Schweizer Perspektiven in 10 Sprachen

Global Forum 2023 on Modern Direct Democracy

In 2023, the Global Forum returns to the Western Hemisphere for the first time since 2012.

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Global Forum

This forum will take you to the fascinating civic and cultural centers of the hemisphere’s greatest metropolis, Mexico City, and will examine what the city-state’s new and innovative constitution means for democracy around the world. And the forum will dig deep into the promise and perils of direct democracy for Mexico and Latin America.
This forum, organized under a consortium led by Mexico’s world-renowned Independent Electoral Institute, will also examine the infrastructure and supports democracy requires. We will discuss the power of independent, people-centered independent institutions for protecting and extending democracy in nations from Latin America to Ghana.
Including a pre-tour, this forum will last 6 days, from February 27 to March 4, 2023Externer Link, and include hundreds of speakers reckoning with the question: what protections and assistance does democracy, in its most direct form, require to survive and thrive?

Video Global Forum 2022 in Lucerne. Externer Link

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