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Several kilos of explosives stolen from Swiss Federal Railways

Keystone / Gaetan Bally

Unknown people have stolen kilograms of explosives from a Swiss Federal Railways construction site in the Laufental valley in canton Basel Country, northern Switzerland. The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland has opened criminal proceedings.

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A spokeswoman for the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG) confirmed to the Swiss News Agency Keystone-SDA a corresponding report by Plattform J on Tuesday. The incident took place in July.

The explosives were intended for “loosening blasting for the purpose of rock removal” for the construction of the dual carriageway between Grellingen and Duggingen.

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According to the spokesperson, the OAG opened criminal proceedings “immediately” and is investigating the case in close cooperation with the Federal Office of Police (Fedpol), the Basel police and other authorities.

The offence in question is theft and “suspicion of manufacturing, concealing and distributing explosives and toxic gases”. According to the authorities, no one is currently in custody for this offence. The OAG did not wish to provide any further details due to the ongoing proceedings.

Translated from German by DeepL/ts

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