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Switzerland looks to make stalking a separate offence

Patrizia von Falkenstein stands and speaks into a microphone at a wooden podium in Switzerland’s wood-panelled House of Representatives. She is wearing a black top, a cream jacket and a large necklace of gold rings interlocking. The outsides of her hands are resting, spread apart, on the podium. Vice-president Maja Riniker sits behind her.
The bill was approved by Switzerland’s House of Representatives with 151 votes to 29, as well as nine abstentions, and will now go to the Senate. Keystone / Alessandro Della Valle

Switzerland’s House of Representatives voted in favour of changing the law to make stalking a separate offence on Thursday. 

The aim of the bill, which was approved by 151 votes to 29 with nine abstentions, is to better protect the victims of stalking. It will now go to the Senate.  

A decree for the new offence of stalking was drafted by the legal affairs committee. According to the draft, anyone who persistently stalks, harasses or threatens someone and thereby restricts their freedom to live their life could be punishable with a prison sentence of up to three years or a fine.  

+ Lack of law on stalking bemoaned

A motion from the ranks of the right-wing Swiss People’s Party not to vote in favour of the bill did not receive a majority. 

Adapted from German by DeepL/kp 

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