Should Switzerland take measures to support its struggling industries?
Industrial policies are back in fashion, not only in the United States but also in the European Union. Should Switzerland, where various industries are struggling, draw inspiration from such policies? If so, what should it do?
Switzerland’s steel industry is in deep crisis: the country’s last two steelworks are facing major difficulties and have announced redundancies this year. Other sectors are also suffering, such as the glass industry, or subcontractors, who are bearing the full brunt of problems affecting the German car industry.
Against this backdrop, some people in Switzerland are calling for government intervention. This will be the subject of our next Let’s Talk filmed debate. Do certain industries need to be protected to guarantee Switzerland’s future prosperity? And if so, how? We want to hear from you!
>> Check out the earlier episodes of our Let’s Talk video debate series
![Philipp Müller](
Yes, but only systemically relevant ones.
Ja, aber nur Systemrelevante.
![David Kelso Kaufher](
No. Government should take measures to promote liberty and the general welfare of the people. Industry has enough money and power.
With the problems surrounding the purchase of AI chips, Switzerland needs to develop and produce its own. Surely there are enough advanced brains here in CH to do this and production of AI chips would be worth fortunes to the country and the wider world.
How many businesses are taxpayers supposed to bail out while watching our schools and hospitals fall into a downward spiral? Citizens above industry.
![Peter b](
Katy, the answer to your question is NO!
Governments mostly maybe 9 of 10 get decisions wrong. The free market is the best place for any company. If they have a product (or service) that is reasonably priced, is of good quality and there is a market or developing market then the product (or service) will sell. Subsidies of tariffs for protection will indicate a) the product is overpriced b) of inferior quality c) lead to lack of innovation and d) over time will have a reducing demand due to better better products or services elsewhere. Australia had subsidies on its clothing and footwear industries these have generally now disappeared. Australia had a car manufacturing industry protected by tariffs. These have closed due firstly by better quality vehicles from Japan and Korea. Now cheaper vehicles are coming from China.
Simply yes but carefully weighed snd measured to deliver security and to dissuade any unfair trade practices, let's not forget the planet is a shitfight currently and fairness is a very scarce commodity
Yes … draw inspiration and then take ‘appropriate’ action … that is, provided those taking action are literate in the field of global economics …
In Switzerland, as in other EU countries, executive salaries are too high, there are too many holidays and leisure activities, too many petty bosses, and an obvious lack of experience in technical and economic matters. We are increasingly being overtaken by India, China and others. It's hardly surprising then that the state, with its gigantic administration, has to step in financially.
Other examples: take a look at the indecent salaries in the tertiary sector, including those paid to health insurance executives. It's scandalous!
En Suisse, comme dans d'autres pays de l'UE, les salaires des cadres , sont trop élevés, trop de vacances et loisirs, trop de petits chefs, avec des manques évident d'expériences en matière techniques et économiques. Nous sommes de plus en plus dépassés par l'Inde, la Chine et d'autres. Pas étonnant qu'ensuite, l'Etat, avec son gigantisme administration doivent intervenir financièrement.
Autres exemples : allez fouiner un peu dans les salaires indécents des secteurs tertiaires, y compris dans les cadres des assurances maladie. scandaleux !!!
![Peter Ern](
No, the state should not intervene. Switzerland is a liberal, capitalist country. Companies in particular should act responsibly. Companies can also "PROVIDE" in good times so that they are not dependent on state aid in bad times. The same applies to every citizen "personal responsibility". pje
Nein, der Staat soll nicht eingreifen. Die Schweiz ist ein freiheitliches- kapitalistischen Land. Da sollten insbesondere auch Firmen verantwortungsvoll agieren. Auch Firmen können in guten Zeiten "VORSORGEN", damit sie in schlechten Zeiten nicht auf staatliche Hilfe angewiesen sind. Das gleiche gilt ja auch für jeden Bürger "Eigenverantwortung". pje
I wanted to relocate.
Je voulais délocalisation.
I think that Switzerland could take steps to help the country's industries, otherwise not only will the know-how leave for countries that will take advantage of its delicate nature to turn it into a strength and make our country dependent on them.
These are difficult political choices, but we have to help the state to take a decision along these lines.
Je pense que la Suisse pourrait prendre des mesures pour aider les industries du pays sinon, non seulement le savoir faire partira vers des pays qui profiteront de sa délicalisation pour en faire sa force et rendre notre pays dépendant.
C'est des choix politiques difficiles mais, il faut aider l'état à prendre une décision dans ce sens.
The only way to support Switzerland, its industry and its citizens will be to reintroduce the customs duties that can moderate imports. Because it is better for a country to impose a tax (unfair competition) on products and thus have healthy competition, rather than having to relocate a factory in order to remain competitive. In this way, Switzerland will save its factories and its employees their know-how.
La seule manière de soutenir la Suisse, son industrie et ses citoyens sera de réintroduire les taxes douanières qui peuvent modérer les importations. Car il vaut mieux pour un pays d' imposer une taxe( concurrence déloyale) sur des produits et ainsi avoir une saine concurrence, plutôt que de devoir délocaliser une usine pour pouvoir rester concurrentiel. Ainsi la Suisse sauvera ses usines et les employés leur savoir faire.
![Muhammad ayaz](
Hi good afternoon. Fist of all I am very thankful to you for that you can chance me for industry conversation.spcily know not only US.OR EUROPE was faced difficulties about the industry this global big hidden because special know every where is unable sativion around the world special this Ukraine war also this Israel war so all this things is horrible so we need this time fully unity so we remove this industrial crises my hope as soon as every thing comes good same before thanks.
![Peter Ern](
You are right when you say "to hunger in this world" and that is a real tragedy. However, it doesn't have much to do with state support for companies. Basically, I am of the opinion that our beautiful, magnificent earth is "overpopulated". Nevertheless, it is our sacred duty to ensure that all people on this planet have a home, enough to eat and a solid, good education. But there is still a very long way to go. States can help to ensure that the distances become shorter and shorter through their legislation.
Sie haben recht mit Ihrer Feststellung "zum Hunger auf dieser Welt" und das ist eine echte Tragödie. Allerdings hat das nicht viel mit der staatlichen Unterstüzung for Firmen zu tun. Grundsätzlich bin ich der Meinung das unsere wunderschöne, grossartige Erde "überbevölkert" ist. Aber trotzdem ist es unsere heilige Pflicht dafür zu sorgen, dass alle Menschen auf diesem Planeten ein zuhause, genug zu essen bekommen und eine solide gute Bildung. Das ist aber noch ein sehr langer Weg. Staaten können mit ihren Gesetzgebungen beitragen, dass die Wege immer kürzer werden.
![Peter b](
Switzerland should not be acting on subsidies or giving privileges (such as tax cuts). Switzerland should be looking at restrictions and policies that make little sense and increase cost on producers. Switzerland should be taking steps to allow Nuclear energy to expand and allow electricity cost to reduce. It is a pity that the people voted to not allow motorways to expand. Motorways are needed for the movements] and transport of goods within the country and for export. Maybe the Swiss government needs to put tolls on motorways to reduce the use of passenger vehicles particularly single driver (except from transmen such as plumbers, electricians & medical doctors). Maybe Switzerland needs more international airports beside Geneva and Zurich. More tourists should be flying in then take buses and taxis rather than drive cars. Please note rail is also for transport of goods rather than the movement of people.
![Peter Ern](
Sorry, but the "Switzerland perhaps needs more international airports than Geneva and Zurich. More tourists should fly and then take buses and taxis instead of travelling by car". It is also a human right to get to know other people, peoples and countries. But in some countries, possibly also in Switzerland, less could be more. I think motorway users in Switzerland already pay for the motorways through the price of petrol and the vignette / sorry, I've been living abroad for a long time and I'm not sure if that's still the case. You could at least think about the nuclear energy issue, but I was a bit surprised about the idea of more airports for Switzerland. Perhaps these airports can be made more efficient and "greener", but does Switzerland really need another international airport? airport?
Sorry, aber das mit den "Die Schweiz braucht vielleicht mehr internationale Flughäfen als die von Genf und Zürich. Mehr Touristen sollten fliegen und dann Busse und Taxis nehmen, anstatt mit dem Auto zu fahren." möchte ich überhört. Es ist in der Tag auch ein Menschenrecht, ander Menschen, Völker und Länder kennen zu lerner. Aber in einigen Ländern, evtl. auch der Schweiz, könnte weniger auch mehr sein. Ich denke die Autobahnbenützer in der Schweiz zahlen auch schon über den Benzinpreis und die Vignette an die Autobahnen / sorry ich lebe schon längere Zeit im Ausland und bin nicht sicher, ob das immer noch so ist. Das mit der Kernenergie, darüber könnte man mind. nachdenken, aber das mit noch mehr Flughäfen für die CH, hat mich schon etwas erstaunt. Vielleicht kann man diese Flughäfen effizienter und "grüner" machen, aber brauche die Schweiz wirklich noch einen internat. Flughafen?
![Peter Ern](
why did you delete my post?
warum haben sie meinen Beitrag gelöscht?
Yes: “Against this backdrop, some people in Switzerland are calling for government intervention.”
but: Switzerland is not alone on the increasing uncertainty all over planet earth which is a signal that’s similar to the paradigm shift from agriculture to industry, where agriculture is just one part of the whole.
and: now the paradigm shift is from industry to ecosystems, where industry will be just one part al the whole.
It's important for Switzerland to keep its industrial sector and for its contribution to gross domestic product to be at least 25-30%, if it is to diversify its economy, be resilient and retain its sovereignty and the know-how of its jobs! You only have to look at the impact of de-industrialisation in France and Great Britain! Industry produces concrete goods and objects and thus contributes to the real economy, unlike financialisation, which produces virtually nothing.
Il est important que la Suisse garde son secteur industriel et que sa contribution aux produits intérieurs bruts soit au minimum 25 à 30 % pour une diversification de son économie , une certaine résilience ainsi que sa souveraineté et le savoir-faire de ces emplois! On ne peut miser que sur les services, il suffit de regarder l’impact de la désindustrialisation de la France et de la Grande Bretagne! L’industrie produit des biens et objets concrets et contribue ainsi à l’économie réelle , contrairement à la financiarisation qui elle ne produit à peu près rien
![Katy Romy](
Thank you for your interesting comment. Do you think the state should take steps to protect its industry?
Merci de votre intéressant commentaire. Pensez-vous que l'État devrait prendre des mesures pour protéger son industrie?
In Switzerland I have the impression that everything has been based on R&D and services. With the context that we lack staff and it's too expensive to produce in Switzerland. But in some industrial areas we will soon lose all our know-how and this will complicate the existence of several industrial areas. In the glass and glass processing industry, in my opinion, the monopoly was created in Switzerland and the industry was then transferred to other countries. The industry that I think has developed well in Switzerland would be energy storage.
Best regards
Feim Islami
En Suisse j'ai le impression que tout à été basé sur R&D et services. Avec le contexte que on manque le personnel et c'est trop cher à produire en Suisse. Mais dans certains domaines industriels bientôt nous allons perdre tout savoir-faire et cela va compliqué l'existence de plusieurs domaines industriels. En industrie de verre et le traitement de verre à mon avis en Suisse à été créé le monopole et juste après transfer de l'industrie vers divers pays. Le industrie qui je pense a bien développée en Suisse serait la stockage de énergies.
Meilleurs salutations
Feim Islami
![Katy Romy](
Hello and thank you for your comment. Do you think that Switzerland should accept the disappearance of certain industries from its territory?
Bonjour et merci de votre commentaire. Pensez-vous que la Suisse doit accepter de voir disparaître certaines industries de son territoire?
Yes, certain industries will disappear we like or not. But the Switzerland have to make choices which industries are more suitable.
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