

担当: Benjamin von Wyl





このコンテンツが公開されたのは、 スイスと米国はかつて「姉妹共和国」と呼ばれた時期があった。両国は実際、互いに影響を与えあってきた。

もっと読む 「姉妹共和国」だった米国とスイス





利用規約に沿って、コメントをご記入ください。 ご質問やご意見がございましたら、ご連絡ください。








I`m Brazilian, but currently live in the US. Switzerland seems to have a more thoroughly educated citizenry. The people seem more prone to enjoy life and less fond of money.
This tells me that they are more intelligent and wiser than Americans.

I judge by the cleanliness of your water, and the price of your Universities.
Americans are badly educated and then waste away their lives paying for college loans.

This creates a cycle where those who spend more need to exploit those below them.
In every job I`ve had, there`s a obese white man under-paying a large minority.

In regards to wars, it`s not just the government. Americans are infatuated with guns and violence. It`s part of the American patriotism. I`ve spoken to war veterans and it seems they think themselves modern day Napoleans, liberators of the world..

This starts at grade school and is pushed throughout American culture.
But, most of all I think what corrupts America is the idolatry that causes them to covet money. It started with Rockfellar and ends with the Billy Graham.

They see no value in a simple and gentle life if they see a field they`re pondering on how much it would be worth if they build a city over it.

If they gain a million they`ll envy someone with a billion..
I know for a fact as I spent my early youth in US. it`s the American motto.






" sister republics."?

The US can learn lots from Switzerland. Switzerland very little from the US.

US from Switzerland. Democracy, free press, quality, fairness, representive government

It's a long bloody list

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH



Wie Sie erfahren, wenn Sie beispielsweise den verlinkten Artikel lesen, handelt es sich primär um einen historisches Begriff - der sich aber manifest auf die Entwicklung der beiden Länder ausgewirkt hat.


Nello Zavattini
Nello Zavattini


Buongiorno, ho letto i commenti dei politici svizzeri e non ho trovato analisi profonde sulla situazione politica americana, alcune addirittura fuorvianti, non si può ridurre la posizione dello staff di Trump alle poche cose lette nelle analisi del vostro articolo e diffuse dai media interessati di proprietà di chi li avversa.
Pensare di avvicinarsi da parte della Svizzera a una gabbia antidemocratica come la EU lo trovo un delirio. La EU è una organizzazione in mano a una commissione non eletta da nessuno completamente controllata dagli usurai finanziari.
Ma avete presente cosa sia Eurogendfor?
Ve lo dico io, è la riproduzione di una forma di socialità completamente, assolutamente, surrettiziamente, nazista.
Il livello dei politici italiani è inesistente e corrotto, ma anche in Svizzera non vedo soggetti capaci di analisi a 360°.













Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH



Gerne habe ich bis zu Ende gelesen - vielen Dank für Ihre An- und Einsichten zu der Situation in Japan.

Der Begriff "Schwesterrepubliken" ist ein historischer Begriff, der in Frankreich in den Jahren nach der französischen Revolution geprägt worden ist. Er beschreibt also eher die gemeinsamen ideellen Grundlagen als etwas Anderes.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen


The USA could learn from Switzerland to send a qualified Ambassador with diplomatic experience to the other country, rather than just give an Ambassador's post as a reward for a handsome Campaign contribution.


ヨーロッパもアメリカも、民主主義や共和制がもたらす自由を強化することを学ぶ必要がある。 アメリカは長い間、行き過ぎた中央政府の統制に陥ってきた。 その結果、自由や個人の尊重が失われ、暴力が増加し、あらゆる面で生活の質が低下している。法の支配への回帰は、アメリカでもヨーロッパ諸国でも、またそれぞれの文化への敬意への回帰と同様に、ひどく必要とされている。

Both Europe and the United States need to learn to reinforce the freedoms that democratic and or republican forms of government bring. The US has been on a slide to an overreaching and controlling central government for a long time. This has brought loss of freedom, respect for the individual, a rise of violence, a degraded quality of life in every way. A return to the rule of law is badly needed in both the US and European countries as well as a return to respect for our cultures.



