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Reporting platform launched for child abuse content

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The new platform also offers anonymous consultations to help prevent pedophile crime. © Keystone

People in Switzerland will now be able to anonymously report child abuse content found on the Internet, the initiators said on Sunday.

The online reporting service will be operational from Monday, according to a press release from the Child Protection Switzerland and Guido Fluri foundations. The new service also offers advice and prevention.

While the number of abuse images on the Internet is increasing, very few cases have been prosecuted by direct reporting, they said. is intended to fill this gap.

The platform will allow parents, teachers, specialists and even children and adolescents to report cases of abuse. “This is a necessary act of civil courage,” said Fluri, founder of the NGO that bears his name.

Reports will then be forwarded to the Federal Office of Police. If criminally objectionable content is found, the Internet service providers will be alerted and asked to remove and block it.

The platform’s creators will also offer free consultations with professionals to help prevent paedophiles from committing crimes. Free and anonymous, these can be done by phone, chat or via a contact form, say the two foundations.

“It is still taboo to admit that sexual violence is widespread in our society,” said Yvonne Feri of Child Protection Switzerland in the press release. “This is why it is important to talk about it.”

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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR