
I am interested to know how much each note costs in production, and how much the same note costs in letting it rest after good use?

新紙幣1枚の製造コスト(開発、紙、印刷を含む)は、1枚あたり平均約40セントです。銀行券の寿命が尽きるときに何が起こるかについてもっと知りたい方は、最新のビデオをご覧ください: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv538GCzywo
The cost of producing one of the new series banknotes (including its development, the paper, and printing) averages around 40 cts per piece. If you want to find out more about what happens at the end of a banknote's life check out our latest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv538GCzywo

☝🏽😏Eu gostaria de saber se não seria um erro acabar com o dinheiro físico,visto que a tecnologia(sistema eletrônico) não pode está toda hora e em todos os lugares em nosso cotidiano,hein?

What about bank notes made out of plastic? Water proof? I believe it was Australia or New Zealand to introduce them. I believe Canada has them too.

The choice of material for the banknotes is indeed a crucial point in their durability, thanks for the question!

Why should plastic be even an option when we are trying to minimize the damage to the environment in the attempt to reduce climate change?

Once upon a time I bought a 1000 Sfr bank note from a money changer in Amman, Jordan. I was surprised that he had a whole bundle of them, at least a hundred... Just lying around...

MMM.... unfortunately Swiss bank notes never remain very long with me, therefore I cannot contribute really to this discussion...