Europa muss sofort realisieren, dass in der unsicher gewordenen Welt die demokratischen Kräfte gestärkt werden müssen. Wir dürfen keine "Spielchen" mehr zulassen in dem Sinne, dass wir ausprobieren wie weit rechtextremistische Meinungen und Aussagen geduldet werden können. Die grossen Machtblöcke sind bereit die wankelmütigen Staaten zu zerreiben. Am Beispiel Ukraine sehen wir, was uns blühen könnte. Stehen wir ein für Recht, Freiheit und Demokratie!

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag. Wo sehen Sie da die spezifische Rolle der Schweiz?



The US might want to 'learn' to be less violent! The 'will of the people'...which is what the word 'democracy' stands for has come to mean 'the will of the rich'. Democracy it ain't no more. Having lived in the US and now living in Switzerland, I really can't see how 'sister republics' apply in today's world.



"Volontà dei ricchi" è sbagliato e riduttivo! Trump è stato eletto proprio dai ceti più bassi, quelli che la nostra intellighenzia radical elvetica esalta, ma non assolutamente quando vota a destra! La nostra sinistra deve imparare che oggi il mondo è cambiato come non mai prima (!) anche grazie ai social e all'informatica in genere, e che i vecchi schemi politici non valgono più da parecchio tempo. Non da ultimo: i tradizionali fari della sinistra (URSS, Cina) si sono ormai spenti del tutto: oggi sia Russia che Cina, prosperano proprio perché aderiscono al sistema capitalista globalizzato! E le loro diseguaglianze sociali oggi sono anche peggiori che ad Ovest. Chi continua a ragionare con i vecchi schemi politici, rischia di diventare cieco e sordo.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH



Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag - tatsächlich sind die Schwesterrepubliken nur selten Thema in der Tagespolitik geworden. Zuletzt etwa beim Besuch von Ignazio Cassis in New York: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/democracy/democracy-delivers-what-can-switzerland-bring-to-the-us-initiative/87660848

Wie sich das nun entwickeln wird, muss man schauen. Aber das eigentlich beeindruckende an den "Schwesterrepubliken" ist ja, wie verschieden sich zwei Länder entwickeln können, an deren Ursprung ähnliche Ideen und ähnliche Strukturen stehen.



La Suisse et les USA ne sont pas confrontés par les mêmes problèmes, ils n'ont ni les mêmes aspirations, ni la même mentalité.
Les USA veulent diriger le monde, la Suisse simplement participer à son bien-être.
Les USA se veulent démocratiques, ils sont aveugles. Leur système d'élection présidentielle ne respecte pas les avis des citoyens. Mme Clinton avait la majorité des électeurs mais pas ces drôles de grands électeurs.
Les USA ont un système présidentiel, la suisse parlementaire. et l'on pourrait encore noircir des bouquins entiers de pages

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH



Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag. Wir respektieren natürlich Ihre Meinung - selbst, wenn die Unterschiede im System, die Sie benennen, ja eher darauf hinweisen, dass Sie glauben, das politische System der USA könne von der Schweiz profitieren.

Im Hinblick auf die demokratischen Institutionen muss ich Ihnen aber widersprechen: Die Strukturen der Länder haben sich gegenseitig beeinflusst. So ist etwa das Schweizer System aus National- und Ständerat dem US-amerikanischen nachempfunden: https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/democratie/les-r%c3%a9publiques-s%c5%93urs-ce-qui-lie-les-%c3%a9tats-unis-et-la-suisse/73364753





特定の分野で区別すべきである。 おそらく最も興味深いのは、あらゆるレベルの教育システムを比較することだろう。 アメリカの基礎教育には多くの不満が残るし、逆に大規模な大学はモデルのように見えるが、少なくとも社会政治的な観点からはそうではないかもしれない。

quanta sia pur comprensibile animosità antiamericana nei commenti che leggo.

Certo che gli USA non hanno più azzeccato una guerra dai tempi della guerra di Korea, ma hanno pur sempre liberato il mondo dal nazifascismo.

Ormai è poco azzeccata la domanda iniziale (che cosa può imparare...).

Si dovrebbe distinguere in settori specifici. Forse la cosa più interessante sarebbe un confronto tra i sistemi educativi, a tutti i livelli. L'istruzione di base negli USA lascia molto a desiderare e viceversa le grandi UNIversità sembrano un modello, ma forse non lo sono almeno dal punto di vista socio-politico....

jeannette zoller carboncini
jeannette zoller carboncini


Secondo me non hanno nulla in comune a partire dalla nascita, la Svizzera nasce per una idea comune di reciproca solidarietà e libertà, gli USA ex colonia di detenuti, stermina un popolo indigeno, e segue la legge del taglione, il più forte sopprime il più debole, e sono ancora così, decisi a colonizzare il mondo.
Come si vede un po’ ovunque nel mondo, e nelle stragi anche in strutture educative di casa loro.
Inoltre esportatore d’armi per eccellenza e chi le possiede prima o poi le usa.
Spero che Europa riesca a togliersi il giuoco imposto dopo la seconda guerra mondiale.
La Storia,ricordo, viene scritta dai vincitori
raramente dai vinti .

Christian Müller
Christian Müller


Die Schweiz kann und soll nichts von den USA lernen! Die vermeintliche Demokratie in den USA ist zur Plutokratie verkommen, das Sagen hat der Rüstungsindustrielle Industrie-Komplex, die Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich wächst unentwegt, und wirtschaftlich wären die USA pleite, wäre der Dollar nicht die Welthandelswährung (man beachte die negative Handelsbilanz!). Kein anderes Land hat in den letzten hundert Jahren mehr Kriege initiiert und mehr Kriegsopfer auf dem Gewissen, kein anderes Land hat die Arroganz der USA, den Weltpolizisten spielen zu müssen. Die von den USA geführte NATO ist kein Verteidigungsbündnis, sondern ein Angriffspakt und die EU tanzt nach der US-Geige und ruiniert sich selbst. Dass es der USA in anderen Ländern um die Demokratie geht, ist nicht mehr als ein schlechter Witz.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Christian Müller


Also könnte die USA Ihrer Meinung nach von der Schweiz lernen?

@Christian Müller


Dire un "Nulla" apodittico, significa ignorare la storia in generale e quella delle istituzioni liberarli e democratiche in particolare. La Svizzera copiò la costituzione federale americana in quasi tutto e già questo significa moltissimo. I rapporti fra USA e Svizzera furono da sempre ottimi e dopo la vittoria sulla Germania nazista col determinante contributo USA, raggiunsero l'apice. Infatti per tutti gli anni'50 e in parte anche '60, gli USA furono gli ispiratori di un nuovo e più moderno modo di vita, non da ultimo con la sua musica rock e Jazz. Però l'astio svizzero e dell'Europa contro gli USA, iniziò almeno dal famigerato '68 , ove gli americani furono facile bersaglio dopo la disastrosa guerra in Vietnam. Ma ben pochi sanno che la protesta contro il "sistema" provenne proprio dagli USA e soprattutto dall'università di Berkeley, California. Poi il movimento protestatario dilagò in tutta Europa partendo da Parigi. Questa critica continua contro gli USA fu ed è tuttora abbracciata dalla sinistra europea (!) sino a tutt'oggi, soprattutto dagli insegnanti, universitari, "intellettuali" , artisti e anche dai cosiddetti "radical-chic" che fanno sempre tendenza. Certo che con Trump questo fenomeno divisivo continuerà ad acuirsi, ma l'Europa tutta continuerà a navigare nella scia degli USA, non avendo altre scelte sostenibili, soprattutto commerciali. Va infine ricordato che quasi tutte le novità, a partire dal dopoguerra, provennero dagli USA, informatica compresa. Negarlo sarebbe solo da stolti.



