いつも良い強さ いつもありがとう nunomiguelribeiroabrantes@gmail.com ヌノ・ミゲル・リベイロ・アブランテス SWCHEIZ
Imer Gut Kraft Vilen Danke fur alles nunomiguelribeiroabrantes@gmail.com Nuno Miguel Ribeiro Abrantes SWCHEIZ
私の住宅ローンは更新されることになり、UBSはすでに私に、以前のような魅力的な条件は提示できないと連絡してきた。 その後、私は市場に出て、UBS/クレディ・スイスの半分のコストで住宅ローンを確保することができました。
この巨大企業は、市場をより高いコストと手数料に押しやろうとしているように感じられる。 つまり、独占企業のように振る舞おうとしているのだ。 消費者を守るためには、この銀行には厳しい監視が必要だ。
My mortgage is being renewed and UBS already contacted me to say that they will not be able to offer me attractive terms as before. I then went onto the market and was able to secure a mortgage at HALF the cost of UBS/Credit Suisse.
It feels as though the giant is trying to push the market towards higher costs and charges. In other words it tries to behave like a monopoly. The bank needs some heavy oversight if consumers are to be protected.
La credibilidad y presencia a nivel mundial, de los bancos suizos, era muy reconocida. Con la quiebra financiera de Credit Suisse, se revirtió esa imagen de solidez y seguridad financiera, de dichos bancos en Suiza, y a nivel mundial. Se vuelve mas frágil el banco UBS, con la adquisición de Credit Sisse, en caso de mayor inestabilidad financiera a nivel mundial. Y eso es un riesgo latente y actual de estos tiempos. Se entiende que se trato de reestructurar dicha institución financiera, antes de dicha adquisición del banco.
Cabe preguntarse, entonces, que estaban haciendo y donde estaban las instituciones de supervisión y reguladoras de bancos de suiza, y porque no actuaron antes?
Die riesige UBS bietet beides, mehr Risiko und mehr Chancen.
Hohe Löhne sind in dieser Branche sind üblich. Die Person sollte aber mit Privatvermögen haftbar sein, wenn die Geschäfte schief laufen.
UBS in it's current set up is clearly too big of a bank for country of 8 million people. There are examples available of what happens when a completely oversized bank collapses.
Switzerland would have to call upon the EU to jump in and rescue. It's pretty clear what consequences this kind of a move would have. The EU membership for Switzerland would clearly be mandatory.
We will see where this is going to go. But it's clearly unresolved at this point in time.
その対価として、支払期日には低水準(5~ 10%)で課税される可能性もある。
I think that 50% of the bonuses of the decision makers of UBS should be held for 10 years in an escrow account, in UBS shares before paid out.
In compensation, they could be taxed at at low level (5-10%) at the paid out date.
This would oblige UBS decision making process to work out a modus operandi from within
Thanks for your contribution. The Swiss government is already making plans give the financial regulator greater powers to hold managers accountable. This is an issue for parliament to debate in the coming months. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/banking-fintech/how-to-tame-ubs-without-making-the-bank-toothless/75541822
Some Governments, like the UK, bail out failing banks (but do not get paid back when times are good again). The CH Gov allowed Credit Suisse to fail. Why? Putting all of your eggs in one basket is a recipe for disaster. UBS is now huge. What happens if it fails?
Lynx さん、ご協力いただきありがとうございます。UBSの「モンスター」論争は、今スイスで話題になっています。中央銀行は政府の支援を受けて、緊急流動性でクレディ・スイスを救おうとしましたが、失敗しました。「秩序ある」破産を可能にする措置も講じられたが、政府はその計画を完全に信頼していなかったようだ。UBSの場合、これはまさに「もしも」という疑問の種になる。
Thanks for your contribution Lynx. The 'Monster' UBS debate is a hot topic for Switzerland right now. The central bank, with the backing of the government, tried to rescue Credit Suisse with emergency liquidity - but failed. Measures were also in place to allow an 'orderly' bankruptcy but the government appears not to have fully trusted the plan. This does indeed beg the "what if" question in the case of UBS.
En mi opinion,llamaria a una iniciativa popular para que el estado Suizo adquiera el 51% de las acciones del Banco.De esa manera podría controlar lo que hace el UBS.
That's an interesting point Daniel. Citizens in Switzerland always have the chance to step in to resolve a situation if they don't agree with the decisions of politicians. At the moment, the political landscape is divided on what to do with Too Big to Fail banks. A future public vote on the matter could never be ruled out.
ボーナスを取り戻すこと、さらには懲役刑に処せられる可能性も法律で定められなければなりません。この恐怖そのものが 99% の問題を解決します。
Ministry did total immature and wrong decision in killing Credit Suiess completely. Thats why educated and unbiased ministers should be put in ministry and not people just surface knowledge.
Reclaiming back bonus and possibility of even punishing them with jail terms must be in law. This fear itself will solve 99% problems
大きければ大きいほど、落下したときの音も大きくなります :-)
Ganz Einfach:
Cuanto más grandes, más ruido hacen al caer :-)
We have seen worldwide, not only in Switzerland, that large banks took large risks (for large bonuses?). Consequently it might be safer for all to have many smaller banks rather than fewer large ones.
UBS銀行はスイスで数千人を雇用している。 しかし、スイス国民の50%を雇用しているわけではない。そのため、報酬はUBSの従業員と太っ腹なマネージャーたちだけのものだ。しかし、そのリスクはほとんどのスイス人、特にUBSに口座を持ち、投資をしている人々が共有している。私は個人的にはUBSから手を引くつもりだ。
The UBS bank employs thousands of people in Switzerland. But it does not employ 50% of swiss people. So the rewards are just for these UBS employee and fat-cats managers. The risk is however, shared by most Swiss people, especially those who hold accounts in UBS and investments. I personally would divest from UBS.
システミックリスクは大きいが、緩和措置が講じられている限り、スイスにとってはうまくいくだろう。 おそらく政府は取締役会に席を置く必要があるだろう
Systemic risk is great but as long as mitigations are in place then net net it's probably going to work out well for Switzerland. Probably the government needs a seat on the board
私はむしろ、より大きなリスクと言いたい。 過去の銀行不祥事を見れば、より大きなリスクを背負ったのはたいてい大きな銀行であり、単に貪欲さ(とボーナス?)小規模の銀行でも、顧客が通常必要とする業務に関しては、同じように効率的である。
I would rlather say more risk. If we look at past banking scandals it was usually the larger banks who took on larger risks, simply out of greed (and bonuses?). Smaller banks can be equally efficient for the tasks that customers usually need.
UBSの規模は、ガーナでのカカオ生産を皮切りに、総合農法への投資のロールモデルとなることを可能にする。これは、Savimbo.comの生物多様性クレジットへの関心を高める強力なアプローチとなるだろう。 シントロピック農法は、土壌の炭素隔離を飛躍的に増加させ、土壌の再生を改善し、病害の圧力を下げ、すべての作物生産を最適化する。
The size of UBS permits the bank to become a role model for investments in syntropic farming...beginning with Cacao production in Ghana. This would be a robust approach to strengthening interest in the biodiversity credits of Savimbo.com Syntropic farming exponentially increases soil carbon sequestration...improves soil regeneration, lowers disease pressure..optimizes all crop prodiction..and is 100% swiss
Large banks, and not just in Switzerland, are already much too powerful.