Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

How have recent political and economic events influenced your trust in the Swiss government?

Hosted by: Samuel Jaberg

On November 24, the Swiss government and parliament were defeated on three out of four referendum issues in nationwide votes. The Swiss authorities typically enjoy high trusts levels among the population but they now appear to be struggling amid a crisis of confidence.

For the first time, people who distrust the government (47%) outnumber those who trust it (42%), according to the gfs.bern research institute.

What do you think is the cause of this distrust towards the Swiss authorities? Have recent events, in your view, widened the gap between the people and their representatives? We’d like to hear your thoughts!


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Evelyne Canus
Evelyne Canus
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

We must not abandon our neutrality, and Switzerland must retain maximum independence. The EU functions badly, there are no agreements and democracy is not widespread. Beautiful Switzerland must remain vigilant

Ne pas renoncer à la neutralité , la Suisse doit garder un maximum d’indépendance. L’UE fonctionne mal, il n’y a pas d’accord et la démocratie n’est pas générale. La belle Suisse doit rester vigilante

wadel jocelyne
wadel jocelyne
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global government corruption

corruption gouvernemental mondiale

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Switzerland as a country and as a people is not in a crisis of confidence, but rather the central authorities in Bern, the parliament, the Federal Council and parts of the administration.
- Renouncing neutrality in the Ukraine war
- Fundamental questioning of constitutional neutrality
- Adoption of EU sanctions against Russia
- Ingratiation with the EU with a draft framework agreement that is too one-sided
- Neglect of the army with simultaneous alignment with NATO
- Unnecessary membership of the UN Security Council
- No strict asylum policy
- Many ineffective development aid projects abroad,
- An excessive subsidy policy at the expense of the taxpayer
- Far too many laws and regulations for industry, trade and commerce
- Excessive political influence of the state in schools, public and private life
public and private life
- Creeping loss of Swissness, Switzerland First and patriotism among the authorities
the authorities

Die Schweiz als Land und als Volk ist in keiner Vertrauenskrise, sondern die Berner Zentralbehörden, das Parlament, der Bundesrat und Teile der Administration.
- Verzicht auf die Neutralität im Ukraine-Krieg
- Grundsätzliche Infragestellung der verfassungsmässigen Neutralität
- Übernahme der EU-Sanktionen gegenüber Russland
- Anbiederung an die EU mit Entwurf eines zu einseitigen Rahmenvertrages
- Vernachlässigung der Armee mit gleichzeitiger Anlehnung an die NATO
- Unnötige Einsitznahme im UNO- Sicherheitsrat
- Keine strikte Asylpolitik
- Viele unwirksame Entwicklungshilfe-Projekt im Ausland,
- Eine überbordende Subventionspolitik zu Lasten der Steuerzahler
- Viel zu viele Gesetze und Vorschriften für Industrie, Gewerbe und Handel
- Übertriebene politische Einflussnahme des Staates in Schulen, dem öffentlichen
sowie zuvilen Leben und im Privatbereich
- Schleichender Verlust der Swissness, des Switzerland First, der Vaterlandsliebe bei
den Behörden

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Well..... How can we trust a government that only "cherry-picks", sends billions abroad and at the same time, for example, completely forgets Ticino and regulates so many matters that it no longer has anything to do with a free society or democracy?
CH is a police state and democracy is just a pretence.
Wake up at last and fight back against all the regulations, laws, bans and rules.
Paying taxes for things you don't want or which are directed against your own people.....
Fucking country

Na ja.....wie soll einer Regierung vertraut werden, welche nur "Rosinen pickt", Milliarden ins Ausland schickt und gleichzeitig z.Bspl. das Tessin völlig vergisst und soviele Angelegenheiten reguliert, daß es nichts mehr mit einer freien Gesellschaft oder Demokratie zu tun hat ???
Die CH ist doch ein Polizei Staat und die Demokratie ist nur vorgeplänkelt.
Wacht endlich auf und wehrt euch gegen all die Regulierungen, Gesetze, Verbote und Vorschriften.
Steuern zahlen für Dinge die man gar nicht will oder die sich gegen das eigene Volk richten.....
Scheiss Land

Peter b
Peter b

Michael, I think your words are way too harsh. However, I agree there has been a reduction in democracy. It is possible that may be due to the optional voting system because then activist groups can put out misinformation (eg about the dangers of nuclear power stations) and can get a minority to vote while the majority stay home)
By police state, do mean the approval of requirements of vaccination and strictions on movement as with the "covid" mess in contrast to the Swedish action? The state of Victoria in Australia which had some of the strictest lockdowns in the world had more (maybe 4 times) deaths than the rest of Australia in total. WHO and it seems Switzerland still has not realised fully that going out into the sun helps the body with health. Where I lived in Qld Australia we could go to the beach, go for walks, go to the shops etc The number of deaths were less than 10. I got covid for 5 days after the 4th vaccination but it did not affect me going out for walks.
In future make sure you inform yourself and go out to vote.

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I note that the 'civil-cultural-political' disease, which is currently a full-blown epidemic, has also affected Switzerland.

Constato che la malattia "civile-culturale-politica", che attualmente è un'epidemia conclamataha, colpito anche la Svizzera..

Philipp Müller
Philipp Müller
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Simple explanation: I just don't feel anything from the First Swiss population. End.

Einfache Erklärung: Ich spüre einfach nichts von, First Schweizerbevölkerung. Ende.

A. Kühne
A. Kühne
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

A preliminary remark: According to the surveys conducted by gfs bern, trust in the authorities is subject to strong annual fluctuations. On the other hand, mistrust has also been significantly higher than trust in the past. For example, in 2004, after the referendum of 8 February 2004, 46 percent of respondents stated that the government did not know the concerns and wishes of the people, while only 36 percent said that they could rely on the Federal Council. Accordingly, the respective justifications are given in a topical sense. In 2004, for example, there was talk of the so-called Blocher effect, i.e. the non-re-election of Christoph Blocher (SVP) by parliament in 2003. While this crisis of confidence seemed to have been inspired by the right, a "crisis of confidence from the left" (gfs) led to a crisis of confidence after the vote on 24 November 2024. This is exacerbated by the fact that Parliament currently has or had (?) little feel for the mood of the population. Not only with the pension scheme, but also with the current rental proposals. The corresponding bourgeois majority in parliament since the last elections led the SP to adopt the strategy of seeking majorities for social redistribution issues through direct democracy. And it has been very successful in doing so, for example with the adoption of the 13th AHV pension. The Federal Council and Parliament clearly did not take sufficient account of social policy concerns. The social democratic fight to strengthen purchasing power also had an impact on the rent proposals on 24 November. In addition, the SP's political campaign against the motorway bill, with its focus on a possible increase in petrol prices, chose a strategy that led to success. The left-wing policy of strengthening purchasing power has proven to be a success factor in recent votes.
This year's survey by gfs of a decline in confidence in the Federal Council therefore appears to be a consequence of parliamentary policy failure on social policy issues.

In addition, there have been medium-term trends of a decline in confidence in the government since the CSS crisis and the coronavirus crisis. However, these are institutional crises of supervision (FINMA at CSS) and scientific advice on government action (corona) in areas where Parliament did not have a say due to time constraints. This is because the crisis management required here was momentary and there was no time for parliamentary debate. In these two crises, the Federal Council demonstrated good crisis management, which could certainly be criticised, but was ultimately successful.

There are now other longer-term causes of social mistrust in current global developments, such as the dangers of deceiving citizens with fake information for democracy, the geopolitical uncertainties resulting from the rise of new powers such as Russia and China, the current wars in Ukraine and Gaza, the question of Switzerland's political integration into the EU and, above all, the climate crisis, which is looming like an elephant in the room.

Eine Vorbemerkung: Gemäss den Erhebungen von gfs bern unterliegt zum Einen das Vertrauen in die Behörden zT starken jährlichen Schwankungen. Zum Anderen war das Misstrauen auch schon früher deutlich grösser als das Vertrauen. ZB im Jahr 2004, wonach nach den Abstimmungen vom 8. Februar 2004 46 Prozent der Befragten angaben, die Regierung kenne die Sorgen und Wünsche des Volkes nicht, während lediglich 36 Prozent aussagten, sie könnten sich auf den Bundesrat verlassen. Entsprechend fallen die jeweiligen Begründungen in einem tagesaktuellen Sinn aus. So sprach man etwa 2004 vom sog. Blocher-Effekt, also der Nichtwiederwahl von Christoph Blocher (SVP) 2003 durch das Parlament. Während diese Vertrauenskrise von rechts inspiriert schien, führte demgegenüber nach der Abstimmung vom 24.11.2024 eine «Vertrauenskrise von links» (gfs) zu einer Vertrauenskrise. Das wird dadurch verstärkt, dass das Parlament zurzeit wenig Gespür für die Stimmung in der Bevölkerung hat bzw. hatte (?). Nicht nur bei der Altersvorsorge, sondern auch bei den aktuellen Mietvorlagen. Die entsprechende bürgerliche Mehrheit im Parlament seit den letzten Wahlen führte denn auch die SP zur Strategie, Mehrheiten für Fragen der sozialen Umverteilung auf dem direktdemokratischen Weg zu suchen. Und dies gelang ihr sehr gut, siehe etwa die Annahme der 13. AHV Rente. Bundesrat und Parlament haben offenbar sozialpolitische Anliegen nicht genügend berücksichtigt. Der sozialdemokratische Kampf zur Stärkung der Kaufkraft wirkte sich zuletzt am 24. November auch in den Mietvorlagen aus. Zudem wählte das politische Campaignig der SP gegen die Autobahnvorlage mit ihrem Fokus auf eine mögliche Erhöhung der Benzinpreise eine Strategie, die zum Erfolg führte. Die linke Politik der Kaufkraftstärkung erweist sich in den letzten Abstimmungen als Erfolgsfaktor.
Die diesjährige Erhebung der gfs eines Vertrauensrückgangs in den Bundesrat erscheint deshalb als eine Folge des parlamentarischen Politikversagens in sozialpolitischen Fragen.

Hinzu kommen mittelfristige Tendenzen eines Vertrauensrückgangs zur Regierung seit der CSS Krise und der Corona Krise. Allerdings handelt es sich hier um institutionelle Krisen der Aufsicht (FINMA bei der CSS) und wissenschaftlicher Beratung staatlichen Handelns (Corona) in Bereichen, wo das Parlament aus Zeitnot nicht mitzureden hatte. Denn hier wurde momentanes Krisenmanagement gefragt, bei welchem die Zeit für parlamentarische Debatten nicht vorhanden war. In diesen beiden Krisen zeigte der Bundesrat ein gutes Krisenmanagement, sicher kritisierbar, aber am Schluss erfolgreich.

Hinzu kommen nun noch weitere längerfristige Ursachen eines gesellschaftlichen Misstrauens in globale aktuelle Entwicklungen wie die Gefahren der Täuschung der BürgerInnen durch Fake-Informationen für die Demokratie, die geopolitischen Unsicherheiten in der Folge des Aufsteigens neuer Mächte wie Russland und China, die gegenwärtigen Kriege in der Ukraine und in Gaza, die Frage der politischen Einordnung der Schweiz in die EU und vor allem die Klimakrise, die wie ein Elefant im Raum steht.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Our country has functioned for hundreds of years on solid pillars that inspire confidence: neutrality and immigration regulated according to labour needs, and has always welcomed migrants fleeing war or certain death in their own countries. Why call into question what works perfectly just to satisfy some far-fetched idealists? Our country is like our family: we protect our family members first and foremost, and if we want to live well together, we have to respect established rules to avoid a meltdown. If you look at neighbouring European countries, you'll see that their system doesn't work at all: people are poorer and poorer and live in insecurity. Order doesn't mean fascism or racism; order brings order and respect.

Notre pays a fonctionné des centaines d'années avec des piliers solides qui inspiraient confiance : la neutralité et une immigration régulée en fonction des besoins sur le plan du travail et a toujours accueilli des migrants qui fuyaient la guerre ou une mort certaine dans leur pays. Pourquoi remettre en question ce qui fonctionne parfaitement uniquement pour satisfaire des idéalistes farfelus ? Notre pays c'est comme notre famille, on protège les membres de sa famille d'abord et pour le bien vivre ensemble, il faut respecter des règles établies, on évite ainsi la débâcle. En observant les pays européens proches, on s'aperçoit que leur système ne fonctionne absolument pas, les gens sont toujours plus pauvres et vivent dans l' insécurité. L'ordre ne signifie pas être fasciste ou raciste, l'ordre amène l'ordre et le respect.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Trust is a feeling based on certainty and security. Reciprocity is also an important element in the creation of trust. When the people do not perceive certainty, security, reciprocity, then the level of trust falls, even significantly. The transparency of the CF is very badly managed and the populism of the left and the right undermine even the CF's rare attempts to communicate with the grassroots. The parties are very adept at manipulating the limited ability of councillors to explain weak strategies in an understandable way. The current federal councillors are very weak in character and do not pursue lines that the people can understand. For example, they do not show any willingness to tackle the major problem of health care, which has been in crisis for years due to the financing system. Another blatant example is the lack of consistency in the handling of the neutrality issue, with petty and trivial quarrels within the CF itself.

There are six major macro-issues that the CF must address:

1. Neutrality and foreign policy
International relations: Maintaining a diplomatic balance with the EU, the USA and other global partners while safeguarding Swiss neutrality.
European cooperation: Managing the relationship with the EU, including bilateral agreements, participation in the single market and free movement issues.
Humanitarian Aid: Continue to play a mediating role in global conflicts and support humanitarian initiatives.

2. Economic and fiscal policy
Financial sustainability: Ensure a balanced federal budget and tackle public debt, especially in times of economic crisis.
Competitiveness: Promote innovation, support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and attract foreign investment.
Digitisation: Invest in digital transformation to modernise the economy and institutions.

3. Energy and climate crisis
Energy transition: Promote renewable energy and reduce dependence on fossil fuels, especially in response to the global energy crisis.
Climate change: Take measures to achieve the climate targets of the Paris Agreement and protect Switzerland from the effects of global warming, such as melting glaciers and extreme events.
4. Internal security and migration

Migration management: Ensure a balanced approach between refugee reception and border control.
Cybersecurity: Protect critical infrastructure and sensitive data from increasing cyber attacks.
Terrorism and organised crime: Strengthen international collaboration to prevent global threats.

5. Health Care and Social Security
Public Health Sustainability: Addressing rising health care costs and improving access to medical services.
Pensions and social insurance: Ensure the long-term sustainability of the social security system in the context of an ageing population.

6. Culture and national cohesion
Multiculturalism: Promote dialogue between different language regions and cultures.
Equality and Inclusion: Work to ensure equal opportunities and combat discrimination based on gender, race and orientation.

Which of the councillors has clear ideas and defined strategies on the 6 topics?
NONE. They prefer a politically correct mix, perhaps out of complacency, instead of taking a clear position that would give confidence in the role.

La fiducia è un sentimento basato su certezza e sicurezza. Anche la reciprocità è un elemento importante nella creazione di fiducia. Quando il popolo non percepisce certezze, sicurezza, reciprocità, ecco che il livello di fiducia cala in modo anche importante. La trasparenza del CF è gestita molto male e il populismo di sinistra e di destra minano anche i rari tentativi del CF di comunicare con la base. I partiti sono molto abili a manipolare la limitata capacità dei consiglieri di spiegare in modo comprensibile le deboli strategie. I consiglieri federali attuali sono molto deboli caratterialmente e non perseguono linee comprensibili dal popolo. Per esempio, non mostrano di voler affrontare il grande problema della sanità, in crisi ormai da anni per il sistema di finanziamento. Un altro esempio palese è l'assenza di coerenza nella gestione del tema della neutralità, con infime e banali beghe interne allo stesso CF.

Sono 6 i macrotemi più importanti che deve affrontare il CF:

1. Neutralità e politica estera
Relazioni internazionali: Mantenere un equilibrio diplomatico con l'Unione Europea, gli Stati Uniti e altri partner globali, salvaguardando la neutralità svizzera.
Cooperazione europea: La gestione del rapporto con l'UE, inclusi accordi bilaterali, partecipazione al mercato unico e questioni di libera circolazione.
Aiuti umanitari: Continuare a giocare un ruolo di mediatore nei conflitti globali e sostenere iniziative umanitarie.

2. Politica economica e fiscale
Sostenibilità finanziaria: Garantire un budget federale equilibrato e affrontare il debito pubblico, soprattutto in periodi di crisi economica.
Competitività: Promuovere l'innovazione, sostenere le piccole e medie imprese (PMI) e attrarre investimenti esteri.
Digitalizzazione: Investire nella trasformazione digitale per modernizzare l’economia e le istituzioni.

3. Crisi energetica e climatica
Transizione energetica: Promuovere l'energia rinnovabile e ridurre la dipendenza da fonti fossili, soprattutto in risposta alla crisi energetica globale.
Cambiamenti climatici: Adottare misure per raggiungere gli obiettivi climatici previsti dall'Accordo di Parigi e proteggere il territorio svizzero dagli effetti del riscaldamento globale, come scioglimento dei ghiacciai e fenomeni estremi.
4. Sicurezza interna e migrazione

Gestione dell'immigrazione: Garantire un approccio equilibrato tra accoglienza di rifugiati e controllo delle frontiere.
Cybersecurity: Proteggere le infrastrutture critiche e i dati sensibili dai crescenti attacchi informatici.
Terrorismo e criminalità organizzata: Rafforzare la collaborazione internazionale per prevenire minacce globali.

5. Sistema sanitario e previdenza sociale
Sostenibilità della sanità pubblica: Affrontare l’aumento dei costi sanitari e migliorare l’accesso ai servizi medici.
Pensioni e assicurazioni sociali: Garantire la sostenibilità a lungo termine del sistema previdenziale, in un contesto di invecchiamento della popolazione.

6. Cultura e coesione nazionale
Multiculturalismo: Promuovere il dialogo tra le diverse regioni linguistiche e culture.
Eguaglianza e inclusione: Lavorare per garantire pari opportunità e combattere discriminazioni di genere, razza e orientamento.

Quale dei consiglieri, ha idee chiare e strategie definite sui 6 temi?
NESSUNO. Preferiscono un mix politically correct, forse per autocompiacimento, invece di prendere una posizione chiara che darebbe fiducia nel ruolo.

Thomas Weber (Jean Thomas Weber)
Thomas Weber (Jean Thomas Weber)
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

42% say little to nothing. Trust is reasonably based on three pillars:
Credible commitment - Performance/results - Appearance. Federal Councillors with less popular departments find it much more difficult to create trust. It is better to scrutinise self-promoters; they tend to work for themselves and their clientele. And thus destroy trust.

42% sagen wenig bis nichts aus. Vertrauen basiert vernünftigerweise auf drei Säulen:
Glaubwürdiges Engagement- Leistung /Ergebnis - Auftritt. Bundesräte/innen mit wenig beliebten Departemente haben es wesentlich schwieriger, Vertrauen zu schaffen. Selbstdarsteller sollte man besser hinterfragen; sie arbeiten eher für sich und ihre Klientel. Und zerstören damit Vertrauen.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Labour immigration, particularly from southern Europe, has had a decisive influence on Switzerland's positive economic development. If we take into account recent developments in political discourse, such as the tightening of immigration regulations and the catastrophic management of migrants, confidence in the Swiss government and political landscape is bound to plummet. The increase in political tensions and the emphasis on more restrictive, even racist, migration policies will further drastically reduce confidence in the government, especially if there is a feeling that economic needs are not being sufficiently taken into account. The current rise in xenophobia and the successive tightening of immigration policy have therefore led to a massive drop in confidence in Swiss politics, which increases the power of polemical parties who have no choice but to reinforce the xenophobic feelings that brought them to power.

L'immigration de main-d'œuvre, notamment en provenance du sud de l'Europe, a eu une influence décisive sur l'essor économique positive de la Suisse. Si l'on tient compte du développement du discours politique récent, comme le renforcement de la réglementation de l'immigration et la gestion catastrophique des migrants, la confiance dans le gouvernement et le paysage politique suisse ne peut que chuter impérativement. L'augmentation des tensions politiques et l'accent mis sur des politiques migratoires plus restrictives, voir racistes, va encore réduire drastiquement la confiance dans le gouvernement, surtout si l'on a le sentiment que les besoins économiques ne sont pas suffisamment pris en compte. La montée actuelle de la xénophobie et le durcissement successif de la politique d'immigration ont donc conduit à une baisse de confiance massive dans la politique Suisse, ce qui augmente le pouvoir des parties polémiques qui n’ont aucun autre choix que de renforcer les sentiments xénophobes qui les a portés au pouvoir.

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Why should I have confidence in Swiss politics? I have experienced courts and civil servants who do not care about laws. Likewise civil servants who pass moronic, non-law-abiding resolutions. Why should I trust them?

Wieso sollte ich Vertrauen haben in die schweizer Politik? Habe Gerichte und Beamte erfahren die sich nicht um Gesetze kuemmern. Ebenso Beamte die schwachsinnige, nicht gesetzestreue Beschluesse fassten. Wieso sollte ich solchen vertrauen??

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because otherwise the good civilisation of profitability slaps on the wrists and more if affinity and this, in spite of the ball and chain it drags. Good civilisation could just as well be another way of naming the institution preferred by the rectors of good married life. But it wasn't me who said it: marriage is doomed to failure because little Eve made a mistake. Thank God for Lilith and healthy rebellion.

parce que autrement la bonne civilisation de la rentabilité tape sur les doigts et plus si affinité et ce, en dépit des boulets qu'elle traine. Bonne civilisation pourrait aussi bien être une autre façon de nommer l'institution préféré des recteurs de la bonne vie conjugale. Pourtant, c'est pas moi qui l'ai dit : mais le mariage c'est voué à l'échec because la petite Eve a fauté. Dieu merci, reste Lilith et la saine révolte

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Politicians on the French-speaking side of the border have not been up to the job. Unable to solve the real road problems. Too much immigration of day labourers in cars, too much free time for walking and congestion, too much concentration of Post Offices, Hospitals, Administration, requiring large journeys, road tax discs not expensive enough.
On motorways, the number of lanes must be coordinated with the flow of traffic at the exits. Example: a 10-litre or 50-litre watering can, with the same emptying hose, will not improve emptying time. I hope modern engineers have learnt that.
The Greens and the Left, most of whom live in the city and are taken care of by buses from their front door to the station, have unfortunately succeeded in distracting people from the real problems. It's scandalous.

Les politiques côté Romand, n'ont pas été à la hauteur . Incapables de résoudre les vrais problèmes routiers. Trop d'immigration de travailleurs journaliers en voitures, trop temps libre pour se promener et encombrer, trop de concentration de Postes, Hôpitaux, Administration, nécessitant de gros déplacements, vignettes routières pas assez chères.
Les autoroutes, le nombre de pistes doit être coordonné avec la fluidité du trafic dans les sorties. Exemple : un arrosoir de 10 l ou de 50 l, avec le même tuyau de vidange , ne va pas améliorer le temps de vidange. J'espère que les ingénieurs modernes ont appris cela ???
Les Verts et la Gauche , citadins pour la plupart, sont pris en charge par les bus devant la maison, jusqu'à la gare, ont malheureusement réussi à détourner le peuple des vrais problèmes. C'est scandaleux.

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It is obvious that we have a very weak Federal Council, perhaps the weakest ever. It can no longer convince the electorate, even proposing issues in an overly complex-absurd way. In politics, either you are simple and clear, or you achieve nothing. The fact is also aggravated by social (!) which through simple populist slogans manages to better capture the attention of the young and even elderly electorate. Perhaps the Swiss political discourse and referendum system has reached its limits due to the excessive complexity of modernity, and people no longer follow. Then there is also a certain hypocrisy (!) that was clearly seen in the motorway issue: a piece here, another there, and even a tunnel somewhere else, scattered over the territory like parsley. Obviously, then, the 80 % of the population who were not interested in these works, voted with a nice, even selfish NO: Rösti got it very wrong! He should have separated the three objects and presented them one by one, with simpler and, above all, more convincing explanations, aware of the fact that the often naive 'green' mentality is prevailing just about everywhere.

Appare ovvio che abbiamo un Consiglio Federale molto debole, forse il più debole da sempre. Non riesce più a convincere l'elettorato, proponendo anche tematiche in modo troppo complesso-assurdo. In politica, o si è semplici e chiari, o non si raggiunge nulla. Il fatto è anche aggravato dai social (!) che tramite slogan populisti semplici riesce a captare meglio l'attenzione dell'elettorato giovane e persino anziano. Forse il discorso politico e il sistema referendario elvetico è giunto al limite per l'eccessiva complessità della modernità, e la gente non segue più. Poi c'è anche certa ipocrisia (!) che si è vista bene nel problema autostradale: un pezzo qua, un altro là e persino un tunnel da un'altra parte, sparsi sul territorio a mo' di prezzemolo. Ovvio poi che l'80 % della popolazione non interessata a queste opere, abbia votato con un bel NO anche egoistico: Rösti ha sbagliato alla grande! Avrebbe dovuto separare i tre oggetti e presentarli uno per uno, con relative spiegazioni più semplici e soprattutto più convincenti, conscio del fatto che la mentalità "green", spesso ingenua-facilona, sta prevalendo un po' ovunque.
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A beautiful exhibition, to be endorsed. 👌

Una bella esposizione, da sottoscrivere. 👌

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

For some years now, when travelling from the north to the south of Europe, I've avoided the Swiss motorways, as the diversions via France avoids the traffic jams.
With the result of this latest vote, the Swiss are protecting themselves in terms of ecology and are once again behaving like an island in the middle of Europe. This mentality, which is increasingly prevalent in our country, is intensifying the differences between the EU and Switzerland. The result of this vote is also perceived in Europe as a form of selfishness on the part of Switzerland towards Europe. Avoiding transit also means avoiding exchange and reception. The Swiss like to travel in Europe, even tax-free on certain motorways, so we might conclude that once again the Swiss are speaking with one voice - ?

Depuis quelques années lors de mes déplacements du nord vers le sud de l’Europe, j’évite les autoroutes Suisses, le détour par la France permettant d’éviter les bouchons .
Par le résultat de ce dernier vote les Suisses se protègent en terme d’écologie et présente à nouveau un comportement insulaire au milieu de l’Europe. Cette mentalité qui règne de plus en plus dans notre pays intensifie les différents entre l’UE et la Suisse. Le résultat de cette votation est également perçu en Europe comme une forme d’égoïsme de la Suisse vis à vis de l’Europe. Éviter le transit, c’est aussi éviter l’échange est l’accueil. Les Suisses voyagent volontiers en Europe, voir même sans taxes sur certains autoroutes, on pourrait donc en conclure qu’une fois de plus les Suisses résonnent en sens unique• ?


I agree with some of the comments that there is great concern with the move away from what has built trust in Switzerland as a country and a reliable government. There is real need for a truly neutral country that can work with multiple countries to resolve problems and work toward a peaceful world. Considering the failures and corruption in organizations such as the United Nations the need for a neutral abitur is needed now more than ever. As a side comment, passing laws that move the center of power from the Cantons where it belongs to the central government does not help either.

If you want an example of what not to do look at the United States over the last 4 years. War has broken out in Europe and the largest massacre since the holocaust among other things because of the missteps and corruption of the government. This does not need to be repeated by anybody.


I am concerned about the efficacy and the change in direction signaled by the Swiss govt. At it's heart, Switzerland is known for being neutral. Not sometimes neutral when it may suit a few Swiss, but neutral at all times.

It is a fairly unique position that lends strength and trust in Switzerland, a segway into helping negotiate peace when all about are baying for blood and destruction. We should NOT stray from this position at all and if we need an example it would be India which is one of the few countries that has called for a negotiated peace in Ukraine from day 1. History will show that those who called for a negotiated peace were on the right track.

Another example is the recent proposal to expand the capacity of the main autoroute at crunch points. It failed as it was proposed, in large part, because it became a shouting match between cyclists and drivers. The initiative could have been better presented and supported with facts such (1) foreign companies set up shop in Switzerland, because of its reliable and speedy infrastructure (2) the value to Switzerland of such companies in terms of taxes and jobs and (3) bundling the proposed improvements as a holistic 3 pronged initiative to improve the roads, public and cycle routes. Instead the initiative has cause division that reminded me at some times of the USA! In this sense, I wonder of the Swiss govt is losing touch with the ground.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Switzerland is becoming increasingly cramped between La and the mountains. Overpopulation is threatening the very existence of its inhabitants: lack of food, water and vital spaces. Against this backdrop, our federal authorities, with a certain wisdom, are trying to maintain the CAP. On the other hand, the city-dwelling Greens, who all too often have no real creative work to do, and whose main concern is to take the bus from the front of the house to the SBB station, all paid for by taxpayers, are in the process of destroying the work of the politicians who are trying to improve the lives of our fellow citizens. Since they work very little, they have the time they need to demolish what sensible politicians are trying to put in place. What's more, too many media outlets - TSR and RSR - invite these personalities who are destroying our country at every opportunity. Thank you, Mr Rösti, for your vision, which seems to me to be the right one for the long term. It's time to double the number of valid signatures for a new initiative.

La Suisse, devient toujours plus étriquée entre La et montagnes. La surpopulation menace l'existance des habitants : manque de nourriture, d'eau, d'espaces vitaux. Dans ce marasme, nos Autorités fédérales , avec une certaine sagesse essaient de maintenir le CAP. Par contre, les élus Verts, citadins , trop souvent, sans vrai travail créatif, avec principal souci, prendre le bus devant la maison jusqu'à la Gare CFF, le tout payé par les contribuables , sont en train de détruire le travail des politiciens qui tentent d'améliorer la vie de nos concitoyens. Ne travaillant que très peu, ils ont le temps nécessaire à démolir, ce que les politiciens sensés tentent de mettre en place. De plus, trop de Médias, TSR, RSR invitent à chaque petite occasion , ces personnalités destructrices de notre Pays. Merci M. Rösti pour votre vision, qui m'apparait juste, pour le long terme. Il est temps de doubler le nombre de signatures valables pour annoncer une nouvelle initiative.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

Actually I still have trust in the Government. What I am worried about is in fact all the 'referendums'. Let's take the burka ban vote as an example. How many Swiss Muslim Ladies observe the Burka? Less than a dozen I would say (the most prominent having died at a young age). How many millions were spent on that useless vote? And the prohibition of minarets vote. Was there even a Mosque under construction? The vote was clearly aimed at many other things and not against a Minaret. Consequently the Government should in fact not have permitted that vote. And now the vote against the expansion of the motorways. The Government actually knows what is needed. And here the majority votes against it, worrying that taxes may increase maybe. Ah well, with all its shortcomings the Swiss Democracy is still the best of course (just look across the big lake towards the West). Long Live Swiitzerland!

Yes: “What do you think is the cause of this distrust towards the Swiss authorities?”

but: that distrust is not limited to Swiss authorities, as voters are aware of what’s happening elsewhere and viceversa.

and: it’s because of the increasing power by global agents that can’t be addressed properly by the polítical incentives of national authorities in many countries for lack of the polítical incentives of global leadership.

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR