Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

How can we reduce energy consumption?

Hosted by: Patricia Islas

Do you live in Switzerland or Europe? Are there measures in place to reduce the consumption of gas and energy where you live? And how are these measures discussed? 

The Swiss government has set a voluntary reduction target to safeguard against potential gas shortages in Europe. Residents are also asked to take voluntary steps to reduce their consumption, for example by limiting the heating inside their homes in winter.

What are your experiences or ideas to reduce your own consumption? Do you think there is also a positive side to this for us, the citizens, to aim for long-term sustainable energy consumption?

If you live outside of Europe – what has worked in your country of residence? Let us know.

From the article Switzerland aims to reduce winter gas consumption by 15%

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I do not plan to accompany my Swiss wife if she chooses to visit her family and friends there, as I've done in the past. Here in America we only drive when necessary, not for vacations, again as we used to. We consume the bare minimum amount of energy, which is actually not a hardship, because we live tucked into the east side of the "American Alps" otherwise known as the North Cascades. We both have traveled the world extensively in our past lives. -Eric Burr & Margrit Broennimann and yes, she's from Canton Bern.

Odacy de Brito Silva
Odacy de Brito Silva
The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

The fairest measure of energy saving starts with education, valuing natural lighting, thinking about the environment, more and more, especially in the face of the water and energy crises. And how? By saving electric energy, saving water! But also by using appropriate light bulbs, another important initiative is not to leave appliances plugged into outlets unnecessarily, and also to minimize the use of electric iron, shower, in short, to monitor the working conditions of household appliances, etc. Individual attitudes make a collective difference!

A medida mais justa da economia de energia inicia- se pela educação, valorização da iluminação natural, pensar no meio ambiente, cada vez mais, principalmente diante das crises hídricas e energéticas. E, como ? Economizando energia elétrica, economizar água ! Mas, também utilizando lâmpadas adequadas, outra iniciativa importante é a de não deixar aparelhos nas ligados nas tomadas desnecessariamente, e igualmente minimizar uso de ferro elétrico, chuveiro, enfim monitorar condições de funcionamento de eletrodomésticos etc. As atitudes individuais fazem diferença coletiva !

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Good day personally where I live are four-family condos and we did thermal insulation and only this this year I saved 50/% and small mold stains are gone, I also recommend insulating the shutter boxes I used 6 m/m thermoplan ( eqivale to 8 cm of the normal material used normally). I also intend as is done in Nordic countries interior wood cladding. Gianfranco

Buona giornata personalmente dove abito sono condomini quadrifamigliari e abbiamo fatto il capotto termico e solo questo quest'anno ho risparmiato il 50/% e le macchie di piccole muffe sono sparite, consiglio anche di coibentare i cassonetti delle tapparelle ho usato il termoplan da 6 m/m ( eqivale a 8 cm del normale materiale usato normalmente). Ho anche intenzione come si fa nei paesi nordici rivestimento interno di legno. Gianfranco


Why do always the same people must pay for the politicians mess?

Roger Geronimo
Roger Geronimo
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

In southern Burgundy, France, many indoor swimming pools were closed for the winter because the heating costs are too high. Public buildings are heated lower.

Many heat less or even only a part of the house. In our area many have forest property and so now is increasingly heated with Holt. Because pellets have become up to 5 times more expensive, two neighbors have even purchased a machine and now produce their own pellets. Whether these measures are then but purposeful?

This year we have also renounced the Christmas lighting.

Over Easter 23 we will install 11m2 of solar thermal on our roof to support the heating and produce the hot water largely with solar energy.
We will also consider installing a few m2 of photovoltaic, but that depends on whether and to what extent there are subsidies and what else we have to pay.

Already in 2022 we could reduce the mileage of our vehicles (gasoline and diesel) by about 20%.

I don't think we can do much more. The politicians have been asked for a long time.
Greetings from the Brionnais

Bei uns im Südburgund Frankreich wurden sehr viele Hallenbäder über den Winter geschlossen weil die Heizkosten dafür zu hoch sind. Öffentliche Gebäude werden tiefer geheizt.

Viele heizen weniger oder sogar nur einen Teil des Hauses. In unserer Gegend haben viele Waldbesitz und so wird nun vermehrt mit Holt geheizt. Weil Pellets bis zu 5 mal teurer wurden haben zwei Nachbarn sogar eine Maschine angeschafft und fabrizieren nun ihre eigenen Pellets. Ob diese Massnahmen dann aber zielführend sind?

Wir haben dieses Jahr auch auf die Weihnachtsbeleuchtung verzichtet.

Über die Ostertage 23 werden wir 11m2 Solarthermie auf unser Dach installieren und so die Heizung unterstützen und das warme Wasser grössenteils mit Sonnenenergie herstellen.
Wir werden auch noch in Betracht ziehen ein paar m2 Photovoltaik zu installieren, das kommt aber ganz darauf an ob und in welchem Umfang es Fördergelder gibt und was sonst noch noch kostenmässig auf uns zukommt.

Bereits 2022 konnten wir die Fahrleistung unserer Fahrzeuge (Benzin und Diesel) um rund 20 % senken.

Ich denke viel mehr können wir nicht machen. Die Politik ist schon länger gefragt.
Grüsse aus dem Brionnais

Patricia Islas
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.
@Roger Geronimo

Very good effort, and yes, in the end we will pay the bill for our own expenses.

Muy buen esfuerzo, y sí, al final pagaremos factura de nuestros propios gastos.


«  Residents are also asked to take voluntary steps to reduce their consumption, for example by limiting the heating inside their homes in winter. »

In the recent freeze in the U.K. costing home owners thousands for burst pipes and water tanks!

Nino Di Franco
Nino Di Franco
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

With solar it is impossible for economic reasons. With heat pumps it would be possible PROVIDED that the marginal electricity comes from renewable sources, which is impossible. That leaves biomass, if citizens are willing to breathe fine dust.

Con il solare è impossibile per motivi economici. Con le pompe di calore sarebbe possibile A PATTO CHE l'elettricità marginale provenga da fonti rinnovabili, cosa impossibile. Restano le biomasse, se i cittadini sono disposti a respirare polveri sottili.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Hello, I am Abdulaziz Al-Fitouri from Libya. We have experienced these harsh conditions, which are somewhat similar to Switzerland and Europe despite the different weather between Europe and Africa. However, there is a large amount of gas in reserve, but we export it outside the country, but the lack of power for electrical stations results in electricity escaping and entering the country into a cycle of darkness. My advice is to me, my friends, the Swiss people, to rely on themselves and build friendly relations with everyone +everyone = one because everyone needs the other. War and conflicts do nothing but destruction and destruction. Thank you for providing this opportunity and I wish the friendly Swiss people prosperity and prosperity

مرحبا انا عبدالعزيز الفيتوري من ليبيا لقد مررنا بتلك الظروف القاسيه و التي تشبه نوعا ما سويسرا وأوروبا بالرغم من اختلاف الطقس بين أوربا و أفريقيا ومع ذلك يوجد كمية غاز احتياطي كبير الا اننا نصدره خارج البلاد و لاكن نقص الطاقه للمحطات الكهربائية ينتج عنه هروب للكهرباء و دخول البلاد في دوامة ظلام نصيحتي لي أصدقائي الشعب السويسري ان يعتمد على نفسه و يبني علاقات صداقه مع الجميع الجميع +الجميع =واحد لان كل شخص محتاج للآخر فمابالك دول تحتاج بعضها البعض الحروب والصراعات لاتفي بشيء الا الدمار و الخراب اشكركم على إتاحة هذه الفرصه و اتمنى للشعب السويسري الصديق الرخاء و الازدهار

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Switzerland is a precursor country in terms of green energy, several tracks could be implemented by its geography and its urban structure, methanizer
in the countryside, which would solve several problems, (limitation of transport linked to energy, management of costs, waste and revalorization at the local level, contribution of fertilizer for agriculture, production of GNV, etc).
The structures could be developed and financed locally with why not a tax deduction negotiated with the federal state to amortize the investments, France intends to replace 3/4 of its gas by combined structures based on methanization by 2030.
Other avenues can be considered, such as the production of hydrogen combined with hydroelectric production, agro-energy, or energy recovery via computer servers and highway networks.
servers and highway networks.

La Suisse est un pays précurseur en matière d'énergie verte, plusieurs pistes pourront être mis en place de par sa géographie et sa structure urbaine, methaniseur
dans les campagnes, qui résoudrait plusieurs problèmes, (limitation des transports liés à l'énergie, gestion des coûts, des déchet et revalorisation au niveau local, apport d'engrais et de fertilisant pour l'agriculture,production GNV, etc).
Les structures pourront être développées et financer localement avec pourquoi pas une déduction fiscale négociée avec l'état fédéral pour amortir les investissements, la France compte remplacer les 3/4 de son gaz par justement des structures combinées à base de méthanisation pour l'horizon 2030.
D'autres piste peuvent être envisagées comme la production d'hydrogène combiné avec la production hydro-électrique, l'agro-énergie, ou la récupération d'énergie via les
serveurs informatiques et réseaux autoroutiers.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

Decrease the power of the state, the biggest predator of energy with its control of people via bureaucracy. And its absurd wars making bombs and weapons. WAR AND aggression to the environment.

Diminuir o estado poder o maior predador de energia com o controle de gente via burocracia. E de suas guerras absurdas fazendo bombas e armas. GUERRA E agressao ao meio ambiente.

Lacroix Elena
Lacroix Elena
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Behind every choice or decision there is a global approach of our systems of consumption and overconsumption as if all resources and commodities were inexhaustible. Look at these cable cars often running empty, only to provide a hypothetical service to invisible customers!
It is the entire economic system that needs to be radically changed with a single objective, sobriety and economy. In short, we must return to the practices of the post-war period when we rolled up the gift ribbon to use it the next time....

Derrière tout choix ou décision il y a une approche globale de nos systèmes de consommation et surconsommation comme si toutes les ressources et denrées étaient inépuisables. Regardez donc ces téléphériques tourner souvent à vide, seulement pour assurer un hypothétique service à des clients invisibles !
C'est la totalité du système économique qu'il faut changer radicalement avec un seul et unique objectif, sobriété et économie. En somme revenir aux pratiques de l'après-guerre où on enroulait jusqu'au ruban cadeau pour s'en servir la prochaine fois....

savino piccolo
savino piccolo
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A good idea might be geothermal. Perhaps expensive to install but the expense over time is recouped if energy costs remain as they are now.o state could incentivize these installations

Una buona idea potrebbe essere il geotermico. Forse costoso l'impianto ma la spesa nel tempo si recupera se i costi dell'energia rimangono quelli attuali.o stato potrebbe incentivare questi impianti


First Stop private jets flights
Second stop private cars rides

Mandatory comercial flights
Mandatory public transportation


Just read that the heating will be capped at 20 degrees centigrade.

Paying a rent that covers the heating like many other people my question is: Will rents be adjusted taking in consideration that the services will be reduced?


Best way is to use the excellent train and Cantonal transportation, you save money, time and air quality. Start now.


Time is debatable. It takes me 1 hour 30 mins to get to work using public transport. By car it takes me 30 min. I live in Gland and work in Laussane near Sallaz. Bus system in Lausanne is very bad they are always late.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Speaking on a national level, I propose to bring the annual GDP growth rate to 0%. In this way we would save energy in a profitable way, in addition to other benefits such as control over the depredation of the environment, decrease the effects of climate change, and rest the factories, which would save natural resources. This coming winter, we could propose, in the appropriate forum, to bring the GDP growth rate to 0%, it would be the perfect Christmas present for our planet.

Hablando a nivel nacional, yo propongo llevar la tasa de crecimiento anual del PBI al 0%. De esta manera ahorrariamos energia de manera provechosa, ademas de otros beneficios como control sobre la depredacion del medio ambiente, disminucion de los efectos del cambio climatico, y descanso a las fabricas, lo que ahorraria recursos naturales. Este invierno que se acerca, podriamos proponer, en el foro adecuado, llevar la tasa de crecimiento del PBI al 0%, seria el regalo de navidad perfecto para nuestro planeta.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

We live in the south of France, and like all Europeans we are impacted by the restrictive measures of energy saving, in this case, the collective gas heating,
As a co-responsible of a council of 328 apartments, we will have to apply the rule of 19° for each apartment, we will have to make an extraordinary assembly in January to ratify our signature of contract which expired on November 1st, that is to say practically 5 times the previous price, for the Swiss readers as an example we will have to pay approximately 3400€ instead of 700€ Annuel always in the assumption of the same consumption, which will be probably (at least we hope it) not the case.
In our city, some condominiums have already cut the collective heating. This is authorized with the approval of the majority in the general assembly.
Again if the jurisprudence allows it, there is a risk that many do not consider, it is that in the event of conflict (old people not being equipped), it would be enough that some can have after-effects of health of the cold turn over to the court
In this case the judge will not hesitate to accuse us.
Here we are, all of us involved in these same difficulties, whether in Europe, where Switzerland is nevertheless supportive, or in France.
Georges Roche

Nous résidons dans le sud de la France ,et sommes comme tous les Européens impactés par les mesures restrictives d'économie d'énergie en l'occurrence, le chauffage au gaz collectif,
En tant que co responsable d'un conseil Syndical de 328 appartements, nous devrons en un premier lieu appliquer la règle des 19° pour chaque appartement.Nous devrons faire une assemblée extraordinaire au mois de Janvier pour entériner notre signature de contrat qui arrivait à échéance le 1 er Novembre, soit pratiquement 5 fois le prix précédent ,pour les lecteurs Suisses à titre d'exemple nous devrons approximativement payer 3400€ au lieu des 700€ Annuel toujours dans l'hypothèse de la même consommation, ce qui ne sera probablement ( du moins nous l'espérons) pas le cas.
Dans notre ville certaines copropriétés ont déjà coupé carrément le chauffage collectif. Ce qui est autorisé avec l'aval de la majorité en assemblée générale.
La encore si la jurisprudence nous le permet, il y a un risque que beaucoup n'envisagent pas, c'est que en cas de conflit (personnes âgés n'étant pas équipés), il suffirait que certaines puissent avoir des séquelles de santé du au froid se retournent au près d'un tribunal
Dans ce cas le juge n'hésitera pas à nous mettre en cause.
Nous voilà tous embarqués dans ces mêmes difficultés que ce soit en Europe dont la Suisse est malgré tout solidaire et la France
Georges Roche

Patricia Islas
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Dear Georges Roche,
The legal issue you point out is a really relevant matter to consider. Thank you for this contribution.

Estimado Georges Roche,
El tema legal que señala es un asunto realmente relevante a tener en cuenta. Gracias por este aporte.

Richard Red
Richard Red
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Switzerland's contribution has and must contain a political context, and that is the need to help contain the military escalation. We cannot talk about the reduction of gas demand only, oil also and that is achieved with total peace, at this time there should be no military blocs such as NATO expanding to the Russian borders, Even if Switzerland is not part of it, it should advocate peaceful coexistence, it is not morally acceptable "I do not fight, but I do not care if they threaten the neighbor next door", it is very selfish, there are fundamental principles that are necessary to be able to set goals. Switzerland says: Total solidarity, but keep sending weapons. Why not say: Let's send peace negotiators, is it so difficult? Remember that the military apparatus and its wars consume a great amount of resources necessary to begin to set realistic goals in the environmental field.

La contribución de Suiza tiene y debe contener un contexto político, y es la necesidad de que ayude a contener la escalada militar, No se puede hablar de la reducción de demanda de gas solamente, petroleo también y eso se logra con la paz total, a esta hora no deberían de existir bloques militares como la OTAN expandiéndose hasta las fronteras rusas, nada bueno queda de eso, aun si Suiza no forma parte de el, debe de abogar por la convivencia pacifica, no es moralmente aceptable "no peleo, pero tampoco me importa si llegan a amenazar al vecino de al lado", se nota muy egoísta, existen principios fundamentales que son necesarios para poder fijarse metas. Suiza dice: Solidaridad total, pero sigan enviando armas. Porque no decir: Enviemos negociadores de paz???, Acaso es tan difícil??? Recuerden que el aparato militar y sus guerras se consumen una gran cantidad de recursos necesarios para comenzar a plantearse metas realistas en el ámbito ambiental.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.
@Richard Red

I support this proposal. Wars will not bear fruit at the political and military level. On the economic level, you don't mind that any economy will be destroyed as long as there are wars

انا أؤيد هذا الاقتراح الحروب لاتجني ثمارها هذا على الصعيد السياسي العسكري فمابالك على الصعيد الاقتصادي سيتدمر اي اقتصاد مادامت هناك حروب

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Hello!.when I bought my house more I added to the subsidies proposed by my community that was the energy saving in windows and insulation.and it was a success.they protect me from outside temperatures.and as I live on a fourth floor and I am the last.I could put a pellet stove.sometimes the first thing to do for energy saving is an improvement of the house.greetings.Ana Maria

Hola!.Cuando me compré mi vivienda más sume a las subenciones propuestas por mi comunidad que era el ahorro energético en ventanas y aislamiento.Y fue un acierto.Me protegen de las temperaturas de fuera.Y como vivo en un cuarto piso y soy la última.Pude poner una estufa de pelets..Algunas veces lo primero que hay que hacer para el ahorro energético es una mejora de la vivienda.Un saludo.Ana Maria

sin kazama
sin kazama
The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I live in Tokyo.
I have been saving electricity since the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011.
I have reduced my electricity usage by 70%.

I have changed all the lighting to LED.
I changed my TV from a big one to a 20 inch one
Changed from desktop computers to iPads
Japan has four seasons with temperatures ranging from 40 degrees Celsius in the summer to 0 degrees Celsius in the winter.
I quit using air conditioners and other heating and cooling systems.

If we install solar power generation systems on our roof, we can supply almost 100% of our own electricity.
I can be self-sufficient for almost 100% of my electricity needs.

If we go all-electric, there will be no need for gas.

In Switzerland, if we are creative, we can eliminate the need for gas in our homes.
Most of the electricity can be supplied by solar power.

If the majority of the population is self-sufficient in energy
If the majority of the population is self-sufficient in energy, the country will be able to survive even if energy prices soar and wars make it difficult to import energy.

We can also dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We should abandon nuclear power altogether
and use only renewable energy sources.

It will be a difficult shift from our current dependence on nuclear power and fossil fuels.
The country that can make the shift before any other country will be the leader of the next generation.

I hope Switzerland will be a world leader!











Patricia Islas
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.
@sin kazama

Your performance is exemplary, with a 70% reduction. Thank you for sharing it. Indeed, solar energy and the use of other renewable energy sources are a solution that in many places we have been slow to implement.

Su modo de actuar es ejemplar, con una reducción del 70%. Gracias por compartirlo. Efectivamente, la energía solar y el empleo de otras fuentes de energía renovables son una solución en la que en muchos sitios nos hemos tardado en aplicar.

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR