can you walk into a country and be legal

The return of Trump is NOT far-right - it is a return to a moderate center which is why Progressives/Woke Democrats were so thoroughly trounced.

Bern to Calif - what Republican sent death threats to any Democrat? - be specific- while Trump endured 2 public assassination attempts.

You are drinking the Kool-Aid and perpetuating your own lies and the lies of the Progressive /Far left ideologues.

And finally - YES - firing people who have not shown up to work since 2020 and who are not competent or redundant.

sorry/not sorry - be responsible for yourself.


Why should we confine our understanding of family structures to a single perspective?

In today's world, families come in a variety of forms and structures. Trying to reverse that is not forward thinking nor is it healthy for the USA. Together we stand strong and indivisible.

It is a human right for a woman to decide about her body and health. This is not the case anymore here in the USA. And why is it that the burden of contraception is always pushed on the woman? When are we holding men accountable for their actions? Why is a woman's life regarded less or not worthy saving when it comes to a life or death situation during a pregnancy?
I imagine to have an abortion is a very, very difficult decision for a woman to make.
Denying her the right and safe access to an abortion is inhumane and discriminatory.
The money and effort that is being invested to abolish abortion should be redirected in education and counseling instead. It would be a more positive approach and have a bigger impact on society.


I live in California and am happy with the overall political climate here: cities are strongly Democratic, while the countryside is overwhelmingly Republican and even MAGA (but far smaller percentage of population). I agree with another commenter here that Democrats ran a poor campaign: they didn't "read the room", as the saying goes. I agree with support for diversity, minorities, LGBTQ, etc. but it should not have been a central and main topic throughout the campaign. Yes, protect those groups, but speak to the 97% (guessing) of the population that wants to hear about your plans to improve jobs, environment, retirement planning, reduce inflation, control illegal immigration, etc.

The Republican party has completely embraced lies, propaganda, hypocrisy, racism, violence, white-washing Nazi history and a cult around the person of the current president. Republican politicians have completely sold their souls to Trump and MAGA and their horrendous propaganda, with no conscience or honesty remaining. While they smear Democratic politicians and supporters with the worst expletives and lies, any small (and accurate) critique of Our Dear Leader /s is instantly taken as an affront and death threats rain down. (Didn't threats of violence used to be illegal?!)

Republican hypocrisy examples are their call for "small government" and "government out of our lives", while supporting tracking pregnancies of all women to detect abortions, their call for "free markets", while punishing businesses for not following the MAGA ideology (DEI programs, mutual funds focusing on renewable energies, etc.) and so much more.

Also, the elimination of the separation of government and religion and pushing religion (ONLY Christian, preferably Protestant) in schools, meetings (mandatory prayer at the start), etc. is deeply concerning. When a Supreme Court justice calls for a "righteous society" or the current president creates a "White House Faith Office", I see a path towards a Religious Police. (Don't say it can't happen!!)

Finally (sorry this is so long, but...), the current administration is firing thousands of federal employees and replacing them with people who are mostly completely incompetent but are willing to sign a loyalty oath/promise to the current president and the MAGA movement. That's SCARY.


Even as a person with a penis who wears dresses myself, I don't feel it's compassionate that they are forcing college women (e.g. of U Penn swim team) to change, naked, in front of a straight classmate ... with a penis. I'm glad they're putting a stop to it, at least in some states.

I too agree with support for all, to the extent it does NOT support discrimination and believe that special rights for selected minorities should not have been a central topic throughout the campaign.

Emilie Ridard
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Thank you for your contribution, which gives a very accurate picture of what you are experiencing and feeling.
All the best,

merci pour votre contribution qui donne un aperçu très précis de ce que vous vivez et ressentez.


I personally think the Democrats pushed their all inclusive policies a bit to hard, especially for right leaning people that are already uncomfortable with the whole transgender situation. I also think they didn't explain enough why they let so many illegals into the country and what impact it had.
On the other hand, a certain individual has been crying and complaining for the last 4 years distorting the truth with lies, to influence enough people to sway the election.
So, now we have the situation where the right has the control over the land.
In general, I don't have a problem with right leaning thinking. I do however have a problem with hypocrisy! I have a problem with so-called Christians that can't even adhere to the 10 commandments! My mom used to tell us to sweep infront of our own door first!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

I think it's a good thing to return to more conservative values. We need to be open-minded, but we mustn't generalise about certain cases.

However, the right to abortion should be a right, and women should be encouraged to take contraception beforehand, because abortion should not be a means of contraception.

Je pense que c'est une bonne chose de revenir à des valeurs plus conservatrices. Il faut être ouverts mais ne pas faire une généralité de certains cas car gare aux dérives.

Cependant , le droit à l'avortement devrait être un droit, et il faudrit inciter les femmes à prendre une contraception en amont car l'avortement ne doit pas être un moyen de contraception.


I live in Florida, where the MAGA movement has taken over large parts of the Republican Party. While I understand that some of its popularity stems from a reaction to the "woke" policies of the Left, I find myself at odds with its direction.

My political views are rooted in values I hold deeply: honesty, compassion, and a commitment to being well-informed about the issues I care about. I believe in forming opinions based on facts, not fiction, and I expect the same from those in power.

When it comes to leadership, I want people who genuinely have the skills and dedication to serve the majority, uphold democratic principles, and prioritize the common good. It’s frustrating to live in a state that idolizes a leader with a well-documented history of dishonesty and a party that seems to have abandoned traditional conservative values in favor of extremism.

That said, I’ve thought about moving back to California or Kauai, where I used to live. But even here in Florida, I’ve found plenty of people who share my values. It’s not complicated—common decency, honesty, and kindness are the building blocks of a thriving community, and I’m grateful to have found that here, too.

I also care deeply about the environment. Climate change is a real and urgent threat, especially for future generations. It’s something we can’t afford to ignore, no matter where we live.

Emilie Ridard
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Thank you for your detailed opinion. How long have you lived in the United States? Sincerely, Emilie

Merci de votre avis détaillé. Depuis combien de temps vivez-vous aux États-Unis? Cordialement, Emilie


The whole move to combine religion with politics is worrying me .I don’t agree with the current leadership in DC at all.Many of the current chosen politicians are not qualified at all and mostly chosen being loyal to the leader.
Living in a red state (we moved in 2024 )I have seen the effects of republican politics doing a extremely bad job with citizens.
No wonder many of the red states are on the last listed poorest states in the country.
Churches have a powerful brainwashing effect on many citizens and are way to important.
Many conservative woman only voted for Trump because of abortion rights ,which they are denying.Hopefully we will have a big change in 2 years when we vote again.Many of the maga people will realize Trump can’t fulfill his promises.
I think it will be good for red states to have more people moving in ( because of a cheaper way of living)
which are voting blue.


It has been a real benefit. Finally, there is some room for those who believe in families, raising their children to respect and maintain the standards that they were raised with. To respect religion and those who practice and live their standards and what they are taught. To respect their fellow people. Taking responsibility for your own actions. Because there are 50 individual states plus territories there is room for those who feel that socialism is preferred or feel that killing children is a right, a short drive or bus trip will take you to one of those states inexpensively. It is great that finally there are alternatives. As side note home schooling, private schools, and precocial schools are gaining in number and spreading because of the failure of the government schools and teacher unions that have taken over that area of society in the U.S. Another note, quality of life and crime are generally lower in conservative areas because of the respect for law.

Emilie Ridard
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Thank you for sharing your opinion. In which state do you live and how long have you lived in the United States? Sincerely, Emilie

Merci d'avoir partagé votre avis. Dans quel état vivez-vous et depuiscombien de temps habitez-vous aux États-Unis? Cordialement, Emilie


Their is no respect of religion under the US constitution. Your religion is yours alone and should not be pushed on impressionable children. I doubt highly you would take the same stance if a competing religion decided they should force themselves to your children in school by demanding they pray and follow religious tenants that you disagree with.


With your claims as to crime being lower in conservative states, how do you explain that 8 of the top 10 states for violent crime are Republican/conservative? Alaska, Tennessee, South Carolina, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Michigan...all conservative strongholds.. all have high violent crime rates.


I tried to upvote mlmswiss1291's comment but it didn't work. I agree 100%!

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