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Swiss government data affected by cyber-attack on Basel firm

cyber criminal with computer
Cyber-attacks are a growing headache for Swiss companies and institutions. Keystone / Sascha Steinbach

The software company Concevis has been the victim of a cyber attack. Once again, federal government data is involved. The cybercriminals are threatening to publish the data on the darknet.

According to available information, the stolen data probably contains old operational data from the Federal Administration. In-depth analyses are still underway, writes the Federal Department of Finance in a statement on Tuesday.

After stealing the data, the cybercriminals encrypted all the company’s servers. After Concevis refused to be blackmailed, the cybercriminals threatened to publish the data on the darknet. The Basel-based company has filed a criminal complaint.

This is the second time this year that the Swiss government has been indirectly affected by a major cyber-attack. The Xplain company was attacked in May. Sensitive data were published on the “darknet”. The Federal Council has taken several measures.


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