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Swiss authorities announce cost-cutting in asylum sector

Federal Councillor Beat Jans, center, speaks alongside Cantonal Councillor Christoph Ammann, Head of the Canton of Bern Department of Economic Affairs, Energy and the Environment, left, and Vice Chancellor Andre Simonazzi, Federal Council Spokesman, right, at a media conference on measures to increase the integration of persons with protection status S into the workforce, at the Federal Palace Media Center in Bern on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
Swiss Justice Minister Beat Jans (centre) on Wednesday in Bern. Keystone / Anthony Anex

The government wants to save around CHF700 million ($770 million) by the end of 2028 by better integrating refugees from Ukraine and other countries into the labour market and processing asylum applications more quickly. Further cost-cutting proposals are to follow.

Swiss expenditure on asylum has risen in recent years, and according to the government this trend is likely to continue, particularly in the areas of social welfare and integration. The number of asylum and protection applications is meanwhile unlikely to drop due to the many crisis hotspots around the world.

+ Read more: Switzerland pilots 24-hour asylum process

In an attempt to ensure that costs do not get out of hand, ministers approved a package of measures on Wednesday, one of which is to achieve a net saving of CHF54 million by the end of 2026 by processing asylum applications more quickly.

The government also expects substantial savings to result from measures to improve integration into the labour force, particularly for people with “protection status S”.

Overall it anticipates reduced expenditure to the tune of around CHF650 million by 2028. The justice ministry, which is responsible for this area, is to submit further savings proposals by the end of the year.

Adapted from German by DeepL/dkk/dos

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