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Switzerland Says Sorry! One passport to rule them all

The Swiss passport is one of the most powerful documents on the planet. In this final episode of Switzerland says sorry!, we discuss the extensive privileges it grants, its opulent design and the rigorous, often arbitrary process to acquire it if you’re not born a Swiss citizen.

If you too want to play life on the “easy” setting and become a Swiss citizen, check out some of our sources:

💫  A video on how to become Swiss

💫The best passports to own in 2023External link

💫Swiss citizenship: discrimination against women continues

💫Naturalisation still not easy for third-generation foreigners

‘Switzerland says sorry!’ was written, performed and produced by Swiss comedian Karpi
Music by 
Produced by Apéro Film in 2023 for SWI

Thanks to Natascha Beller

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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR