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Two-thirds of Swiss in favour of single health insurance fund

Health insurance cards
Keystone / Christian Beutler

In a survey, two-thirds of Swiss support abolishing health insurance companies in favour of a single health insurance fund.

A third would change or adapt the model at the turn of the year 2024; 44% want to review their health insurance fund in autumn.

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This increased willingness to switch health insurers is increasing the pressure on health insurers, according to a survey published by the consulting firm Deloitte on Wednesday. They need to further develop their business models, increase efficiency and adapt their offerings to new regulations.

The desire for lower premiums increased not only the willingness to switch insurers but also the openness to digitalization: 43% demanded attractive and up-to-date digital offers. Three-quarters wanted to use the electronic patient dossier. In a Deloitte survey in 2022, only 35% were willing to do so.

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Some 65% of respondents were in favour of abolishing the current health insurance companies. Support for a single state health insurance fund was particularly high in French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino, as well as among 30- to 44-year-olds.

The most important argument for this for 83% of those in favour was cheaper premiums; 26% of those surveyed expected 20% lower premiums from a single health insurance fund.

In addition, 63% of respondents blamed the pharmaceutical industry for rising healthcare costs, followed by the patients themselves (59%), ageing (46%) and more expensive treatments (43%).

Deloitte said it conducted a representative online survey with 1,246 adults.

Translated from German by DeepL/ts

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