記事より 航空需要の急回復 CO₂対策は出遅れ
يجب أن يكون هناك توجه عام للإنسان العادي في كل بقاع الأرض أن يكون ارثه نحو الأجيال القادمة هو زيادة المسطحات الخضراء والحفاظ عليها
الحفاظ علي التنوع البيئي للحيوان والنبات وكذلك الحشرات
موارد المياه يتم الاهتمام بالاستفادة منها بالطريقة الصحيحة وخفض تصنيع واستخدام الكيماويات في مياه البحر أو النهر
تقليل نسبة الإنفاق علي رفاهيات الحياة الغير ضرورة
تقليل نسب التصنيع وخفض وارداتها من المصنوعات خاصة المصنوعات التي يتم فيها الأضرار بالبيئة أو الحيوانات
والإنفاق علي البحث العلمي في الحفاظ على الأنواع المختلفة من الحيوات من الانقراض
すべての人の環境フットプリントを減らすには、グローバル化を止め、地元の製品を買い、旅行を減らし、より持続可能なものにし、家をできるだけエコにするなど、さまざまなことをしなければなりませんから、市民ができることはほとんどないと思っています。中産階級の市民が、地元の産物や公共交通機関の価格、自宅の改築にかかる費用を考えると、最も深刻な貧困層に入ってしまうだろう。 もし、グローバル化が何を意味するか、商品の交換や人の移動について考えるなら、私の考えでは、地球が置かれている状況の根本原因であるグローバル化と自由資本主義以外の基盤に基づく新しい経済社会モデルで現代文明全体を再構築するべきだと思っている。
Io credo che i cittadini possono fare ben poco se non niente , dal momento che per diminuire l‘impronta ambientale di ognuno bisognerebbe smettere con la globalizzazione, comprare prodotti locali , viaggiare meno e in maniera più sostenibile , rendere la propria casa il più ecosostenibile possibile e molto altro. Un cittadino di fascia media con i prezzi dei prodotti locali , mezzi pubblici e i prezzi per l’adeguamento della propria abitazione andrebbe a finire nella fascia della povertà più profonda . Se poi pensiamo a cosa comporta la globalizzazione, scambio di merci e circolazione delle persone , allora a mio modesto parere dovremmo rifondare tutta la civiltà moderna con un nuovo modello economico e sociale basato su altri fondamenti che non siano la globalizzazione e il capitalismo liberale , cause fondanti della condizione in cui versa il pianeta .
As long as the elites get to do city hopping by private jet I'm not willing to change anything.
2018年から旅行していない .普通ならヨーロッパでウォーキングホリデーに行くところだ。旅行がまず第一に、大量の観光客を阻止するためにもっと高価であるべきです。正直なところ、長年にわたって、あなたが休日を楽しみにしているとき、すなわち、アートギャラリーや歴史的名所を訪れるだけで、実際の芸術作品を大切にしているようにさえ見えない、永遠にギャラリーに詰め込まれて写真を撮る人々の蟻の軍団のようなものを体験するのは、実際にひどい経験です。私はソーシャルメディアの旅行ブログを非難している。休暇中は歩け、運転するな。また、観光客には高額な観光税が課されるべきです。結局のところ、観光客の訪問中に資源を消費し、使用します。休暇は時々楽しむものであるべきで、私が言うように、非常に高価なものでなければなりません。格安航空会社は長年にわたり、格安航空券を提供することで地球を破滅させることに加担してきた。これらの航空会社には、風前の灯のような税金をかけるべきです。
Not travelled since 2018 .I normally would go on a walking holiday in Europe. Travel first of all should be more expensive to deter the copious numbers of tourists. To be honest over the years it is actually an awful experience when you are looking forward to a holiday ie visit art galleries, historical places of interest only to experience what resembles armies of ants of people taking photos crammed in galleries who forever don’t even seem to cherish the actual art work absolutely infuriating. I blame social media travel blogs. The influx of tourists in their droves even here in our beautiful Scottish islands and the highlands have disrespectfully ruined our countryside using areas for the toilet quite disgusting having no regard for pristine landscapes.Take your own toiletries on holiday hotels should stop providing these in plastic packaging. Walk whilst on holiday don’t drive. Also hefty tourist taxes should be imposed on tourists after all they consume and use resources during their visits. A holiday should be a treat now and again and as I say made to be very expensive. The budget airlines over the years have been complicit in ruining the planet by providing budget ticket prices. These airlines should be taxed like a windfall tax .
In theory, we can do a lot, such as stopping to travel, not using the gasoline car, switch to vegetarian food. Unfortunately this will not significantly reduce carbon emission — trucks, container ships will have to continue running, electric vehicles use energy coming from electricity utilities that use fossil fuel.
I cannot be vegetarian. The last time I tried I got very sick. On the rest I fully agree with you. Middle class regular Joe cannot have big impact.
Has anyone ever thought about the fact that the world actually NEEDS CO2?
We breathe in oxygen, partially breath out CO2, plants breathe in CO2 and create oxygen!
Just some additional information:
There are now more trees in the world than 150+ years ago as the only real fuel and building material was wood.
Greenhouses are 20-60% more effective in growing food....because they pump CO2 into them! (And those working in these greenhouses get 2 to 3 times more CO2)
Also, why are we not growing more hemp, which grows in months and provides much more oxygen than trees...apart from many other amazing benefits. (Trees take 15-50 years to grow)
Maybe time to start saving our people, then our people will save the planet, not the other way around!
I am also wondering the same. Plants cannot live without CO2. We just need to have more plants, stop deforestation, take care of the oceans. Reducing CO2 and continue destroying forests will not improve anything.
اتفق معك علي الفوائد المدهشة لنبات القنب لكن مع زراعة كل الكوكب بالقنب واستعماله فقد نقود هذا الكوكب على الطريق في اتجاه الشمس مباشرة بأقصى سرعة
持续了几十年的消费主义导致了人类以飞机这种大能耗的工具进行长途旅行。所以,1. 尽量避免长途旅行目的地,多选择临近国度和地区;2. 尽可能使用火车、公共交通工具旅行。
ma tutta l'umanità dispone di 6000 euro per viaggi in aereo?
Your comment could be the start of a new debate on how people decide which causes to support when there are so many urgent problems in the world. Thank you for the comment and the idea.
Secondo me è ormai già toppo tardi, ma è meglio perlomeno rallentare il fenomeno limitando al minimo le emissioni nocive
لم يفت الأوان... يجب أن نتوقف فحسب
الأجيال القادمة هي الحل..... أظن اننا قد ارتكبنا الكثير من الأخطاء في الماضي يجب أن يعرفها القادمون
فقد يستطيعون التغيير
أثق في براءة الأطفال
متى يتوقف العالم عن ضخ السموم في شرايين هذا الكوكب المريض صحيا ؟ برأيك ما هو الحل الجذري الذي سوف يخلص العالم قبل وقوع كارثة بيئية لكي ينقذ كوكبنا؟
من المفترض أن يُوجّه هذا السؤال إلى أصحاب القرار الذين يستهلكون طاقة هذا الكوكب أكثر منّي ومنك.
One of SWI's Twitter followers said: "It's essential to give each individual a carbon card". What do you think about that concept? Could carbon rationing be part of our future, much like food and fabric rations during wartime?
Traduzione pessima di "carbon card".
Ciò detto l'idea non sarebbe male , ma è difficilissima da applicare nella pratica . Come si fa ad es. dare una carta punti per l'impronta di Co2 ad ogni consumatore in base all'impronta che lascia nell'ambiente?
翻訳が悪いというのは、イタリアのサイトにあるようなことを指しているのでしょうか。"carta di carbonio "のことでしょうか?このような自動翻訳についてフィードバックをいただけると助かります。
By bad translation do you mean what you see on the Italian site: "carta di carbonio"? It's helpful to get feedback on these automated translations -- thank you.
