Schweizer Perspektiven in 10 Sprachen

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Prägnante Feedbacks in acht Sprachen treffen aus der ganzen Welt und aus der Schweiz ein, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass swissinfo drastisch abgebaut wird.

Hier eine Auswahl der Feedbacks auf Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, und Portugiesisch.

It is really astonishing for me to hear that Swissinfo Chinese as well as other 7 languages are going to be eliminated. Swissinfo Chinese provides a lot of useful information to me since I am in Switzerland. Its Chinese Forum is one of the biggest Swiss info plattforms for people in China to know about Switzerland. It is hard to believe that on one side Swiss government now makes effort to attract Chinese tourists and Chinese students coming to the Swiss universities, but on the other side wants to cut off one of the most popular Swiss information channel to the Chinese people.

Cette décision est tout à fait incompréhensible. Pourquoi n’est-il pas possible d’attendre l’entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle loi Radio/TV prévue en 2007? Comment est-il possible d’anticiper les décisions du Parlement? Si swissinfo et sa plate-forme Internet en 9 langues disparaissent, il ne restera de la Suisse à l’étranger qu’un écran noir.

Sono preoccupato per lo smantellamento di Swissinfo. Non ho capito se la Svizzera è ridotta così male da non potersi più permettere questo importante contatto con i connazionali all’estero, oppure è una decisione politica. Comunque sia sono molto deluso.
What happened to multilingual Switzerland, its commitment to linguistic minorities, its credibility for human rights? Has the country become so poor that it risks its reputation in the non-English speaking countries of South America, Africa and Asia? And what about its own language groups – French, Italian German? Should this wealth of linguistic diversity simply disappear? I can’t believe it – who can we write to?
U.S., Australia

Notre famille est indignée de lire que swissinfo va disparaître sous sa forme actuelle. Un service si parfait et avant-gardiste qui permet a tout un chacun de se forger une opinion politique critique !! En plus. il faut bien se rendre compte qu’Internet est si complémentaire aux vieilles méthodes de communication (télé et radio). Peut-être certains dirigeant de chaîne de télévision en on-t-ils peur ? Si l’on veut que la population mondiale soit manipulée, comme c’est le cas dans de grands pays bien connus, rien de tel que la disparition de services tels swissinfo!

En mi condición de profesor de castellano ELE para jóvenes suizos protesto con violencia contra los planes de suprimir estas páginas de Internet. ¿Qué les puedo decir a mis alumnos, qué les puedo decir a mis amigos en España y América Latina para informarse de primera mano sobre Suiza en CASTELLANO. Muy preocupado y con gracias por su labor.
I.V.R., Suiza

As a UK ex-pat living and working in Switzerland, but sadly not speaking a local language, I have been a regular user of this excellent website to keep myself informed of the local news around me in CH. I would hate to see any reduction in content and coverage of the excellent news services. 80 Jobs gone? Stupid government decision.

A Suíça, tão preocupada com os estrangeiros, a sua grande maioria sem nenhum laço com o país enquanto que nós, descendentes de Súíço, comlaços de sangue, somos tão discriminados. porque a Súíça não é mais rígida com os estrangeiros sem laços de sangue e trata melhor nós, descendentes de Suíço.
Sérgio M.

Lo smantellamento di swissinfo da parte della SSR è una cosa mostruosa. Da una parte questa istituzione di diritto pubblico si priva da sola delle basi legali del proprio statuto. Non vuole infatti più assumere il suo mandato di informare gli svizzeri dell’estero e di fornire informazioni multimediali all’estero. In tal modo minaccia anche l’integrità e l’essenza della Confederazione.

This is utterly appalling! This further depletes CH influence abroad, and also loses yet more chances of making CH a tourist destination. I have long mourned the loss of live broadcasting, and for me the replacement by just print does not work; nor does it for other Helvetiaphiles. Can you not re-instate an online broadcasting system, run on the lines of the old SRI format? Please, at least survey your readers as to just what they want!

D.R., UK

Es un absurdo suprimir una página tan interesante que constituye el único contacto con Suiza a través del idioma español. Levanto mi voz de protesta y solicito que la página continúe. Es EXCELENTE!!
L.M.C., España

Emissora democrática é isso… em qual pais a própria redação protestaria dessa forma, no ar? São esses valores que a Suiça vai perder….em breve ficarão apenas os queijos e os bancos lavadores de dinheiro sujo a representar a Suiça, talvez um paraguai da Europa. Bela economia!
Antônio P.

I married a wonderful Swiss girl and came to live in her country. I try, oh so hard, with the German but I cannot say when it will be as good as my English. I found swissinfo and have been so grateful for the information and insight that it has given me. I often know more about the Swiss news than the Swiss who use my restaurant. I thank you very much for the great service and I am sure for thousands who speak other tongues but live here in Switzerland.
S.C., Switzerland


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