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Over a third of Swiss seniors suffer from loneliness as volunteer shortage worsens

Loneliness affects many seniors, lack of volunteers
Loneliness affects many seniors, lack of volunteers Keystone-SDA

More than a third (37%) of people aged 85 and over in Switzerland suffer from loneliness - around 90,000 seniors, according to Pro Senectute’s Observatoire vieillesse. Loss of mobility is often accompanied by a shrinking social network.

“Loneliness has serious health consequences and significantly reduces life expectancy,” Pro Senectute warned in a press release on Sunday.

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The survey shows that those aged 85 and over are significantly more affected by loneliness than younger seniors. Among those aged 65-74, the proportion is around 24%, while it’s just over 25% among those aged 75-84.

“Older people often have to cope with the death of loved ones, leading to a shrinking social network. They also face more health problems,” explains Alexander Widmer, member of the Board of Directors of Pro Senectute Switzerland.

“However, loneliness should not be confused with being alone,” says the organisation. Being alone is not necessarily a source of suffering.

Nonetheless, loneliness is a risk: “Older people who feel lonely not only have a shorter life expectancy, but also suffer more frequently from high blood pressure and depression. They are less active, more stressed, and more often suffer from dementia,” says Widmer.

Switzerland faces a shortage of volunteers for the elderly

Pro Senectute faces the challenge of reaching those affected. It’s not easy for them to talk about it and ask for help. The organisation encourages them to turn to specialist organisations, as well as to family members, friends, and neighbours.

Pro Senectute encourages senior citizens to make use of its daily assistance and home visit services. To achieve this, the foundation also relies on the support of volunteers. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find volunteers. “We invite interested individuals to come forward and make a difference,” says Widmer.

Translated from French by DeepL/sp

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