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What are your experiences wearing face masks? When do you wear them?

Hosted by: Melanie Eichenberger

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Many studies have shown that masks do little or nothing to reduce the spread of respiratory diseases. Meanwhile, it is well known that a mask has deleterious effects for the wearer, including reduced mental capacity, increased chance of infection from respiratory disease, weakened immune system, and permanent brain damage. The air that one (re)breathes when wearing a mask does not meet American OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) minimum requirements.
Everyone assumes that surgeons wear masks to protect the patient, yet multiple studies prove that outcomes are better when the surgeon wears no mask.


I wear glasses and things get a bit foggy when I wear a mask. Glasses give me some protection if someone coughs or sneezes near me. But, I have one in my pocket to put on if I go on public transport or in crowded places - some shops now insist on masks at peak times. However I wish there were not so many rules. Simply everyone must wear a mask if they are in a public place with other people.


So happy masks become obligatory in shops in Basel! It has to be understood, that the possibility of social distancing does not mean that people observe it. Most people do not. So masks are really necessary in all public places, shops especially. Hopefully this will also apply to the shop employees, not only for the customers, and that it will be responsibility of shops to make everyone comply with the rules.


Where i live, canton Neuchatel in Switzerland, i am usually one of the very few persons wearing a mask inside a supermarket or a large commercial centrer full of people. I feel kind of strange, it's not that people give me any bad looks, i don't feel that, but being almost the only person with a mask makes me stand out of the crowd which i don't like. Its really strange that not even old people wear any kind of masks although they are supposed to be in the most sensitive group with high mortality rate. This behavior is the most surprising of all i believe. Is there something i missed?


Most people seem to be either ignorant, or careless, or both. I always wear a mask and sometimes feel that even the look of the mask makes some people angry. The society has clearly separated into mask wearers and mask haters. The problem is that mask haters more and more often become mask wearers haters, as if it is mask wearers who are spreading the virus:)


I stopped buying them as spending 120 CHF (4 packs as you use 3-4) a week for my family of 4 is too much. I got medical ones only for my children but as parents we got thous fake cloth masks as I saw many others do, they don't protect you at all but you won't get a fine. In the beginifn of the Covid I spent too much money on absurdly highly priced masks it costed me 60 CHF for one packs of 30masks, no one reimbursed such rise in prices. Also desinfectoes 9chf per little battle run out very quickly this covid is killing my budget and no help from government. Disappointed and angry. You don't help me I won't help you,because at the beginning of covid it was one sided I spent and used medical masks but you didn't even control the prices or availability of them, same goes to desinfectoes which prices hit the skies at the beginning but still rather expensive.


Swiss living in Alaska. I live in a small community, but from the start I was pro mask and really did social distancing and still do. I am glad that we encourage everyone to wear masks in the stores. And yes, there are always people who don't. That's why I rarely go shopping. In my small friends circle we don't wear masks, we might go strawberry picking and walk at the beach which is never crowded here. Lots of places I used to hang out daily are closed now. I am very grateful that Alaska has less population and the covid numbers are lower. Unfortunately some folks don't care, sea food processing plants have high infection rates, there is also a high number of visitors to Alaska who test positive. Communities need to be vigilant.


I live in Ancaster ontario which belongs to Hamilton and here masks are compalsury. You cannot enter any store here without a mask. I find it very hard to breath but You have no alternative . Also in the shops the air is freezing due to air con and your glasses fog up.


I wear a mask when I go out or when I am around my parents and I have been to the doctor/dentist. It is required in my state when inside of shops and public buildings. It doesn't mean it is enforced but most people comply.


Aloha From The Big Island of Hawaii. We were in SWITZERLAND March 2-12 2020, we had a great vacation with epic snow at Lötschental and Verbier. We made it out on our scheduled date, thankfully before flight shutdown. We have been home ever since on our island with Very Strict Mask Requirements, Required in all public places. Community Spread Still Happens When People ARE Morons. Protect Your Neighbors and Wear A Mask. Looking Forward to our next trip to our favorite place, we will continue to be responsible visitors, remember dumb people come from all countries, not just the USA.


I am a US citizen who was living in central CH until recently. In CH, I rarely wore a mask except when required (e.g., when getting a haircut). My state has a mandatory mask order, and people here are very compliant, even wearing masks when biking or running. It doesn’t take long to get used to the masks, especially if you’re inside (everything is air conditioned). Outside in the heat, it’s more uncomfortable. And you need a good mask that suits your activity. My favorite one is one I bought when I was still in CH, but it’s not good for running. For that, I wear a surgical mask that I pull over my nose and mouth when I’m passing someone. That’s how people do it here. Most wear masks the whole time while biking, and I found a surgical mask is good for that too. You get good air flow while you’re riding, and after a while you don’t really notice it. Throughout the moving process, I’ve come into contact with a lot of people, many of whom are in frequent contact with the public. The infection rate where I am living is low, but still I worry that I could easily get the infection and unknowingly pass it on. It feels good to wear the mask and know you are doing your part to protect the public health. It’s really not a big deal.


I wear my mask everywhere -- whether I'm in a shop or walking on a street. If I can't guarantee that I'll be able to maintain distance between myself and other people, I wear a mask. Other than that, I haven't taken public transport in almost four months (Geneva is so small, it's hardly necessary). I come from a developing country where masks are compulsory right now, and everyone wears them without complaining. I cannot understand why in Switzerland people are so reluctant to take precautions for the greater good, but I suppose that's what happens in such a staunchly libertarian environment where the government places all trust in "the people's ability to take individual responsibility" (read: inability to take measures which will be seen as a 'curb on civil liberties'). Folks, wear a mask, wash your hands, and stop partying for goodness sake. It's time to eschew your repulsive individualism for some semblance of respect for your community, which you have the duty to protect. If you don't agree with any of this, then stay indoors.


Agree. I always wear a mask, however lack of people wearing masks limits me in where I can go. Even on trams and buses, lots of people do not wear masks - so i have to walk a lot instead! I don't mind people having parties, if this is what they want to do contributing to building up herd immunity. I just feel I have my rights too, and when people do not wear a mask where it is mandatory, this violates my rights for safety in these places.


It's about xenophobia. It's seen as an "Asian" tradition and therefore hated.I'm still wearing a mask if I go to the mailbox. I'm not putting myself at risk because people are afraid of reality.


I wear a mask when I am in an operating theatre. If I am required by law to wear a mask in a business or whilst using a service, I simply won’t use that business or service. I have just got back from a mini break with my son. Originally planned Germany but was told you have to wear a mask in the hotel. Minus 1000 euro Germany. Chose Switzerland instead....would have taken the train but certainly not wearing a mask....-300 CHF SBB. I will keep burning diesel in my private car and keep choosing my restaurants and vacations like this until the political nonsense stops. Cheers 👌🏻


It is your choice not to visit places where masks are mandatory. As a doctor, you must understand that the reason you wear a mask in the operating theater is exactly to limit the amount of germs you may spread onto the patient while operating. Same with the masks in public places.


Actually, wearing masks in the operating theater is more about protecting the surgeon from fluids that might spray from the patient. Multiple studies have shown that patient outcomes are better when the surgeons wear no masks.


I always use a face mask and gloves when I leave my home (I live in California)


Wearing a mask will prevent the droplets and even the aerosols to directly transport from person to person. All the studies are showing that virus containing aerosols stay in the air for hours. In doors, especially, everyone should wear masks. All the good, intelligent citizens should wear to protect themselves and not to spread to others incase if they are asymptomatic. We wear seat belt to protect ourselves and others, then we should all wear masks in doors .Taiwan, South Korea reacted to COVID in the early stage by using masks which were mandatory. They have the least casualties. I wear my mask all the time in doors. I also wear my mask outdoors when 2 meters distance can not be maintained. I got used to it. I have breathable masks with many designs.


On a public transport only. The benefit is questionable, but I´m sure someone benefits financially from this lobbied exercise-


The benefit is to limit the spread of the virus. Your mask protects others.


When I'm in a closed environment such as a supermarket, public transport, etc. I always wear and keep my mask on. Upon entering a restaurant I keep it on while waiting to be seated and if/when moving within the premises.P.s. I totally resent the political weaponization of face masks. People, just wear it indipendently from your political affiliations ok? And, please keep your hands sanitized at every possible occasion. GP doctors now reporting much lower episodes of illness - even pneumonia - amongst elderly patients. The doctors suspect that heightened hygiene measures are having even more positive effects than anticipated.


I wear a mask in public transport, shops and wherever I must be close to other people. It is less comfortable then without and I somtimes feel hot and sticky but, as others say, it's a little thing compared to the respirator. There are quite some ppl who pretend to be wearing one but uncover their nose ir wear a mask so loose you can see their mouth. It really annoys me. It's like these parents who don't make children wear seat-belts in a car because "they are uncomfortable". It's just dumb.


I wear a mask whenever I leave my home. Many times I am the only one out with one on. It's just plain common sense to me. Make it harder for me get the virus or give it to someone else.


I live in Canada and there is a mandate to wear a mask in many stores and on public transportations. This is showing respect for other people and appreciated.CR

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