最後に、あなたは、"プーチン政権が残忍な戦争を繰り広げているロシアだけで、... "と書いています。ロシアだけが勝手に残虐な戦争をしていて、NATOの1000億ドルの兵器は残虐な戦争をしていないと、本当に思っているのでしょうか?
Dear Bruno Kaufmann,
Reporting on social policies may be very noble and rewarding. However, Information ought to be pure information, without propagating personal opinions.
You write: "public protests against the totalitarian regime of President Xi Jinping ", as you know, "totalitarian" decisions were made by many Western countries, to stop similar protests against COVID19 measures.
Would you describe the leaders of France and Canada as "totalitarian"?
All governments rule with a certain degree of authority, and it is debatable how much authority a government should impose on its citizens, but is it right for us to label some specific countries as "authoritarian"?
You report: "...In other authoritarian states, too, especially in Iran, but also in Turkey or Hungary,..."
Finally, You write, "Only in Russia, where the Putin regime has been waging a brutal war..." Do you really believe that it is only Russia doing a brutal war all by itself, but the $100 billion of NATO's weapons are not doing any brutal war?
Merry Christmas to you, and hope for more impartial reporting next year.
C.U. in Mexico.
انا أرى انه من الضروري ان تُعتمد هذه الممارسة الديمقراطية بشكل واسع في كل بلدان العالم، واتمنى أن تجد طريقها الى موطني العراق،
هنا في العراق حيث يتم نهب وسرقة المليارات من الدولارات بشكل علني بسبب عدم وجود الشفافية ونتيجة لانتشار الفساد المالي والاداري، سيكون من المفيد مشاركة الشعب العراقي بشان إقرار الموازنات العامة.
La Democrazia è partecipazione. Partecipazione informata e consapevole è il fondamento sui cui si regge la democrazia, quella vera, non di facciata.
Hay que tener fundamentalmente en cuenta, que el dinero que manejan las personas que eventualmente ocupan el gobierno, es del Estado y mayoritariamente, se recauda por impuestos o por administración de recursos públicos, o sea en definitiva, son recursos aportados y/o de todos los habitantes de la Nación quienes confían, en quienes conducen los destinos económicos de su país, para su administración en busca de un fin común que se puede resumir en el bienestar general (cuyo concepto es muy amplio). Por lo tanto considero absolutamente razonable que quienes eligieron personas y delegaron un determinado poder de administración de sus propios recursos e impuestos puedan participar en las decisiones sobre los recursos administrados y que las consultas sobre el destino de esos recursos sean vinculantes para los gobernantes.
É molto importante la partecipazione della Popolazione locale , a livello di investimento economico nelle regioni , in tutti i suoi differenti ambiti sociali . L' educazione , l' assistenza sociale per le malattie e l' internamento negli Ospedali , il pensionamento e tanti altri motivi , dovrebbero essere normalmente discussi per dopo essere approvati da un consiglio che si riportasse direttamente al governatore della Regione.
Si lo estoy y es muy útil para aumentar la participación de las y los vecinos. Hemos tomado la experiencia de Porto Alegre desde 1995 en Montevideo la capital de Uruguay y luego se han realizado en este tiempo otras en todo el país. Es una pena que no haya más información. Tenemos mucha bibliografía y en la actualidad la seguimos practicando. Vale la pena continuar en ella profundizando el estudio en sus pro y contras. Ahora como ciudadana uruguayo-suiza entiendo que nos debemos de informar más e intercambiar. Recién he descubierto este grupo. Saludos desde Nueva Helvecia-Colonia Suiza en el Departamento de Colonia en la República Oriental del Uruguay
私たちには、NationalratとKantonsratという形で、国民の代表がいます。 もし、このような財政的な決定を彼らに任せず、一定の財政的な基準を超えるすべてのプロジェクトについて投票を主張するならば、国の運営に大きな支障が生じることになるでしょう。
もし大きな支出(悪名高い戦闘機購入のような)があれば、反対意見に対処するための国民投票の仕組みがすでにあるのです。 他に何が必要なのでしょうか? カントナールやゲマインデの支出を「承認」するアプリ?さあ、どうでしょう。
We have people's representation in the form of Nationalrat and Kantonsrat. If we do not trust them with these financial decisions, and insist on voting on every project which exceeds a certain financial threshold, then we will have major gridlock in our running of the country.
If there is a major spend (like the infamous Fighter Jets purchase), we already have the Referendum mechanism to deal with dissent. What else do you want? An app to press "approve" for any Kantonal or Gemeinde spend? Come on.
要するに "イエス"
In short "yes"
or at least some more information about where money is going/being spent.
It is 2022... the Swiss government is pushing Digitalisation and as far as I'm concerned here and in my homeland... companies do not use digital enough as it is... so why push it?
If you want Digitalisation then that means everything...not that I totally agree with it.
Why did Migros Bank send me a paper copy (no thrown away) about new terms and conditions ??? When this could have saved a tree and I could have agreed to it on line anyway????? So companies are not digitalised enough now...
Sie schreiben: "Wenn wir (...) darauf bestehen, über jedes Projekt abzustimmen, das eine bestimmte finanzielle Schwelle überschreitet, dann werden wir einen großen Stillstand in der Verwaltung des Landes haben." Aber genau diesen Mechanismus sieht das bestehende Finanzreferendum ja genau vor - in unterschiedlichen Ausgestaltungen in den verschiedenen Kantonen. Und die Forschung zeigt: Je mehr die Menschen in Finanzfragen mitentscheiden können, desto effizienter läuft das Geschäft, sinkt die Steuerhinterziehung und wächst das Glück. Gar nicht so übel.
そう、人々に力を。もし私が道路や住宅に口を出すことができたらと想像してください。例えば、一方通行の道路を逆走する自転車専用レーンにはお金をかけないとか。サイクリストからのお金 - 道路税、小型車と同じレベルに設定されています。住宅 - 単身赴任者向けの都心の安い政府所有物件を増やす。電子自動車 - 貧しい人が買えるように補助金を出す。
Yes - power to the people. Imagine if I had a say in roads and housing. For example, no money for cycle lanes going the wrong way down one way streets. Money from cyclists - road tax, set at the same level as a small car. Housing - more, cheap, Government owned city center properties for single workers. e-cars - grants to help the poor to buy one.
Living in the city by yourself is always more expensive than sharing the apartment, no matter where you look.
In my home land I must receive a report, yearly, from those companies I have Shares with and it is supposedly 'law'. Yet my home land government doesn't send me anything 'willing' Why is this?
So I for one as much as I don't know.. think Citizens SHOULD be at the basic level involved in Budgets and what the money is for.
How can the USA get away with spending millions on invading other lands without citizens approving this by voting individually rather than electing a Party that does that for them!! This is known as Outsourcing One's Vote.