記事より ダボス会議16日開幕 世界の抗議運動を止められるか



Davos è un gruppo di potere legato al pensiero unico del neoliberismo.
Non vedo nessuna possibilità che possa migliorare il mondo, anzi può solo peggiorarlo dando spazio al potere economico e nessuna attenzione ai problemi delle società

Porque a pesar de haber más institutos de investigación médica científica, la tasa de enfermos es peor que en 1900?

Si los Paises no desarrollados tuviera un poquito de educacion, saber de Economia, Derechos Civiles en forma basica,
Los Gobiernos serian Democraticos, justos no nesecitariamos a un Grupo WEF, porque somos ricos tenemos muchos recursos Naturales no tendriamos abIlusos que se lo tegalen. Tendriamos suficiente Alimentos Sudamerica con el mejor Clima Mundial y personas amorosas, ellos nos separan destruyen esos elementos humanos el compartir, el valorizar tener vida poder respirar en este Planeta!
No los nesecitamos! Que se guarden sus Millones y que vatan a Marye o Jupiter que sean felizes alla lejos de la Humanidad, el dinero no compra el Planeta.

The WEF IS the problem.


The question you ask depends on whether you believe that people do have the right to form political communities and to regulate their social, ethical, economic, financial, and legal systems all in line with their national constitutions.
If that is the case, why would it be "the future of mankind" to demolish these existing national sovereign communities and subordinate all their self-governing laws and regulations to those of a "bureaucratic authoritarian group of rulers" that are self-appointed among those politicians whose one and only interest is to take over control of humans over which they do not have any national constitutional rights?

مجرد اجتماعات لا تستطيع تعديل الوضع الحالي

El Foro Económico Mundial sin duda alguna ha decaído y se maneja en función den los intereses de sus miembros dejando atrás el origen e intención que lo llevó inicialmente a su creación. No cabe duda que actualmente está promoviendo únicamente políticas en beneficio e intereses de quien lo conforman como socios. La población mundial se convirtió (así lo dan a entender con sus "sugerencias" de mejoras ) en un nicho de mercado que pretenden manejar a su antojo, como mercancía, incluso como cobayas. Se alejaron totalmente de la realidad. Dan la sensación de vivir en otro mundo, fuera de cualquier realidad, reducido únicamente a su vision, una visión privilegiada por su status, sin tener empatía alguna con el resto de los pobladores de este planeta.


By what right is the (WEF) interfering with governments of the world, like the Canadian Government?

In my opinion, the WEF is an unelected, undemocratic cartel which promotes policies primairly for the benefit of its members to increase their wealth even further.

Allen to Allen. Economics is born of classical liberalism which is a branch of sociology derived from the Bible thus Moses and the Ten Commandments; all this is in relation to my Anglo Swiss Dutch roots which is another topic for another day. Adam Smith and secondary theories of Economics rely heavily on a just world not the current state of human sacrificial consumerism — Jesus and the Golden Calf. The idea of sanctions have become individual acts of war through the dis- mis- and un- regulated internet which is dis- mis- and not aligned with Adam Smith’s theories in regards to laissez-faire economics; on Earth as it is in Heaven. Inclusivity is being sacrificed for proper teaching of laws which will be in play in the United States with the potential eventual disavowed practices in regards to affirmative action. As mentioned in a prior comments Economics is a beautiful science its proper application is heavily reliant on a just world. But then again there’s market regulation; laissez-faire Economics.

Realmente es una bendición la existencia del WEF. Imagínense a las élites mundiales reunidas para escuchar cuales son los problemas del mundo. Sólo necesitamos un buen capitán para llevar a toda la flota a buen puerto. Mi aporte a este pujante grupo humano (el WEF) es que dejemos atrás el capitalismo salvaje. Ya no pensemos en demostrar que somos los mejores, si no en aplicar el sentido común para gobernar nuestro hermoso planeta. Es lógico acaso, extraer tanto petróleo diariamente??? Es lógico talar tantas hectáreas de bosque??? o es lógico acaso, fabricar tantos millones de autos??? Claro que no. Los empresarios y políticos de Davos, que ya demostraron que son los mejores del mundo, ahora demuestren que tienen sentido común. Yo los felicito por sus logros empresariales y los aliento a que sigan adelante en esta carrera mundial que todavía no acaba.

