FR_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-process
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DeutschdeAnimation des Cut-and-Closure-Prozesses originallire plus Animation des Cut-and-Closure-Prozesses
ItalianoitIT_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-processlire plus IT_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-process
EspañolesSP_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-processlire plus SP_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-process
PortuguêsptPT_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-processlire plus PT_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-process
日本語jaJP_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-processlire plus JP_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-process
РусскийruRU_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-processlire plus RU_Animation1 -The cut-and-closure-process
The cut-and-closure-process at the entry could be an explanation for how this structure was created. Up until now, this process has mainly been observed in Arctic glaciers.
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