As for the carbon card or carbon rationing, there are calculators that help people compare the footprint of food, housing and mobility choices. What's probably hardest is getting an accurate picture of how much an individual actually consumes. And who checks? Still a very interesting concept...
Esatto: il concetto "carta carbonio" in italiano non esiste (ancora) - sorge poi l'equivoco con la vecchia "carta carbone" che si usava per fare delle copie quando non c'erano ancora le macchine fotocopiatrici.
Userei pertanto il termine "carta punti sul carbonio" che mi sembra molto più chiaro.
Quanto all'applicazione concreta nella pratica quotidiana, è tutt'altro grosso, forse impossibile problema.
Only if we, for once, would all be equal and not a bigger quota for some, and little for most of us.
c'est la meilleure idée mais il faut que cette carte soit personnelle sinon il y aura des échanges et on en restera au même point.
Hors voyages professionnels, quel crédit à chacun?
20 vols continentaux par an + 10 intercontinentaux par an ?
Ensuite taxe compensation carbone obligatoire !
Autres solutions?
高価なジェット機で様々な気候会議に 高価な革のバッグを持ってやってきて エアコンの効いたホテルに泊まり 食べ物を無駄にし 誰も読まない紙の書類に署名し 人が掃除しなければならないゴミを作って 海沿いのアパートに帰っていく エリートたちのことを考えたからです 明らかに脅かされているのです。
そこで私は、問題を抱えることは一つのことであり、意味のある解決策を考えることは全く別のことだと気づいた。 そして、問題があることと、意味のある解決策を考え出すことは、まったく別のことだと気づいたのです。
No I dont.
Because I gave a thought about all the elites who came with their expensive leather bags to various climate conferences on expensive jets, staying in airconditioned hotels, wasting food, signing paper documents that no one reads, creating trash that people need to clean and going back to their sea side apartments that is apparently being threatened.
Then I realized having a problem is one thing. Coming up with meaningful solution is totally other.
Ben detto: sono d'accordo!
In your opinion, what could be a meaningful solution?
People who are really worried about climate are focussed on their own actions. They lead a simple life and consume things that are essential be it gadgets, clothes, or other items, They keep their own localities & environment simple and clean. They eat more natural stuff by minimizing harm to plants and animals. And they enjoy this new life. fully There are numerous such people who are just outside any limelight and continue to do their job without expecting any reward/fame or benefit.
Transferring these values for the market or government to solve is not going to help as very same values have been degraded by the same enterprises.
Also, shouting or crying in conferences or participating in daily events are only for getting your few minutes of fame. Breaking down your steps and seeing that your actions are not actually not solving what one is preaching. Doing small projects and then showing the result is more meaninigful.
This focus on the „elite“ could be perceived as envy, but more importantly it does not address the question posed. Moreover, the elite portrayed here is a minute part of the total polluting population — the proverbial one percent — and their action or non-action has no significant effects on the global carbon footprint.
on oublie systématiquement la croissance démographique : actuellement, 80 millions d'habitants en plus chaque année, correspondant à un pays comme l'Allemagne !
Il faut se rendre compte des besoins supplémentaires à apporter chaque année:
plus d'espace pour l'agriculture se faisant au détriment des biotopes, des forêts, ..., plus de routes accélérant la destruction des écosystèmes , plus d'industries de production asséchant les ressources de toutes sortes , ...
Ce processus s'est accéléré ces deux derniers siècles et mène inexorablement à la disparition de la faune , aussi dans les mers ...
Sans contrôle des naissances, cette société va cumuler les problèmes sanitaires, d'approvisionnement d'eau et de nourriture, ... les premiers symptômes sont déjà bien visibles ...
I don’t fly and only stay in windmill power hotels. Is that the right answer?
I struggle to understand why we should all be guilted into addressing climate change when we only consume what is put in front of us. Want less flights? Make them more expensive. I care about the climate but I also follow market incentives.
Per ridurre l'impronta climatica c'è un modo solo: ridurre gli spostamenti al minimo: altro che viaggi in paesi esotici solo per fare vacanza! Si predica bene ma si razzola male, anzi malissimo: gli aeroporti sono già intasati e i cieli pure. Tutti hanno ricominciato a inquinare peggio di prima pandemia e prima della guerra Russia contro Ucraina. Nonostante le solenni promesse di "cambiamento" o di "rigore ambientale", anzi di "cambiamenti epocali" , si viaggia come non mai, infischiandosene dell' carico ambientale. Anzi: ora bisogna addirittura recuperare il "tempo perso" e il Co2 continua a schizzare alle stelle esattamente come prima. L'uomo fa solo solenni promesse, ma poi quando c'è di mezzo l'evasione o il divertimento, tutto torna come prima. Non c'è alcuna speranza!
We have 1 life and it is interesting and educational to see the world. I visited more than 30 countries by now and found it wildly interesting and fulfilling to my life. You can't tell me what to do and ban traveling for leasure. Whenever I hear a comment like that it is from a person who barely traveled to thous exotic locations.
Farming, manufacturing and heavy industries that is the main CO2 polluter comparer to leasure traveling. Putting pressure only on what consumers see in the regular life is only hiding the real polluters.
Hello from Bern and thank you for your contribution. I'm sad to read you don't have any hope. Do you see ways or incentives for people to look beyond "escapism and fun"?
Personnellement je ne pense pas qu'il faille interdire les voyages mais il faudrait que le prix des billets d'avion reviennent aux prix des années 80, et ajouter l'augmentation du coût de la vie des 40 dernières années.
The impact of individuals traveling is insignificant compared to airfreight, container ships, trucks — those cannot be cut without stifling the global economy.
anch'io ho fatto 30 viaggi con il torcione e non ho speso tutti quei soldi
prezzi anni 80, ma quali 1880 o 1980?
飛行機の代わりに夜行列車 :)!
Nachtzug statt Flug :) !
Night train to Brazil would be amazing but impossible
I recently took the night train from Amsterdam to Basel -- great experience!
その通りです :)飛行機より夜行列車!
Genau :) Nachtzug statt Flug!
Habe ich schon zweimal benutzt von Zürich nach Hamburg mit dem ÖBB-Nightjet:
Ich habe ein Einzelabteil (mit Toilette und Dusche) gebucht, um die Corona-Ansteckungsgefahr zu minimieren .
Der Zug ist um ca. 20 Uhr in Zürich abgefahren und gegen 8 Uhr in Hamburg angekommen: Sehr praktisch.
それなら飛行機に乗れば免罪符になりますよ ;)
Dann bist du entschuldigt, wenn du dahin FLIEGST ;)
Wait and see what Fall will bring...
パンデミック・ロックダウンの際、世界は石油の使用量と公害を実際に減らすことができた。 もし、人類が二酸化炭素排出量を削減したいのであれば、車での通勤を強制するのではなく、自宅で仕事ができる労働者を認めるべきである。
The world saw a real reduction in oil use and pollution during the pandemic lockdown. If humanity wants to reduce it's carbon footprint, those workers who can should be allowed to work from home instead of forcing them to drive to the office.
私の会社では、遠隔地でのテストや遠隔地での顧客イベントを行う必要がありました。このため、この2,5年間は出張が激減しました。 何十万もの飛行時間が「節約」され、母なる自然が気候を回復させようとすることができることを想像してみてください。
My company had to do remote testing and remote customer events. This drastically reduced all business travels in the last 2,5 years. Imagine the hundreds of thousands of flight hours "saved" and the mothernature can try to restore the climate.
Humans (especially in the modern western society with great individualism rights) will never do things unless compelled. This is so sad but true.