署名:Michel Baumgartner
Mme Paulin Turuban qualifie les interventions de Greta Thunberg à Davos de "critiques acerbes".
Acerbe signifie "qui cherche à blesser, qui critique avec méchanceté".
Le discours de la Suédoise met en lumière la réalité.
Effectivement certaines personnes peuvent se sentir blessées lorsque la réalité est dévoilée. Mais je ne vois aucune méchanceté dans les propos de Greta rapportés dans l'article. Quant à son niveau d'agressivité il est bien inférieur à celui des multinationales et de leurs publicités.
Pourquoi cette façon de dénigrer la militante?
Signé : Michel Baumgartner

Bonjour Monsieur,
Merci pour votre lecture attentive et votre commentaire. L'usage du terme "acerbes" pour qualifier les critiques de Greta Thunberg était ici à comprendre dans le sens de "vives, sans appel, sévères", ce qui se voulait factuel. Ce mot était sûrement mal choisi, mais n'y voyez aucune intention de dénigrer la militante. Bien à vous, Pauline Turuban

I believe that Greta does not really understand how the world and nature works. And her sharp words do result offensive. We need pragmatic and logical solutions. Complaining without any reasonable proposed solutions is toxic in my view. We shall reduce CO2, ok then let’s think how we do that without killing half of the human population from poverty and starvation. Also does Greta know that CO2 is vital for plants and animal survival? It doesn't seem so as the world solutions go around new products which will make more money for only few but have nothing to do with sustainability. It is always the same and now it is not different. I sense conflict of interests and all those leaders who are supposed to work towards a solution are part to if. It is a very difficult situation because our economical system is based on capital greed and activities that destroy the ecosystem, so all new initiatives of sustainability will be worthless until we change our economical model.


なぜなら、すべての真の開発は、飢餓の克服、飲料水、基本的な衛生設備、健康、教育を含むことを課しているからです。 アマゾンは、地球規模の環境問題として、大きな富の源泉となっています。
Davos como toda discussão com países do mundo tendo como objetivo a promoção do desenvolvimento econômico se faz relevante.
É uma forma se compreender mais o mundo global, pois todo o desenvolvimento verdadeiro impõe a superação da fome, a inclusão de água potável, saneamento básico, saúde e educação. A Amazônia é fonte de muita riqueza como questão ambiental de interesse planetário.

Poverty is a political decision. The destruction of the planet is also a political decision. These things are provoked and Davos is just a formality with a lot of bladi blaaa with no effect at all. It is always the same and no different now. Pure corruption and showmanship. It is hopeless. It is maybe time for us to stop waiting to be told what to do and to take initiative to get educated on the topic and act accordingly.

Dados é importante, mas precisa como foro econômico avançar com menos discursos e mais indicadores de desenvolvimento. O Brasil o meu país necessita controlar questões graves no contexto de áreas de riscos e sanar a fome minimamente de 32 milhões de brasileiros com indicadores de fome. O país precisa avançar e assim acontece com outros.

The problem is that they do not care. It is all business. If Brazil was important for them this would be solved by now. You see, like the WHO, they are health organizations supposed to preserve human health. If they took their role seriously there would not be tobacco, coca-cola, alcohol, sugar and junk food. The fact that we have each tome more and more poison legalized and offered shows that the WHO is mot interested in our health at all. They just pretend to be. And when there is a health crisis they just talk and talk, give these great emotional speeches and in the end nothing happens. Junk food is still in the market. Poison is still in the environment killing the planet. Chemicals are still in the oceans.


WEFは世界を改善できるのか?いや、サミットに参加する誰もが世界の問題を引き起こし、それを解決するには多くの費用がかかるため、関心がないのだ。あまりにも多くの世界の指導者が短期的に考え、次の指導者が対処できるように問題を先送りにしている。代表団は世界のリーダーや政治家ではなく、自分たちの手に負えない決定の影響を受ける普通の人々であるべきだ。 貧しい人々に力を。
Can WEF improve the world? No. Everyone who attends the summit caused the world problems, and they are not interested in fixing them as it will cost them a lot of money. Too many world leaders think short term, or kick the problem down the road for the next leader to deal with. The delegates should not be world leaders and politicians, but normal people affected by decisions out of their control. Power to the poor people.

They don’t care. If they did, a lot of problems we have today would not exist. They just go to Davos and make these ceremonies with a lot of bladi blaaa. And when the event is over, factories continue to dispose poison into the oceans. Big corporations continue producing junk food, plastic and trash which also end up in the oceans. Do they know that the biggest absorber of CO2 are the oceans? But they ask us to stop using gas, to own nothing and become vegan. The worst is that some people actually fall for that. Sad and hopeless situation.