Wie schlecht ist dieser Beitrag recherchiert? Die Korrespondentin behauptet tatsächlich, dass diese Schweizer Siedler unbesiedeltes Land besiedelten. Was ist dann mit der damaligen indigenen Bevölkerung? Wahrscheinlich denkt sie,vernachlässigbar

Melanie Eichenberger
Melanie Eichenberger SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Danke für Ihren Kommentar. Auf welchen Beitrag beziehen Sie sich?

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Melanie Eichenberger


一方、スイス移民に関するより新しい記事でも、ディボルド・フォン・エルラッハが先住民の問題に干渉した事実を取り上げている: https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/swiss-abroad/wie-schweizerinnen-in-die-usa-einwanderten-und-welche-spuren-sie-hinterlassen-haben/86667995

Es ist tatsächlich nicht klar, auf welchen Beitrag Sie sich beziehen @Sardasca. Wir haben einerseits in Beiträgen den Ethnozid in Nordamerika beleuchtet: https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/kultur/handlanger-des-amerikanischen-ethnozids/46767796

Andererseits geht ja auch der jüngere Beitrag über die Schweizer Auswanderung eingangs darauf ein, dass sich Diebold von Erlach in die Angelegenheiten von Indigenen einmischte: https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/swiss-abroad/wie-schweizerinnen-in-die-usa-einwanderten-und-welche-spuren-sie-hinterlassen-haben/86667995



Die USA haben ein seltsames Verhältnis zur direkten Demokratie. Die Politiker wollen keine Einmischung vom Plebs! Man sieht dies in Florida, wo die Regierung von deSantis mit allen Mitteln eine Abstimmung hintertreibt, die Abtreibung zulassen will. Bis jetzt sind alle Pro-Abtreibungs Vorlagen angenommen worden, sogar in den sehr konservativen ländlichen Staaten. Das andere Beispiel ist Buch-Bann. Ein einziger Wähler kann unliebsame Bücher aus Schul- und öffentlichen Bibliotheken verbannen lassen! Das sind dann meistens Bücher über Minderheiten, die den “Christen” aufstoßen. Die Amerikaner pochen immer auf ihre Freiheiten, auch wenn sie Rechte der andern beschneiden, nach dem Motto: “Ich mache, was ich will, und du machst das auch!” Nicht eine Gesellschaft, in der ich leben möchte.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Das heisst, Sie würden ein anderes Verständnis oder einen anderen Schutz für die Staaten mit direktdemokratischen Abstimmungen in der USA fordern? Wie könnte das Land da von der Schweiz lernen?



Commento soggettivo grossolano e perciò sbagliato!

Nick Kyriazi
Nick Kyriazi

アメリカは、州が連邦政府よりも大きな権力を持つべきだということを学ぶことができる。 スイスは、連邦政府が州から権力を奪うとどうなるかを学ぶことができる。 民主主義は自由ではない。 それは単なる投票である。 何に投票できるかによって、どれだけ自由があるか決まる。 夕食に何を食べるかを投票しなければならないなら、それは民主主義だが、自由ではない。

The US could learn that states should have more power than the federal government. Switzerland could learn what happens when the federal government takes power from the states: polarization. Democracy is not freedom. It is just voting. What you can vote on determines how much freedom you have. If we must vote for what we shall all have for dinner, that is democracy but it is not freedom.

Rik Ringers
Rik Ringers





これはベルギーだけでなく、アメリカのように多くの代議制民主主義国家に存在するテーマだ。トランプは、これまでで最も肩書きのある "国民の代表 "であるはずがない。すべては、国民が目を奪われるような大金をかけた選挙ショーで決められなければならない。実際に得られるのは、より広範な有権者を犠牲にすることで、論理的に体制側の自己満足に終始するシステムである。


As a Belgian who is in favor of direct democracy, i see many advantages in general over representative democracy, and some of the issues i think we face in our society are similar to that of the US to an extend as being a product of "some lack of democracy".

The Swiss seem to have their politicians "far more on a leech", the possibility that any new law or project could easily be shot down by a petition puts more of a brake on "predatory politics". Politics in Belgium are imho pretty nepotist, the politicians + the party's are payed huge sums and and they are a numerous group, raising their income was one of the few things they could agree on in the many state reforms they had over the last decades. There is a "minimal vote requirement" of 5% for a party to get "party funding" giving the established party's more of a monopoly and Belgian citizens have the legal duty to vote which thereby also seemingly legitimizes the representative system.

Another issue is that of populist politics in representative democracy. Self proclaimed "champions of the people" who are everything but thrive on anti-establishment narratives which become appealing to a part of the electorate, though many times those populist politicians are as much establishment as it can get and they just sell that narrative as a "brand". The thing is, i presume its much harder to employ that political strategy if the established system is mostly just the product of the will of the citizens, It's easier i think to organize a whole political campaign on denouncing your careerist political opponent than it is by denouncing the choices the people have made, the Swiss are their own populist champions.

Its notable also how different the relations between language groups are in Belgium and how that factors into our identity compared to the Swiss. It is my impression that the Swiss have far more national unity than we have in Belgium, and that might also be due to how some cultural identity politics have played out in Belgium trough representative democracy. Sometimes it was just to easy for the flemmish to blame the Wallonian politicians and vice versa.

Its not just Belgium, it's a theme that exists in many representative democracies, just like in the US. Trump couldnt be the most Entitled "champion of the people" ever full stop, its just rediculous, and its just the same denunciary politics aimed at scapegoats a a means to receive poltical "carté blanche" for whatever policy they actually want to pursue withought the electorate still having a chance to further intervene or even to ask for political recall. All must be decide in one big money electoral show where the people must be dazzled. What you actually get is a system that is logically more self serving to its establishment at the expense of the broader electorate.

Any direct democratic society though also needs a sufficiently politically concious, educated and committed people to succeed to a acceptable degree. I do thing Belgians are generally educated enough but we dont have "the experience" of ruling our self and we wont learn much if we dont start doing it more.
You could learn us that "we have the self determinist right to have direct democracy if we choose it", you can learn us what laws and institutions are required to establish and uphold that direct democratic system. What "Fora" you would use for social media to discuss politics in a world where social media and control of it has become "often troublesome". Your past actions can provide insights on how this system works and it's electorate behaves.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Rik Ringers



Vielen Dank für Ihre Schilderung aus Belgien - selbstverständlich können Volksabstimmungen die Polarisierung aber auch weiter zuspitzen, zumindest bezogen auf einzelne Themen: Populistische Entscheide, von denen professionelle Politiker:innen vielleicht eher zurückschrecken, werden getroffen, wenn die Stimmberechtigten in gewissen Bereichen ihre Meinung zum Ausdruck bringen.

Sind Sie sich übrigens bewusst, dass die direkte Demokratie in US-Bundesstaaten ausgeprägter ist als irgendwo sonst auf der Welt ausserhalb der Schweiz?

@Rik Ringers


Die Politiker in der CH machen mehr oder weniger was sie wollen weil unsere Bundesverfassung "Dank Art. 190 kein massgebendes Recht ist.

Rik Ringers
Rik Ringers
@Benjamin von Wyl




I was aware of this. Then again, thats mostly on the state level afaik while the federal government is a very different beast. I have discussed this for example in relation to public infrastructure, as you might be aware your country has very good and highly used rail infrastructure while this is quite lacking in the US. I asked people from the US whether they had the possibility to decide over such infrastructure and its funding at the direct democratic level the way the Swiss for example decided to build and fund the Gotthard base tunnel among others. it appears though that this is mostly handled on the federal level where the public hardly can intervene, and the federal government is rather too much car and plane centric for many Americans taste.

On the federal level democracy seems more flawed. The way the electoral college works can allow a presidential candidate to become president trough a significantly lower popular vote count than his opponent even within that binary 2 party option, lest not to speak even about many tricks that influence it like Gerrymandering. Furthermore, the function and actions of the US supreme court have historically often been quite questionable, partizan and even destabilizing.

Anyway, the point of me coming here is mostly to learn about direct democracy in Switzerland and how it could be of benefit for or own country, so im gratefull for the feedback and will likely participate in more discussions here to have a feeling how Swiss feel about their own system and its characteristics and how the public debate is held. though i have to admit i'm also intrigued by this site as to its function as public political forum and the way the debates are held.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Rik Ringers


また、スイスの政治システムに関するニュースレター・クラッシュ・コースはこちらからご登録いただけます: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/become-a-democracy-pro-in-four-weeks-sign-up-now/48719890

Vielen Dank für Ihre ausführliche Antwort, Herr Ringers. Teilen Sie uns gerne mit, wenn Sie einen Artikel zu einem bestimmten Thema suchen - dann versuche ich Sie gerne zu unterstützen!

Hier können Sie sich zudem für den Newsletter-Crashkurs über das politische System der Schweiz anmelden: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/become-a-democracy-pro-in-four-weeks-sign-up-now/48719890


そう、アメリカは先住民にひどいことをした。 今日、先住民の多くは最も裕福なアメリカ人であり、私たちは土地の管理を取り戻しつつある。 やるべきことはたくさんあるが、それは実現しつつある。

確かにアメリカは奴隷制度で悪いことをしてきた。 今や私たちは親友であり、子供たちはみな同じ服を着て同じように話し、同じ文化になり、ひとつの民族になりつつある。 だからこそ、人種差別と思われるものに対して大きな反発があるのだ。

私の地元の病院では170の言語が話されている。 何年も前にユタに移り住んだスイス人移民もいる。 ユタ州には、数年前にユタ州に移住してきたスイス人移民もいる。私たちは、スイスの実践的な青写真から、文化的統合を利点として活用する方法を学んだのだと思いたい。

アメリカの政治はクレイジーだが、アメリカのプロレスと同じくらいリアルだ。 アンディ・カウフマンの政治ショーのようなもので、全世界にとって素晴らしいエンターテインメントだ。 実際のところ、私たちは非常に安定しており、論理的で合理的で、スイス人によく似ている。

スイスのように中立であることを学んでほしい。 戦争でどちらかの味方をすることは、ほとんどの場合、悪い印象を与える。

スイスのように清潔で、時間に正確で、組織的であってほしい。 アメリカもスイスのように素晴らしい香りがすればいいのにと思う。


Yes America was bad to the indigenous people. Today many indigenous people are the wealthiest Americans and we are returning stewardship of the land. We have a lot of work to do but it is happening.

Yes America was bad with slavery, it is not fixed but it is getting better. Now we are best friends, the kids all dress and talk the same, it is now the same culture, we are becoming one people. It is why there is such an outcry over any perceived racism here.

To put it into perspective, my local hospital speaks 170 languages. We are a racially integrated society that leverages our people to make us successful internationally, we even have the Swiss immigrants that moved to Utah many years ago. I like to think we learned how to use our cultural integration as an advantage from the working blueprint in Switzerland.

Yes American politics are crazy, but they are about as real as American wrestling. It is like the Andy Kaufman political show, and it is fantastic entertainment for the whole world . . . but lets be honest, we are who we are because our government does what our businesses need them to do, so we can compete internationally. In reality we are very stable, logical and rational, very much like the Swiss.

Sure I wish we would learn to be more neutral like Switzerland again. Choosing sides in a war is almost always a bad look.

I wish we were as clean, on time, and organized like Switzerland. I wish America smelled as fantastic as Switzerland, my city sometimes smells like a sewer.

I wish Americans understood the value of leisure like the Swiss, we both work a lot but I think you guys have more fun than we do.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH



Vielen Dank für Ihr Kommentar - mitreissend geschrieben wie die Rede eines Politikers!

