記事より 貧困は「体験」などできない

Je suis seule avec mes deux grandes filles et mon salaire ainsi que la pension versée par mon ex mari ne suffisent pas étant donné que je n ai aucune épargne. Chaque dépense supplémentaire tel dentiste, frais de chauffage en plus, abonnement de transport, changement de pneu de voiture etc et j en passe grève un budget qui n est déjà pas viable. Je pense bientôt aller frapper à la porte de caritas

Pay close attention when hunting 'bargains'...because too often they ain't.

Ем мясо и хлеб с глютеном и овощи, и мало ем фруктов, езжу на дешевом автомобиле на газу, не покупаю на Амазоне, не пользуюсь дорогим Apple, не подписана на всякую ерунду.

私は現在、インフレ率7%のオーストラリアに住んでいる。 最近、基本的な食料を調達するためにフードバンクを利用し始めた。外食はもはや不可能だ。距離とガソリン価格の高さも、事態を難しくしている。一番近いまともなスーパーマーケットまで20kmもある。
I currently live in Australia where we hve inflation at 7%. Recently I started using food banks to get some basic food. Eating out is no longer possible. Distances and high petrol prices make things harder as well. My nearest decent supermarket is 20km away.

Ja, ich zahle über 1'200.- franken KK monatlich, Und vor allem die Steuer steigen immer mehr....

Lucky we now have the two Discounter stores in many urban areas. Without them Migros and Coop would sadly keep their prices even higher than they already do.
I volunteer at an organization that gives donated food away for 1.00 franc each visit to people on social assistance and Asylum seekers with the necessary card. I see the amount of food that arrives each week. Especially milk, yoghurt, cheese are not even marked down, neither are dry goods, that shows a store customer does not even get the chance to buy these products a bit cheaper. All these donations in this particular facility come from the two major Swiss stores. I guess donated goods can be totally written off the bottom line, reduced pricing brings less income which affects the bottom line as well but shows less turnover. If you live near the border, go across and shop once in a while there. When a container of milkrice costs 49 cents there and Fr. 1.10 in CH, with milk being subsidized in CH, you have to ask yourself why do I make my purchases in my home country.


バーゼルの物価水準に人々が対応できないからだ。だから、私は "重荷 "になりたくないのだ!いい家だね......もう30年近くこんな感じだよ!
Ehrlich gesagt finde ich sämtliche Beiträge/Studien/Analysen zum Thema "Warum ist die Schweiz so teuer?" wertlos. Es ist eine künstliche Konstellation. Aber sicher keine künstliche Intelligenz! Es wäre höchste Zeit, nachdem Wirtschaftskrisen, Pandemie, Klimaveränderungen über unser Land gekommen sind, endlich eine Lebenskosten-Preis-Nivellierung nach unten in Angriff zu nehmen!
Noch schaffen wir das - trotz zunehmender Armut im Lande - aber das kann nicht so weiter gehen.
Ich bekomme keine Besuche mehr - weder von Freunden noch von der auswärtslebenden Familie - aus dem In- und Ausland, weil man mit dem Preisniveau von Basel nicht zurechtkommt. Ergo mir nicht "zur Last" fallen möchte! Schöne Heimat... das geht jetzt schon fast 30 Jahre so!

必要なものだけを必要な時に買う。契約数は必要最小限のサービスにとどめ、可能な限り、必要なものだけ、そしてそれ以外のものは、たとえ高くついても前払いする。そうすれば、使わないものに無駄遣いをすることはない。 余剰資金は緊急時のための蓄えとし、定期的な貯蓄に努める一方で、自分自身や家族、社交のための余剰資金を残しておく。
Only buy things as and when needed. Keep number of contracts to minimum essential services and where possible only pay for necessities and anything else up front even though it may cost more. That way money is not wasted on whst is not used. Keep any spare cash as a reserve for emergencies, try to save regularly whilst keeping some spare cash left over for yourself, family and socialising.

I rarely use credit cards (unless buying something online). I have a rule, if I don't have the cash for something, I don't buy it. No credit, no loans, no overdrafts. I only buy what I need, not the latest smart phone just because it's the latest. I keep phones, laptops, TVs, etc until they break. Then if they can't be repaired cheaply, I get another. I kept my last car for 20 years, until it cost too much to keep going. I go on holiday in cheap countries. I often go to the dentist while abroad too. As a result, I have a lot of money and no debt.

外食をやめる。 家で食べる。サラダを食べる。肉を減らす。長生きする。
Stop eating out. Eat at home. Eat salads. Eat less meat. Live longer.