Швейцарські перспективи 10 мовами

Igor Petrov

Expertise: Swiss history, politics and foreign policy of Switzerland, Germany and Russia, international diplomacy, business, Russian-Swiss political and cultural relations. Initials: IP

Born 1969, originally from Moscow. After two years in the army, studied history and sociology at the history faculty of Moscow University, then wrote a doctoral thesis in history there on the topic of German foreign policy under Gustav Stresemann. Worked as a diplomat for almost 11 years in Germany and Switzerland, and as a translator, interpreter and published writer. Speaks German and English. Has been head of the Russian section of SWI Swissinfo since 2012.

swissinfo.ch - підрозділ Швейцарської національної теле- і радіокомпанії SRG SSR

swissinfo.ch - підрозділ Швейцарської національної теле- і радіокомпанії SRG SSR