Sie glauben also nicht, dass die Polarisierung in den USA ein echtes Risiko ist für die soziale Kohäsion? https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/democracy/trump-biden-and-hatred-how-us-polarisation-affects-americans-in-switzerland/84180825

Renzo Do Rio
Renzo Do Rio




私が全体的に感じているのは、民主的な制度が、ただ権力のために権力を求めるあまりにも多くの選挙で選ばれていない人々によって「乗っ取られた」ために、人々は変化を起こす力がないと感じるようになってきているということだ。 私たちは、日常生活のあらゆる面で多くの軋轢を生む、あまりにも多くの規制の網に絡め取られ、「選挙で選ばれていない」人々の監督のもと、「常識」が破壊されつつある。

what ideas they can use to win the trust of their citizens?

Well, I think that DIRECT DEMOCRACY, should be an active agenda promoted by Switzerland to anyone including our EU friends.

it is amazing how people know little about it (on purpose!) and when they learn about it, think it should be adopted in their country

My overall feeling is that people are increasingly feeling powerless to make change because the democratic institutions have been "hijacked" by too many un-elected people who just seek power for power. We are getting entangled in a web of too many regulations which create too many frictions in all aspects of day to day life and "common sense" is being trashed under the supervision of those "un-elected" .
The distrust is becoming a battleground of "we" against them.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Renzo Do Rio



Vielen Dank für Ihre Schilderung! Sie sind also der Meinung, dass Volksabstimmungen das schwindende Vertrauen bremsen könnten? Der Gegensatz zwischen "wir" gegen "sie" könnte ja beispielsweise auch über ein Mehrparteiensystem aufgeweicht werden.

Viele US-Bundesstaaten kennen direktdemokratische Volksrechte. Gerade mit dem Ende von Roe vs. Wade erleben sie nun einen Aufbruch: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/democracy/why-the-us-and-switzerland-are-direct-democracy-sister-republics/87536566



I don't really even consider the US a democracy since the people don't directly vote for their President because the electoral votes outweigh the popular vote. This means that a handful of electors determines who is President rather than the People. If it was a real democracy, both Gore and Hillary Clinton would have taken office as POTUS. One thing, though, that I do wish Switzerland could take from the US is the separation of church and State. I think Switzerland is still stuck in the dark ages in that regard, in some ways. Although it looks like the US might be taking steps backward now as conservatives try to force Americans to live according to their own religious ideologies. One thing I do appreciate about the Swiss system is that, unlike the US, it isn't limited to only two parties, which I think easily generates so much polarization and division, as we've seen in the US, where people are basically forced to choose between left or right. And as long as two opposing parties remain in power in the US, I think division will increasingly become a byproduct of that. It's also been forcing polarized thinking among voters and politicians, and in psychology, polarized thinking is considered a cognitive defect. (Apologies for any typos, as I'm typing this on my phone and don't see a means of previewing my post before I submit it).

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH



Vielen Dank für Ihren spannenden und vielseitigen Beitrag. Wie erleben Sie denn die Nähe von Kirche und Staat in der Schweiz?

Mit der Frage der Polarisierung haben wir uns auch intensiv auseinandergesetzt: https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/demokratie/trump-biden-und-der-hass-wie-us-amerikanerinnen-in-der-schweiz-die-polarisierung-erleben/83968569



If you do not consider the US to be a democracy because, in the final step of the process, it is "electors" that pick the president (the executive branch of government), then Switzerland is not a democracy either! The executive branch in Switzerland is the Federal Counsel, and its members are elected by the National Counsel ("Congress") and not by popular vote! Both systems are designed this way on purpose so that the big citiy-population centers (which usually vote more liberal) are not constantly outvoted by the less densely populated rural areas (which usually vote more conservative).
Just sayi'n!



Vedo qui sotto quasi solo deplorevoli commenti in disprezzo anti USA (!) dovuti alla subcultura "woke". Dimenticano bellamente che furono gli USA a ispirare la rivoluzione francese e la carta dei diritti dell'uomo! La Svizzera poi si è dotata di una costituzione liberale confederale ispirata al modello USA. Dimenticano pure l'enorme contributo alla modernità dovuto alle innumerevoli invenzioni americane, luce elettrica compresa. Si sa che purtroppo la gratitudine prima o poi la si sputa fuori, e l'Europa oggi crede addirittura di essersi liberta da sola durante le due guerre mondiali! Purtroppo l'ignoranza e la cultura woke oggi dilagano senza più limiti.


以下のコメントは、"woke "カルチャーとは関係なく、現実への言及に過ぎないと思う。本質的に真実でないことは書かれていない。しかし、あなたのように、現実を受け入れたくないという理由だけで、何かを「目覚めた」とレッテルを貼る人がいることも知っている。それでも、もし過去に "woke culture "がなかったら、私たちはまだ白人を奴隷にし、児童労働を強制し、女性に選挙権を与えていなかっただろう。目隠しをするくらいなら、"woke "というレッテルを貼られた方がマシだ。

I think the comments below have nothing to do with "woke" culture but are just references to reality. There was nothing written that isn't essentially true. But I know some people such as yourself are very quick to label something as "woke" simply because you don't want to accept the reality of it. And yet if it wasn't for "woke culture" in the past, we'd still be enslaving white people, forcing child labor and not allowing women to vote. I'd rather be labeled as "woke" than to wear a blindfold.



Oops, that was obviously a typo. I meant "enslaving black people" in my other comment.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH





Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag - unabhängig davon, was die Ursachen für die vielen Kommentare kritisch gegenüber den USA sind, hat die Schweiz tatsächlich einiges von den USA mitgenommen.


Besonders faszinierend finde ich die US-Rolle in der Geschichte von Genf:


Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH


SWI swissinfo.chは常に植民地主義の激変を取り上げてきた。https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/kultur/handlanger-des-amerikanischen-ethnozids/46767796


Ich stimme Ihnen zu, dass viele Kommentare einfach Realitäten benannt haben. Die Frage, die sich gleichwohl stellt: Was ist die Motivation dazu, diese Realitäten hier zu erzählen?

SWI swissinfo.ch hat die Verwerfungen des Kolonialismus immer auch thematisiert: https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/kultur/handlanger-des-amerikanischen-ethnozids/46767796

Kommentare im Stil von "Die Länder können nichts voneinander lernen, weil ..." sind ja beinahe off-topic. Wenn die Frage ist, WAS die Länder von einander lernen könnten.


アメリカの問題が取り上げられると腹が立つだろうが、それは非常に現実的なことだ。たとえ、非常に反応が早く、創造性と個人事業を奨励する国でもある。そこで暮らし、政治システムに関心を持った私たちは、政治家に渡す金を通じて政策の方向性を決めているのは、実際には大企業と大金持ちなのだと結論づけるしかない。隔離は現実であり、人々に具体的な結果をもたらす。最高裁が行政府の行動に介入し、指図するのは、民主主義体制としては非常に奇妙なことだ。 私たちがあなたの見解をよりよく理解できるように、あなたがこれを酩酊状態だと考える理由を説明してください。ありがとうございました。

Vous vous fâchez lorsque les problèmes des Etats-Unis sont mentionnés, cependant ils sont bien réels même si c'est aussi un pays qui réagit très vite, qui favorise la créativité et l'entreprise individuelle. Pour y avoir habité et m'être intéressée au système politique, on ne peut que constater qu'effectivement ce sont plus les grandes entreprises et les gens très fortunés qui décident des orientations par le biais de l'argent qu'ils distribuent aux politiciens. La ségrégation est réelle et a des conséquences concrétes pour les gens. La cour suprême s'immisce et dicte les actions de l'exécutif, ce qui parait tout de même très étrange pour un systéme démocratique. Expliquez-nous pourquoi vous assimilez cela à de l'intoxication woke afin que nous puissions mieux comprendre votre point de vue. Merci

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SWI swissinfo.ch スイス公共放送協会の国際部